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총 60,478건 중 58,801 - 58,820건 출력
  • 58801
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    The Lords and Commons in Parliament do declare, that it is against the laws and liberties of the kingdome, that any of the subjects thereof should be commanded by the king to attend him at his pleasure, but such as are bound thereto by speciall service
  • 58802
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    The Loyall resolution of the gentry and commonalty of the county of Yorke presented to His Royall Majestie concerning severall matters of great consequence between His Majestie and Sir Iohn Hotham a member of the honourable House of Parliament and by the appointment of the said House, governour of Hull : wherein is declared the greatest manifestation both of their loyalty to their gracious sovera
  • 58803
    Book Info
    The Loyall resolution of the gentry and commonalty of the county of Yorke, presented to His Royall Majestie, concerning severall matters of great consequence between His Majestie and Sir Iohn Hotham, a member of the honourable House of Parliament, and by the appointment of the said House, governour of Hull. Wherein is declared the greatest manifest
  • 58804
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    The last and truest intelligence from Ireland being a true relation of the taking of a castle from the rebels, called the Castle of the Knights of the Elms, on the river of Limbrick, by the souldiers of the Englishe fleet, who took in the castle 1000 bushels of wheat, 4000 weight of butter, with great store of barley, malt, and salted beefe, Septemb. 28 : also the taking of a French ship on the r
  • 58805
    Book Info
    The last and truest intelligence from Ireland: being a true relation of the taking of a castle from the rebels, called the Castle of the Knights of the Elms, on the river of Limbrick, by the souldiers of the English fleet, who took in the castle 1000. bushels of wheat, 4000. weight of butter, with great store of barley, malt, and salted beefe, Sept
  • 58806
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    The last intelligence from Ireland received Febrvary the first, 1641.
  • 58807
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    The last intelligence from Ireland. Received February the first. 1641.
  • 58808
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    The last ioyfull newes from Ireland wherein is related a most famous and victorious battell between the Protestants and the rebels at Kilrush in the county of Kildare : at which place the English with 3000 foot and horse, valiantly set upon the enemies, being 12000 in number, killed neere upon 600 of them, tooke abundance of armes and ammunition from them, and brought 3 heads of their chiefe comm
  • 58809
    Book Info
    The last ioyfull newes from Ireland. Wherein is related, a most famous and victorious battell between the Protestants and the rebels, at Kilrush in the county of Kildare: at which place the English with 3000 foot and horse, valiantly set upon the enemies, being 12000 in number, killed neere upon 600 of them, tooke abundance of armes and ammunition
  • 58810
    Book Info
    The last joyfull newes from Ireland being the copies of two severall letters sent from Dublin the 28 of Aprill, 1642 to a noble person in this city : being the relation of a renowned victory obtained against 12000 rebels under the command of the Lord Mantgarret and the lords of the Pale where divers of the rebels were slaine and but 40 English : this victory was obtained by these worthy champions
  • 58811
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    The last message and resolution of both Houses of Parliament presented to the King's most sacred Majesty, June 26. Concerning His Majesties levying of war, and the great affront which were given to the Lord Fairfax, and Sir Philip Stapleton ...
  • 58812
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    The last nevves from Yorke and Hull. Or A true relation of all the passages and other occurrences that hath happened in and about the city of Yorke, and the towne of Hull from the twenty sixth of Iune, to the third of Iuly. Being the copy of a letter sent from a merchant of York, to a private friend in London, the fourth of Iuly. 1642. As also the
  • 58813
    Book Info
    The last nevvs in London. Or, A discourse between a citizen and a country-gentleman, as they did ride betwixt London and Ludlow, October 12. 1642. Concerning the present estate and affaires of the citie: viz. The Guild-halls night-work. The skirmish at S. Pauls. The passages at the Sessions-house.
  • 58814
    Book Info
    The last newes from Ireland being a true relation of all most remarkable occurrences which hath lately happened concerning the state of that oppressed and distracted kingdome : sent over from Ireland to one Master Dobbins in London : as also the view and consideration of some Scotch forces which were sent over for the supply of Ireland to be under the command of Sir William Belfore, late Lieutena
  • 58815
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    The last newes from the Kings Majesties army now at Maidenhead: containing many remarkable passages, with Prince Robert his intentions. Also matters worthy of observation in and about the cities of London and Westminster, with severall proceedings of both Houses of Parliament to this present 11. of November.
  • 58816
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    The last true and joyfull newes from Ireland declaring, all the proceedings of the English and Scotch forces in Ireland, against the King of Spains standard, which is now set up in defiance of the King of England, as it was reported to the House of Commons; relating also the victories which the English and Scotch have obtained over the rebels. I, T
  • 58817
    Book Info
    The last true intelligence from Ireland; being a true relation of the great victory lately obtained against the rebels by Sir William Stewart, Colonell Sanderson, Colonell Mervyn, and Sergeant Major Galbraith, against the great Oneales and MacGwires forces, wherein they slew great numbers of the rebels, tooke 900. cowes, 500. sheep, and 300. horses
  • 58818
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    The last true intelligence from Warwick: being a certaine relation of the death of the Earle of Lindsey, lord generall of the Kings army, who was sorely wounded upon his being taken prisoner in the late battell neer Banbury. Also an exact relation from the forces of Lincolnshire, which have joyned themselves with the Lord Fairfax and Captain Hotham
  • 58819
    Book Info
    The last true newes from Ireland being the copie of a letter sent from Dublin, to a gentleman of good ranke, and now resident in this city. Wherein is declared many great overthrowes and defeates given to the rebels. Likewise the manner how a great castle called Carricke Mayne (within 6. myles of Dublin) was taken by the English, and the rebels put
  • 58820
    Book Info
    The last true newes from Yorke, Nottingham, Coventry and Warwicke, or, All the speciall passages and occurences in these parts from the 24 of August to the 4 of September 1642 amongst which is related the commissions sent by His Majesty under the broad seale of England to the Earle of Cumberland for the speedy raising of all the trained bands, both of horse and foot in Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumb