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총 60,478건 중 58,821 - 58,840건 출력
  • 58821
    Book Info
    The last true newes from Yorke, Nottingham, Coventry and Warwicke: or all the speciall passages and occurences in these parts, from the 24 of August, to the 4 of September, 1642. Amongst which is related the commissions sent by his Majesty, under the broad seale of England, to the Earle of Cumberland, for the speedy raising of all the trained bands
  • 58822
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    The last trve intelligence from Ireland, dated in Dublin 16 March, and received in London 28 March 1642
  • 58823
    Book Info
    The last will and testament of Superstition: eldest daughter to Antichrist, the eldest sonne to Lucifer, the prince of this world, of the family of popery, in the kingdome of idolatry: being fallen into a grievous fit of sicknesse, without all hopes of recovery. Made in the prelates clymactericall yeer, Anno Domini. 1641.
  • 58824
    Book Info
    The last will and testament of svperstition eldest daughter to Antichrist, the eldest sonne to Lvcifer, the prince of this world of the family of popery, in the kingdome of idolatry : being fallen into a grievous fit of sicknesse, without all hopes of recovery.
  • 58825
    Book Info
    The last, best, and truest nevves from Ireland, that came since the rebellion sent from a Gentleman in Dublin to his friend, a divine, in London.
  • 58826
    Book Info
    The last, best, and truest nevves from Ireland, that came since the rebellion. Sent from a Gentleman in Dublin, to his friend, a divine, in London.
  • 58827
    Book Info
    The late letters from both Houses of Parliament, concerning their purpose of delivery of a petition to His Majesty His Majesties answer to those letters with his safe conduct : also the humble petition of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, to His Majesty : with His Majesties answer thereunto : together with His Majesties message on
  • 58828
    Book Info
    The late letters from both Houses of Parliament, concerning their purpose of delivery of a petition to His Majesty: His Majesties answer to those letters, with his safe conduct. Also the humble petition of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, to His Majesty: with His Majesties answer thereunto. Together with His Majesties message on t
  • 58829
    Book Info
    The late letters from both houses of Parliament concerning their purpose of delivery of a petition to His Majesty. His Majesties answer to those letters.
  • 58830
    Book Info
    The latest and truest nevves from Ireland, or, A true relation of the happy victory obtained against the rebels before Droheda, and how the Earle of Ormond Sir Charles Coote, and Sir Simon Harecourt sallying out of Dublin to Donshoglen with two thousand souldiers; slew two hundred rebels, and but 5 of them slain: related in a letter from a privy co
  • 58831
    Book Info
    The latest and trvest nevves from Ireland, or, A trve relation of the happy victory obtained against the rebels before Drogheda and how the Earle of Ormond Sir Charles Coote, and Sir Simon Harecourt sallying out of Dublin to Donshoglen with two thousand souldiers slew two hundred rebels, and but 5 of them slain : related in a letter / from a privy
  • 58832
    Book Info
    The latest remarkable truths from Worcester, Chester, Salop, Warwick, Stafford, Somerset, Devon, Yorke, and Lincoln counties. Most of which was sent up poste from judicious men, of purpose to be printed. Among other things there is a cruell and bloody speech of the Lord Paulets, which he spake to his fellow souldiers in Sherbourne the 7. of Septemb
  • 58833
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    The learned reading of Sir Francis Bacon, one of Her Majesties learned counsell at law, upon the statute of uses being his double reading to the honourable society of Grayes Inne ...
  • 58834
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    The letter of Master Alexander Williams in Ireland to his father here resident in London.
  • 58835
    Book Info
    The liberties usages, and customes of the City of London; confirmed by especiall Acts of Parliament, with the time of their confirmation. Also, divers ample, and most beneficiall charters, granted by King Henry the 6. King Edward the 4. and King Henrie the 7th. not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were, and where to find every particul
  • 58836
    Book Info
    The liberties, usages, and customes of the city of London confirmed by especiall acts of Parliament, with the time of their confirmation : also divers ample, and most beneficiall charters, granted by King Henry the 6, King Edward the 4, and King Henrie the 7th, not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were, and where to find every particul
  • 58837
    Book Info
    The liberties, usages, and customes of the city of London confirmed by especiall acts of Parliament, with the time of their confirmation : also divers ample, and most beneficiall charters, granted by King Henry the 6, King Edward the 4, and King Henrie the 7th, not confirmed by Parliament as the other charters were, and where to find every particular grant and confirmation at large / collected by
  • 58838
    Book Info
    The life and death of King Richard the second who was deposed of his crown by reason of his not regarding the councell of the sage and wife of his kingdom, but followed the advice of of [sic] wicked and lewd councell and fought as published by a Well-wisher to the common-wealth being worthy the observation of all men in these times of distractions.
  • 58839
    Book Info
    The life and death of King Richard the second, who was deposed of his crown, by reason of his not regarding the councell of the sage and wise of his kingdom, but followed the advice of of [sic] wicked and lewd councell, and sought as farre as in him lay, to deprive many good English subjects of their lives and estates, who stood wholly for the good
  • 58840
    Book Info
    The life and death of Sr. Thomas Moore, who was Lord Chancelor of England to King Henry the Eight