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총 60,478건 중 58,321 - 58,340건 출력
  • 58321
    Book Info
    A letter from the Assembly of Divines in England and the commissioners of the Church of Scotland written, and sent by order of the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, to the Belgicke, French, Helvetian, and other reformed churches / translated into English and now published with the severall inscriptions to those churches by order of the said House.|Literae a Conventu Theologoru
  • 58322
    Book Info
    A letter from the Assembly of Divines in England, and the commissioners of the Church of Scotland, written, and sent by order of the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, to the Belgick, French, Helvetian, and other reformed churches. Translated into English, and now published with the severall inscriptions to those churches. By order
  • 58323
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    A letter from the Right Honourable Robert Earl of VVarwicke, Lord High-admirall of England to the speaker of the House of Peeres with an exact diurnall of all the most speciall and remarkable passages which have hapned during the siege of Lyme in Dorsetshire by Pr. Maurice, his forces, from the 21 of February to this present.
  • 58324
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Honourable Robert Earle of VVarwicke, Lord High-admirall of England: to the speaker of the House of Peeres. VVith an exact diurnall of all the most speciall and remarkable passages which have hapned during the siege of Lyme in Dorsetshire by Pr. Maurice his forces, from the 21 of February to this present. Die Jovis, 10 Junii
  • 58325
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    A letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Inchiqvin and other the commanders in Munster, to His Majestie expressing the causes and reasons of their not holding the cessation any longer with the rebels; with their desire intimated to His Majestie, that he would be pleased to renounce any treatie with the rebels any longer, and that he would againe
  • 58326
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Inchiqvin, and other the commanders in Munster, to His Majestie expressing the causes and reasons of their not holding the cessation any longer with the rebels, with their desire intimated to His Majestie, that he would be pleased to renounce any treatie with the rebels any longer, and that he would again
  • 58327
    Book Info
    A letter sent from Major-generall Brown to His Excellency the Earle of Essex containing a true relation of a great victory obtained against the Kings forces neere Abingdon, upon Saturday last, Janu. 11, 1644, where Sir Henry Gage governour of Oxford, and divers others of note and quality were slaine.
  • 58328
    Book Info
    A letter sent from the Right Honorable Robert Earl of Warwick to the Right Honorable the speaker to the House of Peers concerning the present state and condition with the manner of the raising of the siege of Lyme : with a relation of divers other remarkable passages concerning the Queen, the Prince and the Lord Hopton with the delivering up of Wey
  • 58329
    Book Info
    A letter sent from the Right Honorable, Robert Earl of Warwick: to the Right Honorable, the speaker to the House of Peers: concerning the present state and condition, with the manner of the raising of the siege, of Lyme: with a relation of divers other remarkable passages concerning the Queen, the Prince, and the Lord Hopton, with the delivering up
  • 58330
    Book Info
    A letter sent from the right honorable the Lord Fairfax, to the committee of both kingdoms concerning the great victory, lately obtained, by Gods blessing, at Selby in York-shire : wherein is more exactly set forth the manner of performing that gallant service then hath been
  • 58331
    Book Info
    A letter sent from the right honorable the Lord Fairfax, to the committee of both kingdoms: concerning the great victory, lately obtained (by Gods blessing) at Selby in York-shire. Wherein is more exactly set forth the manner of performing that gallant service, then hath been published in former relations. Together with a list of the commanders tha
  • 58332
    Book Info
    A letter sent to the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, speaker of the House of Commons where is truely related the great victory obtained by Gods blessing by the Parliaments army against the Kings forces, neer Newbery on Sunday the 27, of this present October vvhich letter was read in the House of Commons, and ordered to be printed.
  • 58333
    Book Info
    A letter sent to the Honourable William Lenthall, Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons, wherein is truely related the great victory obtained by Gods blessing, by the Parliaments army, against the Kings forces, neer Newbery, on Sunday the 27. of this present October. VVhich letter was read in the House of Commons, and ordered to be printed. Hen.
  • 58334
    Book Info
    A letter to the Lord Grey of Grooby wherein is declared a great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces neere Hinkeley, where they have slain Captain Manwaring, 12 common souldiers : taken prisoners Lieu. Grey, brother to the Lord Greys Cornet, Lieutenant Rawlings, Quartermaster Deckins, Col. Nevels trumpeter with a silver trumpet, 44 common sou
  • 58335
    Book Info
    A letter to the Lord Grey of Grooby. Wherein is declared a great victory obtained by the Parliaments forces neere Hinkeley, where they have slain Captain Manwaring, 12 common souldiers. Taken prisoners, Lieu. Grey, brother to the Lord Greys Cornet, Lieutenant Rawlings, Quartermaster Deckins, Col. Nevels trumpeter with a silver trumpet. 44 common so
  • 58336
    Book Info
    A letter, discovering the cause of Gods continuing wrath against the nation, notwithstanding the present endeavors of reformation: directing to the meanes of appeasing that wrath; and encouraging to constancy in those endeavours: / written with much judgement and pious affection, by Mr Nathaniel Rogers, a godly and learned Divine now in New-England
  • 58337
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    A list of his Maiesties Navie Royall, and merchants ships their names, captains, men, ordnance, in every ship, now set forth for the guard of the narrow-seas, and for the coast of Ireland, in this present expedition 1644. Under the command of the right honourable Robert Earle of Warwick, Lord High Admirall of England, &c.
  • 58338
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    A list of the severall regiments and chief officers of the Scottish army quartered neer Newcastle.
  • 58339
    Book Info
    A list of the severall regiments and chief officers of the Scottish army quartered neer Newcastle.
  • 58340
    Book Info
    A looking-glas for the Presbitary government, establishing in the Church of England. Or, A declaration of the revolution of the times, pithily composed and seasonably recommended to the view of all sorts of people, but principally to the judicious reformers of the church and state. Look in this glasse you'l not think't strange, England once more re