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총 60,478건 중 58,501 - 58,520건 출력
  • 58501
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    A letter sent by Mr. Henry Iarmin, now resident in Paris, to Mr. VVilliam Murrey, of His Majesties bed-chamber as it was intercepted at sea by Captaine James Morgan, captaine of the good ship, called the Mary-Rose of Bristoll : wherein is expressed the full and reall intentions of the said Mr. Iarmin, and the other English fugitives in France, against the proceedings of the honourable, the high C
    St Albans
  • 58502
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    A letter sent from Captaine Lilburne, to divers of his friends, citizens, and others of good account in London, wherein he fully expresseth the misery of his imprisonment, and the barbarous usage of the Cavaliers towards him. Desiring them (if it were possible) to use some means for his releasement.
  • 58503
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    A letter sent from the devises in Wiltshire to a friend in Salisbury. Shewing the condition of the towne, the affections of the inhabitants, and the behaviour of Sir Edward Baynton whilest he was there. Written some weekes since, but now printed upon occasion of a late abuse in Salisbury, done by some Parliament plundring forces under the command of Hungerford and Fines who wander about the coun
  • 58504
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    A letter sent to His Majestie, from a honorable member of the House of Commons: Munday the 27. of February. Concerning the great affaires and distractions of this kingdome.
  • 58505
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    A letter sent to London from a spie at Oxford written by owle-light, intercepted by moon-light, printed in the twi-light, dispersed by day-light, and may be read by candlelight : to his honourable and worshipfull friends M. Pym, M. Martin &c., and to all worthy members, authours, abettours, and aiders in or of this holy rebellion : which letter was
  • 58506
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    A letter sent to his Majestie from a honorable member of the House of Commons, Mvnday the 27. of Febrvary ; concerning the great affaires and distractions of this Kingdome.
  • 58507
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    A letter to a gentleman of Leicester-shire shewing, out of the publique writings which have passed betwixt His Majestie and his two Houses of Parliament : that all the overtures which have beene made for peace and accommodation have proceeded from His Majesty only and that the unsucessefulnesse of the late treatie is not to be imputed to His Majest
  • 58508
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    A letter to a gentleman of Leicester-shire, shewing, out of the publicke writings which have passed betwixt His Majestie, and his two houses of Parliament: that, all the overtures, which have been made for peace and accomodation have proceeded from His Majestie onely. And, that the unsuccessfulnesse of the late treatie is not to be imputed to His M
  • 58509
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    A letter to a noble lord at London from a Friend at Oxford vpon occasion of the late covenant taken by both houses.
  • 58510
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    A letter to a noble lord at London from a friend at Oxford: vpon occasion of the late covenant taken by both houses.
  • 58511
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    A letter to the Earle of Pembroke from Sir Edvvard Baynton in Glocester. Shewing the true manner how himselfe and Captaine Edward Eyre were surprised at Malmsbury by two lieutenant-colonels under the Earl of Stamfords command, upon pretended ground, and contrary to some scandalous relations in print. With the reasons inducing him formerly to seize upon Sir Edward Hungerford.|Letter to the Earl of
  • 58512
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    A letter vvritten by a learned and reverent divine, to William Laud, now L. Bishop of Canterbury: concerning his inclination to popery, perswading him not to halt betweene two opinions, but to be stedfast to the Protestant religion.
  • 58513
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    A letter vvritten out of the country to Mr Iohn Pym Esquire, one of the worthy members of the House of Commons, February I.
  • 58514
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    A letter vvritten to a friend, declaring his opinion, being such tenents, as are contrary to the doctrine of the Church of England, and of all the reformed churches; yea, and the universall church in all ages: which opinions are worthy of learned mens consideration and confutation.
  • 58515
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    A letter without any superscription, intercepted in the way to London. Published, that the poore people of England may see the intentions of those whom they have followed.
  • 58516
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    A letter written from His Excellency Robert Earle of Essex vnto the speaker of the House of Commons relating the true state of the late skirmish at Chinner, between a party of the Kings, and Parliaments forces, on Sabbath day the 19th of June, 1643.
  • 58517
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    A letter written from VValshall by a vvorthy gentleman to his friend in Oxford, concerning Bvrmingham.
  • 58518
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    A letter written from Walshall, by a worthy gentleman to his friend in Oxford, concerning Burmingham.
  • 58519
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    A letter written out of Bedfordshire unto the Earle of Manchester and intercepted by one of His Majesties scouts.
  • 58520
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    A light to Lilie being an easie method for the better teaching and learning of the grounds of the Latine tongue. By Iohn Danes of Maldon,