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총 60,478건 중 58,861 - 58,880건 출력
  • 58861
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    A learned and necessary argument to prove that each subject hath a propriety in his goods shewing also the extent of the kings prerogative in impositions upon the goods of merchants exported and imported out of and into this kingdome : together with a remonstrance presented to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty by the Honourable House of Commons in the Parliament holden anno dom. 1610, annoq[ue] re
  • 58862
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    A learned and very usefull commentary upon the whole prophesie of Malachy By that late reverend, Godly and learned Divine, Mr. Richard Stock, sometime rector of Alhallowes Breadstreet, London, and now, according to the originall copy left by him, published for the common good. Whereunto is added, An exercitation upon the same prophesie of Malachy.
  • 58863
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    A learned and very usefull commentary upon the whole prophesie of Malachy by ... Mr. Richard Stock ... ; whereunto is added an exercitation upon the same prophesie of Malachy ; by Samuel Torshell.
  • 58864
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    A learned and very usefull commentary upon the whole prophesie of Malachy by ... Mr. Richard Stock ... ; whereunto is added, An exercitation upon the same prophesie of Malachy, by Samuel Torshell.
  • 58865
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    A learned and very usefull commentary upon the whole prophesie of Malachy by ... Mr. Richard Stock ... ; whereunto is added, An exercitation upon the same prophesie of Malachy, by Samuel Torshell.
  • 58866
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    A learned and very usefull commentary upon the whole prophesie of Malachy, by that late Reverend, Godly and Learned Divine, Mr. Richard Stock, sometime Rector of Alhallowes Breadstreet, London, and now according to the originall copy left by him, published for the common good. Whereunto is added, An exercitation vpon the same prophesie of Malachy / by Samuel Torshell.|Exercitation upon the prophe
  • 58867
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    A learned and witty conference, lately betwixt a Protestant and a papist. Wherein the papist propoundeth XVIII. severall questions, concerning the affaires both of church and state, in the kingdomes of England and Scotland, at this present. All which are punctually answered by the Protestant. Whereunto is annexed three questions more, propounded by
  • 58868
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    A lecture for a sects and schismaticks to read as anabaptists, brownists, adamites, presbyters, pendents and vile heriticks, with the fifth monarchy and dissembling Quakers, all these against our King have been partakers, but those that our gracious King do frown, let dun the hang-man mark them for his own, those that endeavour to invent new plots
  • 58869
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    A letter (against the erection of an altar) written Iune 29, 1635 to the Reverend Father Iohn L. Bishop of Chester / by Iohn Ley ...
  • 58870
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    A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter enclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were this day read, and ordered to be entred.
  • 58871
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    A letter directed to Master Bridgeman, the fourth of January, and a letter inclosed in it, to one Master Anderton, were the 12. of January read, and ordered to be entred. To the worshipfull, and my much honoured friend Orlando Bridgeman Esquire, and a burgesse of the Parliament, at his chamber, at the Inner-Temple, these present..
  • 58872
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    A letter from Rhoan in France written by Doctor Roane one of the doctors of the late sicke Commons, to his fellow doctor of civill law. Dated 28, of Iune last past. With an ellegy written by his owne hand upon the death and buriall of the said doctors Commons.
  • 58873
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    A letter from Rhoan in France written by Doctor Roane, one of the doctors of the late sicke Commons, to his fellow doctor of civill law, dated 23 of Iune last past ; with an ellegy written by his owne hand upon the death and buriall of the said doctors Commons.
  • 58874
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    A letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, June 28. 1641
  • 58875
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    A letter of that most religious and pious prince K. Edward the sixth to Nicholas Ridley Bishop of London, for the taking downe of altars, and setting up the table in the steed thereof, subscribed by nine of the said kings Privie Councell, together with the said kings six reasons for the same alteration; all which are set forth in the Ecclesiastical
  • 58876
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    A letter sent by Sir Iohn Suckling from France, deploring his sad estate and flight: vvith a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie, intended by him and his adherents against England.
  • 58877
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    A letter sent by Sir Iohn Svckling from France deploring his sad estate and flight vvith a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie, intended by him and his adherents against England.
  • 58878
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    A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie with divers manuscripts to the Vniversity of Oxford : which letter in respect it hath relation to this present Parliament is here inserted : together with the answer which the Vniversitie sent him wherein is specified their integrity as he is their chancellor : the tenor whereof ensues.
  • 58879
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    A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie. With divers manuscripts to the Vniversity of Oxford. Which letter, in respect it hath relation to this present Parliament, is here inserted. Together, with the answer which the Vniversitie sent him, wherein is specified their integrity, as he is their chancellor. The tenor whereof ensues.
  • 58880
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    A letter sent from Sr. Simon Harcourt, to a worthy member of the House of Commons. VVith a true relation of the proceedings of the English army, under his command, to this present March. Whereunto is added the many miraculous deliverances, in the relieving and defending of the city of Tredagh, by the providence of God. Exactly related, by the minis