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총 60,478건 중 58,161 - 58,180건 출력
  • 58161
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    The late victorious proceedings of Sir Thomas Fairfax against the enemy in the west. The Lord Hopton routed, dispersed and fled; seven peece of ordnance taken, and many prisoners. The earle of Berkeshire, the Lord Culpeper, the Lord Capell, Sir Edward Hide, Sir Thomas Fanshaw, and divers fled to the sea, and shipped with the Prince. A ship with the
  • 58162
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    The lavves and statutes of God, concerning the punishment to be inflicted upon wilfull murderers. With some briefe annotations by way of explanation upon the same. Shewing (unto all those that are ignorant of it) that the (under God) most high and supream courts of magistracie and iudicature, the Parliaments of England, and Scotland, may lawfully,
  • 58163
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    The legend of Brita-mart: or A paraphrase upon our provisionall British discipline Inditing it of many severall distempers, and prescribing to the cure. Presented dialogue-wise, betvven Mickle-Worth the patriot, Peny-Wise the worldling, and Mille-Toyle the souldier. The scene being Grayes-Inne Walkes. The author G.T.
  • 58164
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    The letter from the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the commissioners of both houses, concerning His Maiesties coming to the Scotish Army. Dated at Southwel the fifth of May. 1646..
  • 58165
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    The letter from the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the commissioners of both houses, concerning His Majesties coming to the Scotish Army Dated at Southwel the fifth of May. 1646.
  • 58166
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    The letter from the commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland, to the commissioners of both houses, concerning His Majesties coming to the Scotish Army. / Dated at Southwel the fifth of May. 1646.
  • 58167
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    The life and death of the right honourable, Robert, Earle of Essex, the noble branch of his thrice noble father.
  • 58168
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    The life and death, of the illustrious Robert Earle of Essex, &c. Containing at large the wars he managed, and the commands he had in Holland, the Palatinate, and in England. Together with some wonderfull observations both of himselfe, and his predecessors, and many most remarkable passages from his infancie, unto the day of his death. / By Robert
  • 58169
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    The love and faithfulnes of the Scottish nation the excellency of the covenant, the vnion between England and Scotland, cleared, by collections, from the [brace] declarations of Parliament, and, speeches of severall Independent brethren. By Theophilos.
  • 58170
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    A Letter concerning the present troubles in England: Written from London the 22. of Ianuary 1644. to a minister of one of the reformed churches in France. Wherein, is clearly set downe who are the authours of them, and whereto the innovations both in church and state there do tend. ; Faithfully translated out of the French.
  • 58171
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    A Letter from an Independent to his honoured friend, a Presbyterian in London
  • 58172
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    A ladies legacie to her davghters. In three books. Composed of prayers and meditations, fitted for severall times, and upon severall occasions. As also several prayers for each day in the weeke. / By Madam Elizabeth Richardson, wife to the late Sir Thomas Richardson knight, Lord Chiefe Justice of the Kings Bench.
  • 58173
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    A letter concerning the storming and delivering up of the castle of the Devises unto Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, for the service of the King and Parliament. Sent to Mr. Samuel Bedford, Scout-master Generall to the Committee of Both Kingdoms. Read in the House of Commons, and commanded to be printed, by William Lenthall Esq; Speaker to the said Ho
  • 58174
    Book Info
    A letter concerning the storming and delivering up of the castle of the Devises unto Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, for the service of the King and Parliament. Sent to Mr. Samuel Bedford, Scout-master Generall to the Committee of Both Kingdoms. Read in the House of Commons, and commanded to be printed, by William Lenthall Esq; Speaker to the said House.
  • 58175
    Book Info
    A letter concerning the storming and delivering up of the castle of the Devises unto Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, for the the service of the king and Parliament. / Sent to Mr. Samuel Bedford, scout-master generall to the committee of both kingdoms. ; Read in the House of Commons, and commanded to be printed, by William Lenthall Esq; speaker to the said house.
  • 58176
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    A letter from Captaine Richard Svvanley to the Right Honourable the Earl of Warwick being a full relation of the taking of the towne and castle of Cardigan in Wales, by Major Generall Laugharne with above an hundred commanders and common souldiers and all the arms and
  • 58177
    Book Info
    A letter from Captaine Richard Svvanley, to the Right Honourable, the Earl of Warwick. Being a full relation of the taking of the towne and castle of Cardigan in Wales, by Major Generall Laugharne, with above an hundred commanders and common souldiers, and all the arms and ammunition therein. Also the taking of the Irish commissioners at sea (that
  • 58178
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    A letter from Collonell Bridges governer of Warwick Castle to a freind [sic] of his in London, dated the 20 of Aprill 1645. Wherein is sett forth a great victory obtained by the said collonell against Prince Maurice his armie on the 17 of this instant Aprill.
  • 58179
    Book Info
    A letter from Collonell Bridges governer of Warwick-Castle to a freind of his in London, dated the 20 of Aprill 1645. Wherein is sett forth a great victory obtained by the said collonell against Prince Maurice his armie on the 17 of this instant Aprill.
  • 58180
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    A letter from Colonell Generall Poynts, to the Honourable William Lenthall Speaker of the House of Commons: concerning Sir Tho. Glenham, Colonell Gerard, [brace] and [brace] Sir Marmaduke Langdale, in the last fight neere Chester. With a perfect narration of Colonell Parsons of the said proceedings: and the number of horse and men taken in the purs