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총 60,478건 중 58,581 - 58,600건 출력
  • 58581
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    A Letter from a gentleman of worth from Dublin in Ireland to a friend in London wherein is declared a famous victory obtained against the rebels in Ireland very lately by Colonell Muncke : with other good service done by others in other places : also neer about Dublin and in the pale.
  • 58582
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    A Letter of high consequence principally concerning the indamaging of this our kingdome of England, subversion of religion, and many more papisticall divisions : compiled and directed to Colonell Lunsford, scattered in the Church of Saint Paul, and since come to publicke view : as also certaine articles whereby the said Lunsford is convinced of high treason both to the King, state, and House of P
  • 58583
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    A Letter or declaration from the Right Honorable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons House residing at Yorke together with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at Yorke on Thursday the 12 of this instant May : as also the names of those gentlemen which were taken by the sherriffe, inclosed in a letter from
  • 58584
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    A Letter sent from a countrey gentleman to a friend, a member of the House of Commons concerning the taking of Marleborough : of the disorders of the Parliament souldiers : perswading to an accomodation.
  • 58585
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    A Letter sent from a private gentleman to a friend in London in justification of his owne adhereing to His Majestie in these times of distraction with arguments induceing him thereunto, both from the law of God and man.
  • 58586
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    A Letter sent from the inhabitants of Hull to the right worshipfull the high sheriffe and the rest of the gentry in the county of Yorke now attending His sacred Maiesties pleasure
  • 58587
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    A Letter sent from the inhabitants of Hull to the right worshipfull, the High Sheriffe and the rest of the gentry in the county of Yorke now attending His Sacred Maiesties pleasure
  • 58588
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    A Letter sent to Master Speaker, from the knights, esquires, gentry, and freeholders of the county of Lincoln. For the presenting of their petition to the honorable House of Commons, now in Parliament assembled..
  • 58589
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    A Letter vvritten out of the country to Mr. Iohn Pym Esquire, one of the worthy members of the House of Commons, February I
  • 58590
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    A Little true forraine newes better than a great deale of domestick spurious false newes, published daily without feare or wit to the shame of the nation and beyond the liberty of Paris pasquils : vnto which is added a letter written by the lieutenant of the Tower to the Parliament in defence of himselfe and may give satisfaction to all men.
  • 58591
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    A Looking-Glasse wherein is discovered the face of distraction, the cruelty of the papist, and misery of the protestant in most parts of this Kingdome : together with an exhortation to all men to be vigilant and valiant and to meet approaching mischiefe far from their own dwellings lest not able to resist it there, it breake into their houses take all away and plead law for it : also certaine emi
  • 58592
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    A learned astronomicall discourse of the iudgement of natiuities. Divided into three bookes, and dedicated first to Katharine the French queene by Oger Ferrier her physitian. Translated by Thomas Kelway Gentleman. Published by authority.
  • 58593
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    A learned astronomicall discovrse of the ivdgement of nativities divided into three bookes and dedicated first to Katharine the French queene by Oger Ferrier ... ; translated by Thomas Kelway, Gentleman.|Jugemens astronomiques sur les nativités.
  • 58594
    Book Info
    A learned astronomicall discovrse of the ivdgement of nativities divided into three books dedicated first to Katharine the French Queene / by Oger Ferrier her physitian ; translated by Thomas Kelway ...|Jugemens astronomiques sur les nativités.
  • 58595
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    A learned speech made by the Right Worshipfull Sir John Hotham a member of the House of Commons at a meeting of severall knights and gentlemen in the said county on the 23 of May 1642 : wherein is manifested the manifold reasons why the subject being commanded by the Parliament : ought not to disobey but to venture life and estate in the maintenance and performance thereof : vvith a remarkeable p
  • 58596
    Book Info
    A learned speech made by the right worshipfull Sir John Hotham, a member of the House of Commons, at a meeting of severall knights and gentlemen in the said county, on the 23. of May. 1642. Wherein is manifested the manifold reasons why the subject being commanded by the Parliament; ought not to disobey, but to venture life and estate in the mainte
  • 58597
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    A learned speech spoken to His Excellency the Earl of Essex upon his departure from Northampton to Worcester concerning the present expedition by ... M. Thomas Springham ; also a true relation of the present proceedings of His Excellency and his army in their march from Northampton to Worcester to meet with the Kings Majesty.
  • 58598
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    A learned speech spoken to His Excellency the Earl of Essex, upon his departure from Northampton to Worcester, concerning the present expedition. By that learned and religious divine, and minister of Gods word, M. Thomas Springham. Also a true relation of the present proceedings of his Excellency and his army in their march from Northampton to Worc
  • 58599
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    A learned treatise concerning wards and liveries written by the Right Honourable and learned gentleman St. James Ley, Knight and Baronet, Earle of Marlebrough ...
  • 58600
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    A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of Ianuary, and a letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read and ordered to be entred To the worshipfull, and my much honoured friend Orlando Bridgeman Esquier, and a burgesse of the Parl. at his chamber at the Inner Temple, these present.