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총 60,478건 중 58,601 - 58,620건 출력
  • 58601
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    A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read and ordered to be entred. To the worshipfull, and my much honoured friend, Orlando Bridgeman Esquier, and a burgesse of the Parliament, at his chamber, at the Inner-Temple, these present.
  • 58602
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    A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read, and ordered to be entred. To the worshipfull, and my much honoured friend, Orlando Bridgeman Esquire, and a burgesse of the Parliament, at his chamber, at the Inner-Temple, these present.
  • 58603
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    A letter from Exceter, sent to the deputy-lieutenants of Sommersetshire, subscribed George Chudley, and Nich. Martin. Shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue, Sir Edward Seymore, and divers other gentlemen of note prisoners. With the covenant entred into by the mayor, deputy-lieutenants, and common-c
  • 58604
    Book Info
    A letter from Exceter, sent to the deputy-lievtenants of Sommersetshire subscribed George Chudley, and Nich. Martin ; shewing how Colonell Ruthen sallyed out of Plymouth, and hath taken Sir Edward Fortescue, Sir Edward Seymore, and divers other gentlemen of note prisoners ; with the covenant entred into by the mayor, deputy-lievtenants, and common-
  • 58605
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    A letter from Mr. Robert Iohnston, one of the Elders at Edenborough, directed to Master VVilliam Agard in Cambridge with a petition of the English there inclosed, to the Kings most excellent Majesty. Also Master Agards letter to his friend in London, coneteyning [sic] matters of great moment, tending to the pacification of the miserable distraction
  • 58606
    Book Info
    A letter from Mr. Robert Iohnston, one of the Elders of Edenborough, directed to Master VVilliam Agard in Cambridge with a petition of the English there inclosed to the kings most Excellent Majesty also Master Agards letter to his friend in London, concerning matters of great moment tending to the pacification of the miserable distractions of these
  • 58607
    Book Info
    A letter from Mr. Robert Iohnston, one of the Elders of Edenborough, directed to Master VVilliam Agard in Cambridge, with a petition of the English there inclosed, to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Also Master Agards letter to his friend in London, conteyning matters of great moment, tending to the pacification of the miserable distractions of t
  • 58608
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    A letter from Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, His Maiesties serjeant at law in the kingdome of Ireland, and speaker of the House of Commons, in Parliament there. Being a perfect relation of the last true newes from Ireland.
  • 58609
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    A letter from Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, His Maiesties serjeant at law in the kingome of Ireland, and speaker of the House of Commons, in Parliament there being a perfect relation of the last true newes from Ireland.
  • 58610
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    A letter from a scholler in Oxford-shire to his unkle a merchant in Broadstreet upon occasion of a book intituled, A moderate and most proper reply to a declaration, printed and published under His Majesties name, Decemb. 8. intended against an ordinance of Parliament for assessing &c. / sent to the presse by the merchant, who confesseth himselfe converted by it.|Moderate and most proper reply t
  • 58611
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    A letter from a worthy gentleman in York-shire, to his friend a member of the honorable House of Commons
  • 58612
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    A letter from a worthy gentleman in Yorke-shire, to his friend a member of the Honorable House of Commons. Declaring 1. That the Parliament hath, and continually ought to use their zealous indeavours and heartie desires, for a thorow reformation in church and commonwealth. 2. That the same meanes the prelates used to advance themselves to pettie de
  • 58613
    Book Info
    A letter from a worthy gentleman in Yorke-shire, to his friend a member of the honorable House of Commons Declaring 1. That the Parliament hath, and continually ought to use their zealous indeavours and heartie desires for a thorow reformation in Church and common wealth. 2. That the same meanes the prelates used ... and confounded their carnall wi
  • 58614
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    A letter from the Lord of Lecester to the Right Honovrable, the Earle of Northumberland and by him comunicated to the House of Peeres declaring the true causes of his long stay at court and with what earnest desires hee continually pressed His Maiesty to assigne his dispatch which he notwithstanding denyed to grant :
  • 58615
    Book Info
    A letter from the Lord of Lecester, to the Right Honourable, the Earle of Northumberland; and by him comunicated to the House of Peeres. Declaring the true causes of his long stay at court, and with what earnest desires hee continually pressed his Maiesty to assigne his dispatch, which he notwithstanding denyed to grant. Also how, and in what manne
  • 58616
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    A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Chomler, Sir Phillip Stapleton, Sir Henry Chomley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament, residing at Yorke together, with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May : with the votes from the Lords in Parliament, concerning His Majesties resolution for the adjourn
  • 58617
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York being a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May : with the names of those gentlemen that concurred with the king concerning a guard for his sacred person .
  • 58618
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York together with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York on Thursday the 12 of this instant May : with the free holders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to Mr. Speaker an
  • 58619
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    A letter from the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Rovve, extraordinary embassadour for his Majestie at vienna To Edmond VValler Esquier one of the Members of the House of Commons. Which letter was read in the said House, Iuly 8. 1642.
  • 58620
    Book Info
    A letter from the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Rovve, extraordinary embassadour for his Majestie at vienna[sic]. To Edmund VValler Esquier one of the members of the House of Commons. Which letter was read in the said House, Iuly 8. 1642.