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총 60,478건 중 58,701 - 58,720건 출력
  • 58701
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    A letter to the Earle of Pembroke from Sir Edvvard Baynton in Glocester. Shewing the true manner how himselfe and Captaine Edward Eyre were surprised at Malmsbury by two lieutenant-collonels under the Earl of Stamfords command, upon pretended ground, and contrary to some scandalous relations in print. With the reasons inducing him formerly to seize
  • 58702
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    A letter to the kindome [sic] of England to stand upon their vvatch, least the darke winter nights (by the lightning of cannons) prove terrible to their spirits.
  • 58703
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    A letter written by a Iesuite to the Queens Majestie, March, XXII. Wherein he useth divers subtle insinuations to Her Majesty, for the Kings Majesties repealing and recalling of the lawes and proclamations against the Iesuits, priests, and recusants. With a brief consideration of the reasons, intimated in the letter, and a just confutation of them.
  • 58704
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    A letter written by a Iesvite to the Qveens Majestie March XXII wherein he useth divers subtle insinuations to Her Majesty for the Kings Majesties repealing and recalling of the lawes and proclamations against the Iesuits, priests and recusants : with a brief consideration of the reasons,intimated in the letter and a just confutation of them.
  • 58705
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    A letter written by master Symon Rodes, minister in Yorke, to his brother in London, with the substance of Sir Tho: Widringtons (deputy recorders speech of Yorke) to His Majestie, at his entry into the citie.
  • 58706
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    A letter written by the French king to the Cardinall Richieleu occasioned upon a letter ... from Pope Vrban the 8, intimating the miserable condition the Catholicks (both in England and Ireland) are like to come into, and upon some late proceedings of the Parliament in England : commanding the said cardinall to hold and observe the like strict hand towards the Hugonets, or Protestants, in France
  • 58707
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    A letter written from Sir VVilliam Parson, one of the lord justices of Ireland, to Sir Robert Pye, a worthy knight of the honourable House of Commons published by his consent and other members of the said Commons House : this letter was received by Sir Robert Pye the 9 of April.
  • 58708
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    A letter written from Sir VVilliam Parsons, one of the lord justices of Ireland, to Sir Robert Pye, a worthy knight of the honourable House of Commons: published by his consent and other members of the said Commons House. This letter was received by Sir Robert Pye, the 9. of April.
  • 58709
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    A letter written from the Right Honorable the Earle of Bedford, to a lord of the House of Peeres, of all the remarkable passages about Sherborn Castle. Being a full relation of the great overthrow given to the cavalleers within a mile of Eivill: with the resolution of the Earle of Bedford, to die in the cause. Desired by the Lords in Parliament, th
  • 58710
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    A letter written from the right honorable the Earle of Bedford to a lord of the House of Peers, of all the remarkable passages about Sherborn Castle being a full relation of the great overthrow given to the cavalleers within a mile of Eivill : with the resolution of the Earle of Bedford to die in the cause.
  • 58711
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    A letter written out of the country to Mr. John Pym Esquire, one of the worthy members of the House of Commons, February I
  • 58712
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    A letter written upon occasion from the Low-countries, concerning a difference, betwixt the Prince of Orange, and the states, shewing upon what occasion it grew. Whereunto is added, aviso's from severall places, of the taking of the Iland of Providence, by the Spaniard, from the English.
    De La Fin
  • 58713
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    A list of his Majesties Navie Royall, and merchants ships their names, captaines and lievtenants, their men and burthens in every one, now setting forth for the guard of the narrow seas, and for Ireland this yeare, 1642. With an order, for the speedy rigging of the navie for the defence of the kingdome. Algernon Percy, Earle of Northumberland, Lord
  • 58714
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    A list of such English and Scotch commanders as captains, lievtenants, and ensignes, and sergeants, as have left their command under the Prince of Orange from his leaguer at Rhineberk, with the names of each captains garrison. A copy whereof was sent to Burlemow, a Dutch merchant from his factor at Delph, post speed.
  • 58715
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    A list of the field-officers chosen and appointed for the Irish expedition by the Committee at Guild-hall London, for the regiments of 5000. foot and 500. horse, under the command of Philip Lord VVharton, Baron of Scarborough, Lord Generall for Ireland.
  • 58716
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    A list of the field-officers chosen and appointed for the Irish expedition by the committee at Guild-hall, London, for the regiments of 5000. foot and 500. horse, under the commnd of Philip Lord VVharton, Baron of Scarborough, lord generall for Ireland.
  • 58717
    Book Info
    A list of the field-officers chosen and appointed for the Irish expedition, y the Committee at Guild-hall London, for the regiments of 5000. foot and 500. horse, under the command of Philip Lord VVharton, Baron of Scarborough, Lord Generall for Ireland..
  • 58718
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    A list of the horse under the command of William Earl of Bedford Lord Russell of Thorn-haugh, nominated and appointed, lord generall of the horse, imployed for the defence of the Protestant religion, the safety of His Majesties person, and of the Parliament, the preservation of the laws, liberties, and peace of the kingdom, and protection of His Ma
  • 58719
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    A list of the names of such persons who are thought fit for their accomodation, and the furtherance of the service in Ireland, to be entertained as reformadoes and to receive the halfe pay due to the severall officers here under named, untill opportunity be offered, according to their merit, further to prefer them; or that order be given to the con
  • 58720
    Book Info
    A list of the names of such persons who are thought fit for their accomodation, and the furtherance of the service in Ireland, to be entertained as reformadoes; and to receive the halfe pay due to the severall officers here under named, untill opportunity be offered, according to their merit, further to prefer them; or that order be given to the co