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총 60,478건 중 58,541 - 58,560건 출력
  • 58541
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    Letter from the lords at Oxford, and other lords whose names are subscribed, to the Lords of the Privy-Councell and the conservators of the peace of the kingdom of Scotland
  • 58542
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    Letters of consequence from Scotland the first from here in England : the second from His Maiestie to the assembly and their answer to it : third to a private friend here in England dated the 19 of October, 1643 : as also
  • 58543
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    Letters of consequence from Scotland, the first from the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly there, to the Scots Commissioners here in England. The second from His Maiestie to the assembly, and their answer to it the third to a private friend here in England, dated the 19. of October. 1643. As also two ordinances for swearing and subscribing the
  • 58544
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    Liberty of conscience, or, The sole means to obtaine peace and truth not onely reconciling His Majesty with his subjects, but all Christian states and princes to one another, with the freest passage for the gospel : very seasonable and necessary in these distracted times, when most men are weary of war and cannot finde the way to peace.
  • 58545
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    Liberty of conscience: or The sole means to obtaine peace and truth. Not onely reconciling His Majesty with His subjects, but all Christian states and princes to one another, with the freest passage for the gospel. Very seasonable and necessary in these distracted times, when most men are weary of war, and cannot finde the way to peace.
  • 58546
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    Logos agonios; or, a sermon of the Christian race, preached before His Maiesty at Christ-Church in Oxford, May 9. 1643. By Tho: Barton Master of Arts, and yet Rector of Westminster in Sussex. Whereto is added an advertisement to his country-men, who being misled disaffect the royall cause.
  • 58547
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    Londons love to her neighbours in generall and in particular to the six associated counties, namely Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Hartford, and Bedford. Wherein is plainly laid open the danger which is like immediately to fall upon them, uulesse [sic] they with firm resolution stand to their armes to withstand the blood-thirsty cavaliers.
  • 58548
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    Londons warning-peece being, the common-prayers complaint.
  • 58549
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    Look about you a discovrse directed to the lords of the vpper house of Parliament in the first place, to the honourable the House of Commons, to the Right Honorable Lord Mayor of the citie of London, written by a Lover of his Countrey, and a faithfull servant to the high Court of Parliament.
  • 58550
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    Look about you: a discourse directed to the Lords of the upper house of Parliament in the first place, to the honourable the House of Commons, to the Right Honorable Lord Mayor of the Citie of London, the aldermen his brethren, and to the commons of the said citie. And lastly, to the whole body of the Kingdome of England, who ought to put this coun
  • 58551
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    Lord have mercie upon us, or, A plaine discovrse declaring that the plague of warre which now wasts this nation tooke its beginning in and from the citie of London and from thence also hath received both increase and nourishment to the infection and destruction of the rest of the kingdome : written Vpon occasion of His Majesties proclamation of seventeenth of Iuly, prohibiting all entercourse of
  • 58552
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    Lord have mercie upon us: or, A plaine discourse declaring that the plague of warre, which now wasts this nation, tooke its beginning in and from the Citie of London, and from thence also hath received both increase and nourishment, to the infection and destruction of the rest of the kingdome. Written upon occasion of His Majesties ptoclamation [si
  • 58553
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    Los senores y communes del Parlamento aviendo recevido ynformacion por los mercaderes estrangeros y otros que trattan de traer plata a este reyno quesus correspondientes residentes en las partes ultra marinas an concebido algunos temores y zeloz que les desanima en remittir la dichaplata a este reyno, sigun lo solian hazer.
  • 58554
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    Love one another, a tvb lectver preached at Watford in Hartfordshire at a conventicle on the 25 of December last, being Christmas day / by John Alexander, a joyner ; his text was taken out of the epistle of Saint John and himselfe was taken by Captaine Bird, Lieutenant rock, and other officers, from whom he received such usage as his doctrine did deserve, for which the said officers were commende
  • 58555
    Book Info
    Love one another: a tub lecture, preached at Watford in Hartfordshire at a conventicle on the 25. of December last, being Christmas day, by John Alexander, a joyner. His text was taken out of the epistle of Saint Iohn, and himselfe was taken by Captaine Bird, Lieutenant Rock, and other officers, from whom he received such usage as his doctrine did
  • 58556
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    Loyola's disloyalty, or, The Iesuites open rebellion against God and his church whose doctrine is blasphemie in the highest degree against the blood of Christ, which they vilifie, and under-valew, that they might uphold their merits, by consequent, encouraging all
  • 58557
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    The Last weeks proceedings of the Lord Brooke and the first in this his present expedition.
  • 58558
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    The Late famovs victory obtained by Captaine Langley a Scotshman January 29, with his troope of horse against Colonell Aston with 3 troops who had bin pilliging the county of Barke-shire and had taken 150 sheepe, 5 cart-load of hay, and a hundred quarters of vvheat and barley and were carring them to Reading : declaring also the the [sic] full discription of the said battle which was fought upon
  • 58559
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    The Late prosperovs proceedings of the Protestant army against the rebells in Ireland being a true and perfect relation of a great and happy victory obtained by the Marquesse of Ormonde, the Lord Lile, Sir Richard Greenvile and their forces over Generall Preston and a great body of the rebels, in which battell their whole army was totally routed, a
  • 58560
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    The Lord George Digbie's apologie for himselfe, published the fourth of January, Anno Dom. 1642