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총 60,478건 중 58,761 - 58,780건 출력
  • 58761
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    Londons declaration, in the defence of the citisens now in arms. Concerning, certain aspersions cast upon them; some calling them traitors and rebels to the King. Of which, they here nobly cleere themselves, proving of themselves to the whole kingdome, in stead of traytors and rebels, carefull, true, and loyall subjects both to King and kingdome.
  • 58762
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    Londons desire and direction to all her dear, and to some of her discontented children never more indangering their mothers and their own peace then by the desire thereof upon unsound grounds : laid down in some reasons, counsells, and cautions given to the subscribers, and the many thousands willing to subscribe : if the pretence for peace were answered by their expression in their petition for
  • 58763
    Book Info
    Londons desire and direction to all her dear, and to some of her discontented children, never more indangering their mothers and their own peace, then by the desire thereof upon unsound grounds. Laid down in some reasons, counsells, and cautions given to the subscribers, and the many thousands willing to subscribe; if the pretence for peace were an
  • 58764
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    Londons remonstrance to the Parliament, in subscribing to the propositions of both Houses, concerning money, plate, horse, horsemen, and armes to be lent for the maintenance of an army for the Kings peace, and the safety of the Parliament. As it was concluded by the lord maior, court of aldermen, and common-councell-men of the Citie of London, in G
  • 58765
    Book Info
    Londons remonstrance to the Parliament, in subscribing to the propositions of both houses, concerning money, plate, horse, horsemen, and armes to be lent for the maintenance of an army for the Kings peace, and the safety of the Parliament as it was concluded by the lord maior, court of aldermen, and common-councell-men of the citie of London in Gui
  • 58766
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    Londons teares, vpon the never too much to be lamented death of our late worthie member of the House of Commons, Sr. Richard Wiseman Knight and Baronet Whose hearse was upon Wednesday the 19th day of January, 1642. solemnly conducted from King-street in Westminster, through the Citie of London, to the parish of St. Stephens Coleman-street, by above
  • 58767
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    Lunae 25. Novemb. 13 Caroli Regis Secundi. Resolved upon the question by the Commons assembled in Parliament, that no member of this House doe grant any protection to any but such only as are their meniall servants ...
  • 58768
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    Luthers Alcoran being a treatise first written in French by the learned Cardinall Peron, of famous memory, against the Hugenots of France, and translated into English by N.N.P. : the page following sheweth the particular contents of the booke, which consisteth of symbolismes, parallells, identities.
    Davy Du Perron
  • 58769
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    The Last conclave containing a relation of such occurrents as happened in the conclave wherein was chosen the present Pope Urban the eighth, the sixth of August, 1623 : together with some preceding affaires about the end of the papacy of Gregory the fifteenth.
  • 58770
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    The Last nevves from Yorke and Hvll, or, A true relation of all the passages and other occurrences that hath happened in and about the city of Yorke and the towne of Hull from the twenty sixth of Iune, to the third of Iuly being the copy of a letter sent from a merchant of York to a private friend in London, the fourth of Iuly, 1642 : as also the execution of a Jesuite at Yorke, by the Kings comm
  • 58771
    Book Info
    The Last nevvs in London, or, A discovrse between a citizen and a country-gentleman, as they did ride betwixt London and Ludlow, October 12, 1642 concerning the present estate and affaires of the citie, viz. the Guild-halls night-work, the skirmish at S. Pauls, the passages at the Sessions-house.
  • 58772
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    The Last newes from the Kings Majesties army now at Maidenhead containing many remarkable passages, with Prince Robert his intentions : also matters worthy of observation in and about the cities of London and Westminster, with severall proceedings of both Houses of Parliament to this present 11 of November.
  • 58773
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    The Last true and joyfull newes from Ireland declaring all the proceedings of the English and Scotch forces in Ireland against the king of Spains standard which is now set up in defiance of the King of England : as it was reported to the House of Commons : relating also the victories which the English and Scotch have obtained over the rebels : I. the battell fought by the Earl of Ormond with one
  • 58774
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    The Last true intelligence from Ireland being a true relation of the great victory lately obtained against the rebels by Sir William Stewart, Colonell Sanderson, Colonell Mervyn, and Sergeant Major Galbraith, against the great Oneales and MacGwires forces : wherein they slew great numbers of the rebels, tooke 900 cowes, 500 sheep, and 300 horses from the rebels in the county of Fermanagh : also h
  • 58775
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    The Latest intelligence of Prince Ruperts proceeding in Northamption-Shire and also Colonell Goodwins at Brill : both exprest in two letters / from hands of good Quality.
  • 58776
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    The Latest printed newes from Chichester, Windsor, Winchester, Chester, Manchester, and Yorke, &c.
  • 58777
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    The Latest remarkable truths from Worcester, Chester, Salop, Warwick, Stafford, Somerset, Devon, Yorke and Lincoln counties most of which was sent up poste from judicious men of purpose to be printed : among other things there is a cruell and bloody speech of the Lord Paulets which he spake to his fellow souldiers in Sherbourne the 7 of September w
  • 58778
    Book Info
    The Latest remarkable truths, (not before printed) from Chester, Worcester, Devon, Somerset, Yorke and Lanchaster counties, as also from Scotland. Containing among other things these, viz. The Lord Generalls taking of Hereford, a treaty of peace, conditionally concluded upon in York-sheire, betweene the malignant and honest party. The taking prison
  • 58779
    Book Info
    The Latest remarkable truths, not before printed, from Chester, Worcester, Devon, Somerset, Yorke and Lanchaster counties, as also from Scotland containing among other things these, viz. : the Lord Generalls taking of Hereford, a treaty of peace, conditionally concluded upon in York-shire, between the malignant and honest party : the taking prisoners the Earle of Bath, Sir Ralph Sydenham, M. Giff
  • 58780
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    The Levites lamentation