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총 60,478건 중 58,381 - 58,400건 출력
  • 58381
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    Letters from Sir William Brereton, Sir Thomas Middleton, Sir John Meldrum of the great victory, by God's providence, given them in raising the siege from before Mountgomery-castle and how they routed and totally dispersed His Majesties forces under the command of the Lord Byron, where they tooke all their carriages, armes, and ammunition and made them flie to Shrewsbury and Chester : with a list
  • 58382
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    Letters from the lord generall his quarters, and the particulars thereof also, a great victorie at Malpesse, against 1000 of the Westmerland forces, of the Duke of Yorks regiment, and others ... : as also, a parley about the surrendring of Leverpoole, and the particulars thereof, and 2 ships of Irish rebels expected there : with other matters of great concernment, the particulars being examined,
  • 58383
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    Letters of advice: touching the choice of knights and burgesses.
  • 58384
    Book Info
    Lex, rex The law and the prince : a dispute for the just prerogative of king and people : containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the kingdom of Scotland and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England : in which their innocency is asserted and a full answer is given to a seditious pa
  • 58385
    Book Info
    Lex, rex: The law and the prince. A dispute for the just prerogative of king and people. Containing the reasons and causes of the most necessary defensive wars of the Kingdom of Scotland, and of their expedition for the ayd and help of their dear brethren of England. In which their innocency is asserted, and a full answer is given to a seditious pa
  • 58386
    Book Info
    Lexicon Graeco-Latinum in Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum ubi omnium vocabulorium, tam appellativorum themata, quàm nominum propriorum etyma, exquisitè indicantur, & grammaticè resolvuntur : cum indice Graecarum & Latinarum N.T. vocum accuratissimo : cui insuper nunc dem`um accesserunt Tractatus duo, unus de Graaecis N.T. accentibus, alter de dialectis : uterqu
  • 58387
    Book Info
    Linguae Latinae exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive authore.|Joannis Lodovici Vivis exercitium linguae Latinae
  • 58388
    Book Info
    Literae a Conventu Theologorum in Anglia et Ecclesiae Scoticanae delegatis ad ecclesias in Belgio, Gallia, Helvetia, aliasque reformatas : prout ordinaverat honoratissima Domus Communium in Parliamento congregatorum, exaratae, missae & in lucem editae : unà cum singulis earundem inscriptionibus.
  • 58389
    Book Info
    Literae a conventu theologorum in Anglia; et Ecclesiae Scoticanae delegatis; ad ecclesias in Belgio, Gallia, Helvetia, aliasque reformatas, (prout ordinaverat honoratissima Domus Communium in Parliamento congregatorum) exaratae, missae, & in lucem editae. Unà cum singulis earundem inscriptionibus.
  • 58390
    Book Info
    Logos alexipharmakos, or, Hyperphysicall directions in time of plague collected out of the sole-authentick dispensatory of the chief physitian both of soule and body, and disposed more particularly (though not without some alteration and addition) according to the method of those physicall directions printed by command of the Lords of the Councell at Oxford 1644 and very requisite to be used with
  • 58391
    Book Info
    Logos alexipharmakos, or, Hyperphysicall directions in time of plague. Collected out of the sole-authentick dispensatory of the chief physitian both of soule and body, and disposed more particularly (though not without some alteration and addition) according to the method of those physicall directions printed by command of the Lords of the Councell
  • 58392
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    Londons complaint and lamentation, Oxford should keep in subjugation sweet Charlemaine, our sovereigne King, which all our discontentments bring.
  • 58393
    Book Info
    The Land-tempest, or, A paper-pellet or, Much in a mouthfull, or, A long answer to a short question : containing an abstract, epitome, or effects of the woes of these wars / by W. P. ...
  • 58394
    Book Info
    The Land-tempest, or, A paper-pellet or, Much in a mouthfull, or, A long answer to a short question : containing an abstract, epitome, or effects of the woes of these wars / by W. P. ...
  • 58395
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    The London post ...
  • 58396
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    The London post ... [Issue 10]
  • 58397
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    The London post ... [Issue 11]
  • 58398
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    The London post ... [Issue 12]
  • 58399
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    The London post ... [Issue 13]
  • 58400
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    The London post ... [Issue 14]