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총 60,478건 중 58,521 - 58,540건 출력
  • 58521
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    A list of his Majesties navie royall, and merchant ships, their names, captains, men, ordnance, in every ship, now set forth for the guard of the narrow seas, and for the coast of Ireland in this present expedition, 1643 Vnder the command of the Right Honourable Robert Earle of VVarwick, admirall and commander in chiefe of the said fleet.
  • 58522
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    A looking glasse for the sovle vvorthy to be hung up in every house in this kingdome, and to be looked in daily; for herein is to be seene what sinnes tend to the breach of every one of Gods commandements, whereby every one of us may clearly see, how farre forth wee have had a hand in pulling downe this heavie judgement of warre upon this nation. A
  • 58523
    Book Info
    A looking glasse for the sovle, vvorthy to be hung up in every house in this kingdome, and to be looked in daily; for herein is to be seene what sinnes tend to the breach of every one of Gods commandements, whereby every one of us may clearly see, how farre forth wee have had a hand in pulling downe this heavie judgement of warre upon this nation.
  • 58524
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    A looking-glasse for malignants, or, Gods hand against God-haters containing a most terrible yet true relation of the many most fearefull personall examples, in these present times, since the yeere, 1640, of Gods most evident and immediate wrath against our malevolent malignants : together with a caveat for cowards and unworthy, either timorous or treacherous, newters : collected for Gods honour
  • 58525
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    A looking-glasse for malignants: or, Gods hand against God-haters. Containing a most terrible yet true relation of the many most fearefull personall examples (in these present times, since the yeere, 1640.) of Gods most evident and immediate wrath against our malevolent malignants. Together with a caveat for cowards and unworthy (either timorous or
  • 58526
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    A looking-glasse for rebells. Or the true grounds of soveraignty, proving the Kings authority to be from God only: and the subjects obedience from Gods speciall command.
  • 58527
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    A looking-glasse. Wherein is discovered the face of distraction, the cruelty of the papist, and misery of the protestant in most parts of this kingdome: together with an exhortation to all men to be vigilant, and valiant, and to meet approaching mischiefe far from their own dwellings, lest not able to resist it there, it breake into their houses, t
  • 58528
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    A loyall subjects beliefe, expressed in a letter to Master Stephen Marshall, Minister of Finchingfield in Essex, from Edward Symmons a neighbour minister, occasioned by a conference betwixt them. With the answer to his objections for resisting the Kings personall will by force of armes. And, the allegation of some reasons why the authors conscience
  • 58529
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    Lancashires valley of Achor is Englands doore of hope set wide open in a brief history of the wise, good, and powerfull hand of divine providence ordering and managing the militia of Lancashire : not onely to the preservation but exaltation of a poor and praying people in two hundreds against and above a considerable armie of popish and ill affected persons in foure hundreds ... / By a well-wishe
  • 58530
    Book Info
    Lancashires valley of Achor, is Englands doore of hope: set wide open, in a brief history, of the wise, good, and powerfull hand of divine providence, ordering and managing the militia of Lancashire; not onely to the preservation, but exaltation of a poor, and praying people, in two hundreds; against, and above a considerable armie, of popish, and
  • 58531
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    Lancasters massacre, or, The nevv vvay of advancing the Protestant religion and expressing loyaltie to the King and Queen namely to cut the throats of Protestant men, women and innocent children as lately the papists and malignants did at Lancaster / related in a letter from a Gentleman of great note in Lancashire, to a friend in London ...
  • 58532
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    Lancasters massacre: or, the nevv vvay of advancing the Protestant religion, and expressing loyaltie to the King and Queene. Namely, to cut the throats of Protestant men, women, and innocent children, as lately the papists and malignants did at Lancaster. Related in a letter from a Gentleman of great note in Lancashire, to a friend in London, who t
  • 58533
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    Langley 1643 a new almanack and prognostication for that yeare : being the third after leap-yeare : composed for the meridian of the famous mayor towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all the north and west parts of England / by Thomas Langley.
  • 58534
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    Lawes and orders of vvarre, M. DC. XLIII established for the conduct of the armie designed for the expedition of Vlster.
  • 58535
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of king and kingdom : together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in His E
  • 58536
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of King and kingdom. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in His E
  • 58537
    Book Info
    Laws and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of king and kingdom. And now inlarged by command of His Excellency; and printed by his authority.
  • 58538
    Book Info
    Laws and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army, by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the King and kingdom. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning the regulating of great inconveniences in Hi
  • 58539
    Book Info
    Laws and ordinances of warre, extablished for the better conduct of the army by His Excellency the Earl of Essex, lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament for the defence of king and kingdom : and now inlarged by command of His Excellency.
  • 58540
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    Les devx faces de la vie et de la mort de Marie de Médicis royne de France, vefve de Henry IV. mere de Loys XIII. roys tres-chrestiens. : discovrs fvnebre, / fait par Messire Matthieu de Morgves, Sr de St Germain ...|Deux faces de la vie et de la mort de Marie de Médicis