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총 60,478건 중 58,281 - 58,300건 출력
  • 58281
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    The last answer February 22. of the London and Scots Commissioners to His Maiesties Commissioners at Uxbridge; with His Maiesties said commissioners last reply, being a summary of the whole treaty.
  • 58282
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    The last speeches and confession of Captain Iohn Cade and John Mils Constable: who were hanged at VVeymouth, for endeavouring to betray that garrison to the enemie, with all the severall examinations of the plotters, and the sentences denounced against them and others of the said conspiracie. By W. Sydenham, Col. Governour of Waymouth, and Captain
  • 58283
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    The last speeches and confession of the Lord Maguire: the Irish rebell, that was hanged at Tyburne, and drawne, and quartered on Thursday last, the 20th. of February, 1644. With all the questions that were put to him, and his severall answers. And the coppies of those letters, and other papers which he then had in his hands and made use of, that we
  • 58284
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    The last vvill and testament of P. Rupert, vvherein hee disposeth of all his estate here in England, and maketh Sir Thomas Fairfax executor, and Lievetenant [sic] Generall Crumwell, Major Generall Browne, and Colonell Massey overseers of the same will.
  • 58285
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    The late proceedings of the Scottish army: as also the taking of Cannon Froome. Certified by an expresse from his Excellencies quarters the Earle of Leven, Lord Generall. Dated at Ludbury the 23. of Iuly 1645. Together with other letters from the Kings quarters to the generall and lieutenant-generall, and answers thereunto. Published by authority.
  • 58286
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    The lawes against vvitches, and conivration And some brief notes and observations for the discovery of witches. Being very usefull for these times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the soules of poore creatures, in drawing them to that crying sin of witch-craft. Also, the confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned fo
  • 58287
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    The lawes against vvitches, and conivration. And some brief notes and observations for the discovery of witches. Being very usefull for these times, wherein the Devil reignes and prevailes over the soules of poore creatures, in drawing them to that crying sin of witch-craft. Also, the confession of Mother Lakeland, who was arraigned and condemned f
  • 58288
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    The lawfulnesse of infants baptisme. Or, An answer to Thomas Lamb his eight arguments, entituled, The unlawfulnesse of infants baptisme. And may serve also to the false minors, and old out-worne arguments in the late book of C. Paul Hobson, till a more particuler and compleat answer come forth to anatomise the fallasies of the said book, entituled,
  • 58289
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    The liberties and customes of the miners, with extracts from the bundles of the exchequer and inqusitions, taken in the reign of King Edward the First, and continued ever since, under the most favourable Kings and Queenes of this Kingdome of England.
  • 58290
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    The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie ... with a preface containing a short sum of the history of that time.
  • 58291
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    The life and death of David. A sermon preached at the funeralls of that worthy member of the Honourable House of Commons, William Strode Esquire, in the Abbey Church in Westminster, Septemb. 220. 1645. / By Gaspar Hickes, a member of the Assembly of Divines.
  • 58292
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    The life and death of Dr Martin Luther the passages whereof haue bin taken out of his owne and other godly and most learned, mens writings, who liued in his time.
  • 58293
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    The life and death of VVilliam Lawd, late Archbishop of Canterburie beheaded on Tower-Hill, Friday the 10 of January, 1644 ... / by E. W. ...
  • 58294
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    The life and death of VVilliam Lawd, late Archbishop of Canterburie: beheaded on Tower-Hill, Friday the 10. of January. 1644. I. Here is a brief narration of his doings all his life long faithfully given-out, first, that his sayings at his death may not be a snare to the perdition of souls. II. His doings and sayings being compared and weighed toge
  • 58295
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    The looking-glasse for malignants, enlarged. Or, The second part of Gods hand against God-haters. Containing a most true and terrible augmentation and continuation of Gods immediately evident and eminent personall judgements fearfully inflicted on malevolent malignants, and unreasonable resisters of the most glorious worke of reformation, and of al
  • 58296
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    The loyall convert With the nevv distemper. By F.Q.
  • 58297
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    The loyall convert with the nevv distemper / by F.Q.
  • 58298
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    The loyall subiect's retiring-roome, opened in a sermon at St Maries, on the 13th day of Iuly, (being Act-Sunday) in the after-noone. A.D. 1645, before the Honourable members of both Houses of Parliament, assembled in Oxford. / By R, H. M, A. [sic].
  • 58299
    Book Info
    The lyar confounded, or A briefe refutation of John Lilburnes miserably-mistated-case, mistaken-law; seditious calumnies, and most malicious lyes against the High Court of Parliament, the Honourable Committee of Examinations, Mr Speaker, with other members of the Commons House; and Mr William Prynne; wherewith he hath seduced many ignorant overcred
  • 58300
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    A Letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament concerning the great victory it hath pleased God to give them over the forces under the command of Prince Rupert and the Marquesse of Newcastle, at Marstam-moor, neer York, July the second, 1644 : signed thus : Leven, Lindsey, F. Fairfax, Tho. H