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총 60,478건 중 58,561 - 58,580건 출력
  • 58561
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    The last ioyfull intelligence from his excellency his quarters in Reading: VVherein is contained, the propositions of agreement, upon which the town was delivered, with the manner of the delivery, how they marcht away without their ordnance, and the true estate of his excellencies army at this present. Faithfully related in two letters sent from go
  • 58562
    Book Info
    The last ioyfull intelligence from his excellency, his quarters in Reading vvherein is contained the propositions of agreement upon which the town was delivered : with the manner of the delivery, how they marcht away without their ordnance, and the true estate of his excellencies army at this present : faithfully related in two letters / sent from good hands in the army, to a person of good quali
  • 58563
    Book Info
    The last weeks proceedings of the Lord Brooke. And the first in this his present expedition. Published for the satisfaction of all those who have voluntarily and liberally contributed towards the foundation of that publique worke.
  • 58564
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    The late covenant asserted. 1. That it is in whole and in part agreeable to sacred scripture, holy, just, and good. 2. That Oxford-covenant is abominable, contrary to law, right reason, good sense; whereby it appeares, what keepers the lords of the world are of the scales and soules there. 3. That the protestation two years agon, and covenant now,
  • 58565
    Book Info
    The late famous victory: obtained by Captaine Lanley a Scotshman January 29 with his troope of horse, against Colonell Aston with 3 troops, who had bin pilliging the county of Barke-shire and had taken 150. sheepe, 5. cart-load of hay. and a hundred quarters of vvheat and barley, and were carring them to Reading. Declaring also the the [sic] full d
  • 58566
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    The late prosperous proceedings of the Protestant army against the rebells in Ireland. Being a true and perfect relation of a great and happy victory obtained by the Marquesse of Ormond, the Lord Lile, Sir Richard Greenvile and their forces, over Generall Preston and a great body of the rebels; in which battell their whole army was totally routed,
  • 58567
    Book Info
    The latest intelligence of Prince Ruperts proceeding in Northampton-Shire: And also Colonell Goodwins at Brill: both exprest in two letters, from hands of good quality.
  • 58568
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    The lavvfulnes and vnlavvfulnes of an oath or covenant set downe in short propositions agreeable to the law of God and man, and may serve to rectifie the conscience of any reasonable man: very fitting for every man to take into serious consideration in these undutifull times, whether he hath sworne or not sworne to any late or new oath or covenant
  • 58569
    Book Info
    The lavvfulnes and vnlavvfulnes of an oath or covenant set downe in short propositions agreeable to the law of God and man, and may serve to rectifie the conscience of any reasonable man: very fitting for every man to take into serious consideration in these undutifull times, whether he hath sworne or not sworne to any late or new oath or covenant made by any subordinate authority whatsoever.
  • 58570
    Book Info
    The lavvfvlnes and vnlavvfvlnes of an oath or covenant set downe in short propositions agreeable to the law of God and man and may serve to rectifie the conscience of any reasonable man : very fitting for every man to take into serious consideration in these undutifull times : whether he hath sworne or not sworne to any late or new oath or covenant made by any subordinate authority whatsoever.
  • 58571
    Book Info
    The lavvfvlnes and vnlavvfvlnes of an oath or covenant set downe in short propositions agreeable to the law of God and man and may serve to rectifie the conscience of any reasonable man : very fitting for every man to take into serious consideration in these undutifull times : whether he hath sworne or not sworne to any late or new oath or covenant made by any subordinate authority whatsoever.|Ce
  • 58572
    Book Info
    The lawes and statutes of Geneva, as well concerning ecclesiasticall discipline, as civill government with certaine proclamations duely executed, whereby Gods religion is most purely maintained, and their common-wealth quietly governed / faithfully translated out of the French tounge wherein they are written in the register book of the same city.
  • 58573
    Book Info
    The lawes and statutes of Geneva, as well concerning ecclesiasticall discipline, as civill government, with certaine proclamations duely executed, whereby Gods religion is most purely maintained, and their common-wealth quietly governed. Faithfully translated out of the French tongue wherein they are written in the register book of the same city.
  • 58574
    Book Info
    The life and death of Dr. Martin Luther the passages whereof have bin taken out of his owne and other Godly and most learned, mens writings, who lived in his time.
  • 58575
    Book Info
    The life of William now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined. Wherein his principall actions, or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline (since he came to that sea of Canturbury) are traced, and set downe, as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. Robert Bayley, a learned pastor of the Kirk of Scotland, and one of the late commissione
  • 58576
    Book Info
    The life of William now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined. Wherein his principall actions, or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline (since he came to that sea of Canturbury) are traced, and set downe, as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. Robert Bayley, a learned pastor of the Kirk of Scotland, and one of the late commissioners sent from that Nation. Very fitting for all ju
  • 58577
    Book Info
    The life of William, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined wherein his principall actions or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline (since he came to that sea of Canturbury) are traced / and set downe as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. Robert Bayley ...
  • 58578
    Book Info
    The life of William, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined wherein his principall actions or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline (since he came to that sea of Canturbury) are traced / and set downe as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. Robert Bayley ...
  • 58579
    Book Info
    The life of William, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, examined wherein his principall actions or deviations in matters of doctrine and discipline (since he came to that sea of Canturbury) are traced / and set downe as they were taken from good hands, by Mr. Robert Bayley ...
  • 58580
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    The loyall convert