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총 60,478건 중 58,901 - 58,920건 출력
  • 58901
    Book Info
    L.F. Lord Keeper his speech before the Kings Majesty and both Houses in the High Court of Parliament concerning His Majesties reigne with the bishops, judges & peeres of the land, with the Kings Majesties speech, or charge to the speaker.|Keeper his speech before the Kings Majesty and both House in the High Court of Parliament
  • 58902
    Book Info
    L.F. Lord Keeper his speech before the Kings Majesty and both Houses in the high court of Parliament. Concerning His Majesties reigne with the bishops, iudges, & peeres of the land. With the Kings Majesties speech, or charge to the speaker.
  • 58903
    Book Info
    L.F. Lord Keeper his speech before the Kings Majesty and both Houses in the high court of Parliament. Concerning His Majesties reigne with the bishops, iudges, & peeres of the land. With the Kings Majesties speech, or charge to the speaker.
  • 58904
    Book Info
    Ladensium autokatakrisis, the Canterburians self-conviction: or, an evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, poperie, and tyrannie of that faction, by their owne confessions; with a postscript for the personat Jesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, a prime Canterburian.
  • 58905
    Book Info
    Ladensivm autokatakrisis The Canterbvrians self-conviction, or, An evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, Poperie and tyrannie of that faction / by their owne confessions ; with a postscript for the person at Jesuite Lysimachus Nicanor a prime Canterburian.|Epistle.|Ladensium autokatakrisis.|Canterbvrians self-convictions.|Evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, Poperie and t
  • 58906
    Book Info
    Lambeth Faire's ended, or, A description of the Bishops holy ghost lately set to sale at Lambeth Faire
  • 58907
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    Lambeth faire vvherein you have all the bishops trinkets set to sale
  • 58908
    Book Info
    Lambeth faire vvherein you have all the bishops trinkets set to sell
  • 58909
    Book Info
    Lambeth faire, vvherein you have all the bishops trinkets set to sale.
  • 58910
    Book Info
    Landgartha a tragie-comedy as it was presented in the new theater in Dublin with good applause, being an ancient story / written by H.B.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 58911
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    Langley 1641 a new almanack and prognostication for this yeare of our Lord God 1641, being the first after leape-yeare : composed for the meridian of the famouse mayor towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all the north-west parts of Great Britain / by Thomas Langley ...
  • 58912
    Book Info
    Late and lamentable news from Ireland wherein are truly related, the rebellious, and cruell proceedings of the papists there, at this present, extracted out of the last letters from Dublin : also the protestation of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament there, for the maintenance of the Kings Most Excellent Majesties right and governmen
  • 58913
    Book Info
    Late and lamentable news from Ireland wherein are truly related, the rebellious, and cruell proceedings of the papists there, at this present, extracted out of the last letters from Dublin : also the protestation of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament there, for the maintenance of the Kings Most Excellent Majesties right and government, and safetie of that kingdome : together with t
  • 58914
    Book Info
    Late and lamentable news from Ireland, wherein are truly related, the rebellious, and cruell proceedings of the papists there, at this present, extracted out of the last letters from Dublin. Also the protestation of the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament there, for the maintenance of the Kings most excellent Majesties right and governmen
  • 58915
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    Latine verses Englished by this author, as they were erected in the hangings in the vpper House of Parliament.
  • 58916
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    Lavves and orders of warre. 1641. Established for the good conduct of the service of Ireland
  • 58917
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better government of the armie in the northern parts by His Excellence, the Earle of Holland, Lord Generall of His Majesties armie.
  • 58918
    Book Info
    Leicester's common-wealth conceived, spoken and published with most earnest protestation of dutifull goodwill and affection towards this realme / by Robert Parsons Jesuite ; whereunto is added Leicesters-ghost.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 58919
    Book Info
    Leicestor's commonvvealth fully epitomized conceived, spoken, and published, with most earnest protestation of all dutifull good-will and affection towards this realme, for whose good onely it is made common to many : contracted in a most briefe, exact, and compendious way, with the full sense and whole meaning of the former booke, every fragment of sence being interposed : with a pleasant descri
  • 58920
    Book Info
    Les termes de la ley, or, Certaine difficult and obscure words of the common lawes and statutes of this realme, now in use, expounded and explained.