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총 60,478건 중 58,741 - 58,760건 출력
  • 58741
    Book Info
    Lavvs and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the Army by His Excellency the Earle of Warwick lord generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the citie of London and the counties adjacent.
  • 58742
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    Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army.
  • 58743
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the army / by His Excellency the Earle of Essex ...
  • 58744
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army by His Excellency the Earle of Essex Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the King and kingdom.
  • 58745
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre, established for the better conduct of the army by His Excellency the Earle of Warwick Lord Generall of the forces raised by the authority of the Parliament, for the defence of the Citie of London and the counties adjacent.
  • 58746
    Book Info
    Leoline and Sydanis a romance of the amorous adventures of princes : together with sundry affectionate addresses to his mistresse, under the name of Cynthia / written by Sir Fr. Kinnaston, Knight
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 58747
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    Les termes de la ley, or, Certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes and statutes of this realme now in use expounded and explained
  • 58748
    Book Info
    Leycestershires petition wherein is judiciously explained their sincerity and true devotion for the propagating of religion : their expressions concerning the tyranny of bishops and their adherents in the spirituall courts : whereunto is added the principall greevances being six of which they desire the Parliaments care for remedying the same : presented to the honourable House of Commons upon Sa
  • 58749
    Book Info
    Leycestershires petition, vvherein is judiciously explained their sincerity and true devotion for the propagating of religion, their expressions concerning the tyranny of bishops, and their adherents, in the spirituall courts. VVhereunto is added the principall greevances, being six, of which they desire the Parliaments care for remedying the same.
  • 58750
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    Libertas, or Reliefe to the English captives in Algier. Briefly discoursing hovv such as are in slavery may be soonest set at liberty, others preserved therein, and the great Turke reduc'd to renue and keepe the peace inviolate, to a greater enlargement of trade and priviledges than ever the English nation hitherto enjoy'd in Turkie. Presented to t
  • 58751
    Book Info
    Libertas, or, Reliefe to the English captives in Algier briefly discoursing hovv such as are in slavery may be soonest set at liberty, others preserved therein : and the great Turke reduc'd to renue and keepe the peace inviolate to a greater enlargement of trade and priviledges than ever the English nation hitherto enjoy'd in Turkie / by Henry Robi
  • 58752
    Book Info
    Lilli's propheticall history of this yeares accidence 1642, or, Newes from the grammar-school taken suddenly sick all over with conceite occasioned by the doctors desperate opinion of her state finding hoc regnvm in the second declension : wherein is found a preposition for the
  • 58753
    Book Info
    Lilli's propheticall history of this yeares accidence, 1642. Or, Newes from the grammar-school, taken suddenly sick all over with conceite, occasioned by the doctors desperate opinion of her state, finding hoc regnum in the second declension. Wherein is found a preposition for the kings returning Londinum versus, going imediately before the concord
  • 58754
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    Lillies rules construed whereunto are added. Tho. Robintson's Heteroclites the Latine Syntaxis, and Qui mihi. Also thereunto are now added the rules for the genders of nounes, and preterperfect tenses, and supines of verbs in English alone.
  • 58755
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    Lines dedicated to fame and truth written by Sr. Francis Wortley, knight and baronet, vpon the consideration of the various fortunes of that blessed and most vertuous Lady Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia.
  • 58756
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    Little-vvits protestation, to defend popery since the decease of his sister svperstition ... / by I. G. ...
  • 58757
    Book Info
    Little-vvits protestation, to defend popery: since the decease of his sister Superstition. Anno Dom. 1642. By I. G. Gent.
  • 58758
    Book Info
    London's ioyfull gratulation, and thankfull remembrance for their safeties presented to the Right Honourable their excellencies, the most noble Earle of Essex, and the most noble Robert, Earle of Warwick : both generals of the present forces raised for the defence of this kingdome, with the generall joy for their safe coming hither.
  • 58759
    Book Info
    London's ioyfull gratulation, and thankfull remembrance for their safeties. Presented to the Right Honourable their excellencies, the most noble Earle of Essex, and the most noble Robert, Earle of Warwicke. Both generals of the present forces raised for the defence of this kingdome, with the generall joy for their safe comming hither. Arma virosque
  • 58760
    Book Info
    Londons declaration, in the defence of the citisens now in arms concerning certain aspersions cast upon them, some calling them traitors and rebels to the king : of which, they here nobley cleere themselves, proving of themselves to the whole kingdom, in stead of traytors and rebels, carefull, true and loyall subjects both to king and kingdome.