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총 60,478건 중 58,721 - 58,740건 출력
  • 58721
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    A list of the names of the severall colonells, and their colours with the leiutenant [sic] colonells, serieant maiors, and capt. and lieutenants appointed by the committee, for the ordering of the militia of this honourable city of London.
  • 58722
    Book Info
    A list of the names of the severall colonells, and their colours, with the leiutenant [sic] colonells, serieant maiors, and capt. and lieutenants appointed by the committee, for the ordering of the militia of this honourable city of London..
  • 58723
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    A list of the old and new regiments of horse and foot, under the command of the Right Honourable Robert Sidney Earle of Leicester, Viscount Lisle, Baron of Beachurst, &c. Lord Lieutenant of the Kingdome of Ireland, and Generall of His Majesties forces in the said Kingdome, &c.
  • 58724
    Book Info
    A list of the old and new regiments of horse and foot, under the command of the Right Honourable Robert Sidney Earle of Leicester, Viscount Lisle, Baron of Beachurst, &c. Lord Lieutenant of the Kingdome of Ireland, and generall of his Majesties forces in the said kingdome, &c.
  • 58725
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    A little true forraine newes: better than a great deale of domestick spurious false newes, published daily without feare or wit, to the shame of the nation, and beyond the liberty of Paris pasquils. Vnto which is added a letter written by the lievtenant of the Tower, to the Parliament, in defence of himselfe, and may give satisfaction to all men.
  • 58726
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    A looking-glasse for all trve hearted Christians wherein they may see the true goodnesse of God in giving deliverance unto them from their popish cruell and bloodie enemies by rendring vengeance upon them.
  • 58727
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    A looking-glasse for princes, or, King Francis his admonition to his sonne Henry the Second king of the House of Valois in France also the bloudy end of King Henry and all his posterity for neglecting his fathers will, in not doing justice upon all those that had their hand in massacreing the Protestants in Merindol.
  • 58728
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    A loving and loyall speech spoken unto the excellency of our noble Prince Charles by Hugh Yaughan the 2 of October at Ragland-Castle in Munmoth-shire in Wales, as his happy accesse and comming thither ; also the manner of his brave entertainment and a relation of divers rich presents brought unto him by the gentry and communalty of countrey, humbly tending their true service to their prince ; wit
  • 58729
    Book Info
    A loving and loyall speech spoken unto the excellency of our noble Prince Charles: by Sir Hugh Yaughan [sic] the 2. of October at Ragland-Castle in Munmoth-shire in Wales, as his happy accesse and comming thither. Also the manner of his brave entertainment, and a relation of divers rich presents brought unto him by the gentry and communalty of coun
  • 58730
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    La somme appelle Mirroir des iustices vel speculum iusticiariorum / factum per Andream Horne.
  • 58731
    Book Info
    Lamentable and sad nevves from the north viz. Yorke, Lancaster, Darby, and Newcastle / sent in a letter from a gentleman resident in Yorke, to his friend living in Lumbard Street ; also strange newes from Leicester, how Colonell Lunsford, Captain Legg, and Mr. Hastings have appeared in a warlike manner, with a true discovery of their intention, and the manner of the opposition by the Earle of Sta
  • 58732
    Book Info
    Lamentable and sad nevves from the north. Viz. Yorke; Lancaster, Darby, and Newcastle, sent in a letter from a gentleman resident in Yorke, to his friend living in Lumbard Street. Also strange newes from Leicester, how Colonell Lunsford, Captain Legg, and Mr Hastings have appeared in a warlike manner, with a true discovery of their intention, and t
  • 58733
    Book Info
    Lamentable nevves from Ireland with the humble petition of your Majesties most faithfull and loyall subjects, the distressed Protestants in your Majesties kingdome of Ireland, concerning His Majesties resolution for that kingdome : also a letter sent from the Kings Majestie to the lords of His privie-councell : with a trve and perfect relation of t
  • 58734
    Book Info
    Lamentable newes from Ireland being a true, perfect, and exact relation of the landing of 10000 men in that kingdom who are rumor'd to be under the command of the Lord George Digby who hath joyn'd himself to the rebels : who in their march toward Dublin, have fir'd two towns Racool and Sword : put both man, woman and child to the sword : also the sending forth of forces under Sir Thomas Moor to o
  • 58735
    Book Info
    Lamentable newes from Ireland being, a true, perfect, and exact relation of the landing of 10000 men in that kingdom, who are rumor'd to be under the command of the Lord George Digby, who hath joyn'd himself to the rebels, who in their march toward Dublin, have fir'd two towns Racool and Sword, put both man, woman, and child to the sword. Also the sending forth of forces under Sir Thomas Moor to
  • 58736
    Book Info
    Lamentable newes from Ireland being, a true, perfect, and exact relation of the landing of 10000. men in that kingdom, who are rumor'd to be under the command of the Lord George Digby who hath joyn'd himself to the rebels, who in their march toward Dublin, have fir'd two towns Racool and Sword, put both man, woman, and child to the sword. Also the
  • 58737
    Book Info
    Lamentable newes from Ireland. With the humble petition of your Majesties most faithfull and loyall subjects, the distressed Protestants in your Majesties kingdome of Ireland: concerning His Majesties resolution for that kingdome. Also, a letter sent from the Kings Majestie to the lords of His privie-councell. With a true and perfect relation of th
  • 58738
    Book Info
    Langley 1642 a new almanack and prognostication for that yeare ... composed for the meridian of ... Shrewsbury and generally for all of the north or west parts of England / by Thomas Langley, philomath.
  • 58739
    Book Info
    Laurentius Lutherizans, or, The protestation of George Lavrence, master of arts late commoner in Oxford and late lecturer in the parish-church of George Buttolph-Lane by Little East-cheap in London against certaine calumniations asperged on him by the corrupt clergie and their lay-proselytes for some particulars delivered in two sermons at Michaels church in Cornehill and else-where : concerning
  • 58740
    Book Info
    Laurentius Lutherizans. Or the protestation of George Laurence, Master of Arts, late commoner in Oxford, and late lecturer in the parish-church of George Buttolph-Lane, by Little East-cheap in London. Against certaine calumniations asperged on him by the corrupt clergie, and their lay-proselytes, for some particulars, delivered in two sermons, at M