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총 60,478건 중 58,301 - 58,320건 출력
  • 58301
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    A Letter, being a full relation of the siege of Banbury Castle by that valiant and faithfull commander Colonell Whetham, governour of Northampton, now commander in chiefe in that service with their particular proceeding from the beginning, and how they have taken the church, planted their ordinance, and are battering the castle continually : as als
  • 58302
    Book Info
    A Letter: being a full relation of the siege of Banbury Castle by that valiant and faithfull commander, Colonell Whetham governour of Northampton, now commander in chiefe in that service. With their particular proceeding from the beginning, and how they have taken the church, planted their ordnance, and are battering the castle continually. As also
  • 58303
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    A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine concerning the present condition of the Church of England in which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken of ...
  • 58304
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    A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine, concerning the present condition of the Church of England. In which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken of. 1 The sinne and danger of delaying reformation. 2 That there is a certain form of church-government jure divino. 3 That there was an ecclesiasticall excommunication
  • 58305
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    A learned and full ansvver to a treatise intituled; The vanity of childish baptisme. Wherein the severall arguments brought to overthrow the lawfulnesse of infants baptisme, together with the answers to those arguments maintaining its lawfulnesse, are duly examined. As also the question concerning the necessitie of dipping in baptisme is fully disc
  • 58306
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    A learned and full ansvver to a treatise intitvled, The vanity of childish baptisme wherein the severall arguments brought to overthrow the lawfulnesse of infant baptisme, together with the answers to those arguments maintaining its lawfulnesse are duly examined : as also the question concerning the necessitie of dipping in baptisme is fully discus
  • 58307
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    A letter by the Lord Generals direction, from Collonel Carre governour of Plimouth, to the Lord Admirall. Allo [sic], good news from Ireland, of Inchiqvins declaring himself against the rebels, and 14000 Scots marched towards them, and other passages from thence. And, Hastings forces routed in Derbyshire; 1.Sergeant Major, and 1.Captain slain. 30.
  • 58308
    Book Info
    A letter by the Lord Generals direction, from Collonel Carre governour of Plimouth, to the lord admirall allo, good news from Ireland, of Inchiqvins declaring himself against the rebels, and 14000 Scots marched towards them, and other passages from thence : and Hastings forces routed in Derbyshire ...
  • 58309
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    A letter discovering the cause of Gods continuing wrath against the nation notwithstanding the present endeavors of reformation : directing to the meanes of appeasing that wrath, and encouraging to constancy in those endeavours / written with much judgement and pious affection, by Mr. Nathaniel Rogers ...
  • 58310
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    A letter from Captain Jones to a worthy friend of his dwelling in Bartholmew Lane : being a more full and an exacter relation of the particular proccedings of Sir William VVallers armie then any that hath yet been published : with a list of the chiefe commanders that were slain and taken prisoners : vvith a true relation of the taking of VVichester
  • 58311
    Book Info
    A letter from Captain Jones, to a worthy friend of his dwelling in Bartholmew Lane. Being a more full and an exacter relation of the particular proceedings of Sir William VVallers armie, then any that hath yet been published. With a list of the chiefe commanders that were slain and taken prisoners VVith a true relation of the taking of VVinchester
  • 58312
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    A letter from Generall Leven, the Lord Fairfax, and the Earl of Manchester, to the committee of both kingdoms, and by them communicated to the Parliament concerning the great victory it hath pleased God to give them over the forces under the command of Prince Rupert and the Marquesse of Newcastle, at Marston-Moor, near York, July the second, 1644 / signed thus, Leven, Lindsey, F. Fairfax, Tho. Ha
  • 58313
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    A letter from His Excellency Robert Earl of Essex to the Honourable House of Commons concerning the sending of a commission forthwith to Sir William Waller : wherein His Excellency declareth himself to be confirmed in the justnesse of the cause, so long as he hath one drop of blood in his veins.
  • 58314
    Book Info
    A letter from His Excellency, Robert Earl of Essex, to the honorable House of Commons: concerning the sending of a commission forthwith to Sir William Waller: wherein His Excellency declareth himself to be confirmed in the justnesse of the cause, so long as he hath one drop of blood in his veins. Published by authority.
  • 58315
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    A letter from Newcastle to the Right Honourable, the Lord High Chancellour of Scotland and the rest of the Scotish Commissioners at London containing a relation of the taking of the town of Newcastle by storm dated the 19 of October, 1644.
  • 58316
    Book Info
    A letter from Newcastle, to the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellour of Scotland, and the rest of the Scotish Commissioners at London. Containing a relation of the taking of the town of Newcastle by storm. Dated the 19 of October, 1644. Published by authority.
  • 58317
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    A letter from a Member of the House of Commons, to a gentleman now at London, touching the new Solemne League and Covenant.
  • 58318
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    A letter from a member of the House of Commons, to a gentleman now at London, touching the new Solemne League and Covenant
  • 58319
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    A letter from a person of honour, reconciling the dissenting brethren, (commonly called Independents) and the Presbyterians, in matter of judgement, about the setling of the church. Sent to an eminent divine of the Assembly.
  • 58320
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    A letter from the Assembly of Divines in England and the commissioners of the Church of Scotland written and sent by order of the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, to the Belgick, French, Helvetian, and other reformed churches / translated into English and now published with the severall inscriptions to those churches.|Literae a Conventu Theologorum in Anglia et Ecclesiae Scotic