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총 60,478건 중 58,841 - 58,860건 출력
  • 58841
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    The life of Henry the Second: King of England. Shewing what troubles befell in his raigne, concerning the warres betweene him and his subjects, and also the manner how he set up his standerd neere Rudland, Henry of Essex being his generall, and the manner how he left his crowne; necessary to be observed in these dangerous and distracted times of ou
  • 58842
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    The list of the army raised under the command of His Excellency Robert Earle of Essex, and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourcheir and Lovaine, appointed captaine generall of the army imployed for the defence of the Protestant religion : the safety of His Majesties person : and of the Parliament : the preservation of the laws, liberties, and peace of the kingdom : and protecti
  • 58843
    Book Info
    The list of the army raised under the command of his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex and Ewe, Viscount Hereford, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, Bourcheir and Lovaine: appointed captaine generall of the army, imployed for the defence of the Protestant religion, the safety of his Majesties Person, and of the Parliament; the preservation of the lawes, li
  • 58844
    Book Info
    The list of the names of all the commanders, and other gentlemen of note that were taken prisoners in the late battell at Winchester as it was presented to his Excellency the Earl of Essex at Windsor. Decemb. 17. And sent by Coronet Sterly, to Sergeant Major Alexander, one of the commanders under his Excellency.
  • 58845
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    The lively character of the malignant partie wherein their persons, who they are, their actions, what they have already done, and do daily further attempt with their intentions : at what ends they ayme, are sufficiently set forth, fully described, and plainly evidenced to the indifferent judgement of any ordinary man, who hath had but a reasonable
  • 58846
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    The lost sheepe is found under a nevv disguisement of a yong-raw-scull'd vvit, &c. A bold adventure, a new way declared in a further imitation of more domestique boarders and schollers of the feminine gender, in vindication of a pious intention, and christian reliefe of a disconsolate husband, and three innocent young children, for the losse of an
  • 58847
    Book Info
    A Late and trve relation from Ireland of the vvarlike and bloody proceedings of the rebellious papists in that kingdome from Novemb. 1, to this present, 1641 : vvherein is declared their barbarous and cruell actions the great and many outrages and robberies committed by them in divers provinces of that kingdome : with the entrance of some English and Scottish forces into the north parts of Irela
  • 58848
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    A Learned and witty conference lately betwixt a Protestant and a papist wherein the papist propoundeth XVIII severall questions concerning the affaires both of church and state in the kingdomes of England and Scotland at this present : all which are punctually answered by the Protestant : whereunto is annexed three questions more propounded by the
  • 58849
    Book Info
    A Leicester-shire frolick; or, The valiant cook-maid Being a merry composed jest of five taylors that had been at work till their wages came to five pounds; likewise a merry conceited cook-maid that lived in the house, went to her master and desired him to lend her a horse, and she would venture her skill to take the 5-pound from these five taylors
  • 58850
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    A Letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter inclosed in it to one Master Anderton, were this day read and ordered to be entred, to the worshipfull, and much honoured friend Orlando Bridgeman Esquire, and a burgesse of the Parliament, at his chamber, at the Inner-Temple, these present.
  • 58851
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    A Letter sent by Sir Iohn Svckling from France deploring his sad estate and flight : with a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie intended by him and his adherents against England.
  • 58852
    Book Info
    A Letter sent by Sir Iohn Svckling from France deploring his sad estate and flight : with a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie intended by him and his adherents against England.
  • 58853
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    A Light for the ignorant, or, A treatise shewing that in the New Testament is set forth three kingly states or governments that is, the civill state, the true ecclesiasticall state, and the false ecclesiasticall state : whereunto is added a true definition of a visible church of Christ.
  • 58854
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    A List of His Majesties navie that is now setting forth for the guarding and scowring of the seas containing the names of the ships, both the kings and merchants and the Captains and Lieutenants that go commanders in the same, anno dom. 1641.
  • 58855
    Book Info
    A late and true relation from Ireland of the vvarlike and bloody proceedings of the rebellious papists in that kingdome, from Novemb. 1. to this present, 1641. VVherein is declared their barbarous and cruell actions, the great and many outrages and robberies committed by them in divers provinces of that kingdome. With the entrance of some English a
  • 58856
    Book Info
    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods Shewing also the extent of the kings prerogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported, out of and into this kingdome. Together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings most excellent Majesty, by the honourable House of Commons, in
  • 58857
    Book Info
    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods shewing also the extent of the kings perogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported out of and into this kingdome : together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by the Honourable House of Commons in the Parliament, holden anno dom. 1610 ... / by a la
  • 58858
    Book Info
    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods shewing also the extent of the kings prerogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported out of and into this kingdome : together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by the Honourable House of Commons in the Parliament holden anno dom. 1610 ... / by a la
  • 58859
    Book Info
    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods shewing also the extent of the kings prerogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported out of and into this kingdome : together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by the Honourable House of Commons in the Parliament holden anno dom. 1610 ... / by a la
  • 58860
    Book Info
    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods shewing also the extent of the kings prerogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported out of and into this kingdome : together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by the Honourable House of Commons in the Parliament holden anno dom. 1610 ... / by a la