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총 60,478건 중 58,181 - 58,200건 출력
  • 58181
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    A letter from Serjeant Major Purefoy governour of Compton-House in VVarwickshire, to his colonell Colonell Purefoy a member of the Honourable House of Commons. VVherein is related the good successe it pleased God to give unto that garrison against the enemy, that came with a great strength to have surprized it. With a list of the persons slaine and
  • 58182
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    A letter from a Person of honour reconciling the dissenting brethren, commonly called Independents, and the Presbyterians, in matter of judgement about the setling of the church sent to an eminent divine of the assembly.
  • 58183
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    A letter from the Earl of Essex to His Highnesse Prince Rupert concerning the putting to death of souldiers come out of Ireland taken prisoners : with His Highnesse answer thereunto.
  • 58184
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    A letter sent from Major-generall Brown, to His Excellency the Earle of Essex. Containing, a true relation of a great victory obtained against the Kings forces neere Abingdon, upon Saturday last, Janu. 11. 1644. Where Sir Henry Gage governour of Oxford, and divers others, of note and quality, were slaine. Januar. 14. 1644. It is his Excellencies pl
  • 58185
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    A letter sent to the Honorable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, concerning the miraculous taking of Tiverton-Castle with the church
  • 58186
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    A letter sent to the Honorable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, concerning the miraculous taking of Tiverton-Castle with the church
  • 58187
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    A letter sent to the Honorable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, concerning the miraculous taking of Tiverton-Castle with the church.
  • 58188
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    A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons: concerning the routing of Col: Gorings army neer Bridgewater. With a list of the names of the officers that were taken prisoners at Langport. / By a worthy gentleman in Sir Tho: Fairfax his army. Published by authority.
  • 58189
    Book Info
    A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons: concerning the routing of Col: Gorings army neer Bridgewater. With a list of the names of the officers that were taken prisoners at Langport. By a worthy gentleman in Sir Tho: Fairfax his army. Published by authority.
  • 58190
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    A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons: concerning the raising of the siege of Taunton by the Parliaments forces. / By a worthy gentleman in Sir Thomas Fairfax his army. Ordered that the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsyn
  • 58191
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    A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker to the Honourable House of Commons: concerning the raising of the siege of Taunton by the Parliaments forces. By a worthy gentleman in Sir Thomas Fairfax his army. Ordered that the Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge
  • 58192
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    A letter sent to the Right Honourable the Lord Digby, from Sir Barnabas Scudamore Governor of Hereford, concerning the late siedge of the citty of Hereford.
  • 58193
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    A letter to a freind [sic] shewing the illegall proceedings of the two houses of Parliament and observing God's aversenesse to their actions, which caused the authours returne to the king and his alleagiance.
  • 58194
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    A letter to a friend. Shewing, the illegall proceedings of the two houses of Parliament and observing God's aversenesse to their actions. Which caused the authours returne to the king and his alleagiance.
  • 58195
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    A letter, in which the arguments of the Annotator, and three other speeches vpon their Majesties letters published at London, are examined and answered.
  • 58196
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    A letter, in which the argvments of the Annotator, and three other speeches vpon their Majestie's letters published at London, are examined and answered
  • 58197
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    A light from Christ leading unto Christ, by the star of his word or, A divine directory for selfe-examination and preparation for the Lords Supper, to receive a sweete soule-refreshing in that holy ordinance. Profitable also for parents to prepare their children; or, a master his family for that holy sacrament. Holding forth a briefe sum or chiefe
  • 58198
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    A list of such of the Navy Royall, as also of the merchants ships as are set forth to sea for this summers expedition 1645. in the service of the King and Parliament together with their names, captains, burthens, number of men, and ordnance in every ship.
  • 58199
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    A looking glasse for the Anabaptists and the rest of the separatists: wherein they may clearly behold a brief confutation of a certain un-licensed, scandelous pamphlet, intituled, The remonstrance of the Anabaptists, by way of vindication of their separation. The impertinancies, incongruities, non-consequences, falsities, and obstinacy of William K
  • 58200
    Book Info
    A looking glasse for the Oxford juncto, and all others that have advised to, or are promoters and fomenters of our present, unnaturall, bloody, and destructive dissentions. Being a most serious and seasonable exhortation both to the king and subjects, yet at last to imbrace and preserve peace, and abandon civill wars, after so much wofull experienc