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총 60,478건 중 58,981 - 59,000건 출력
  • 58981
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    The last nevves from Ireland; or, a true relation of the sad estate and feares of Dublin, and of the siege of Tredaugh by the rebels: being a true copie of a letter dated the 19. of December, sent to a private gentleman in London. Together vvith a true relation of the rebels oath.
  • 58982
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    The last speech of Thomas Earle of Strafford, upon the scaffold on Towerhill, on Wednesday the twelfth of May, 1641.
  • 58983
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    The last speech of Thomas Wentworth, late Earle of Strafford to the Lords and gentlemen in the tower, who accompanied him to the place of execution with his last speech on the scaffold, May the 12th 1641
  • 58984
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    The last speeches of Thomas Wentworth, late Earle of Strafford, and deputy of Ireland The one in the Tovver, the other on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, May the twelfth. 1641. Together with his deportment before and at the end of his execution.
  • 58985
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    The last vvill and testament of Doctors Commons Wherein is exprest the legacies bequeathed to her best benefactors and friends. As advocates, officials, delegates and doctors, messengers, sumners, promooters, and proctors, and others, which herein my will is made knowne, repaire to the commons, and there take your owne.
  • 58986
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    The last vvill and testament, with the profession of the faith of Humfrey Fen, sometimes pastor of one of the churches of Coventry, but cast out by the High Commission for labouring in a peaceable way the reformation of our discipline
  • 58987
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    The late will and testament of the Doctors Commons Shewing how he hath disposed of his commissioners, doctors, proctors, surrogates, messengers, examinors, parators and promootors [sic], and the rest of his attendants, with a short deportment of his legacies, and how he hath bequeathed them.
  • 58988
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    The liar, or A contradiction to those who in the titles of their bookes affirmed them to be true, when they were false although mine are all true, yet I terme them lyes
  • 58989
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    The liar. Or, A contradiction to those who in the titles of their bookes affirmed them to be true, when they were false : although mine are all true, yet I terme them lyes. Veritas veritatis.
  • 58990
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    The libertie of the subject against the pretended power of impositions. Maintained by an argument in Parliament an. 7. Jacobi Regis. / By William Hakevvil of Lincolns Inne Esq.
  • 58991
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    The libertie of the subject, against the pretended power of impositions maintained by an argument in Parliament an. 7 Jacobi Regis / by William Hakevvil ...
  • 58992
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    The life and death of Dr Martin Luther the passages whereof haue bin taken out of his owne and other godly and most learned, mens writings, who liued in his time.
  • 58993
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    The life and death of Dr. Martin Lvther the passages whereof have bin taken out of his owne and other godly and most learned mens writings, who lived in his time.
  • 58994
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    The life and death of John Atherton lord bishop of Waterford and Lysmore within the kingdome of Ireland, borne neare Bridgwater in Sommersetshire. Who for incest, buggery, and many other enormous crimes, after having lived a vicious life, dyed a shamefull death, and was on the fifth of December last past, hanged on the gallows greene at Dublin, and
  • 58995
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    The life and death of our late most incomparable and heroique prince, Henry Prince of Wales A prince (for valour and vertue) fit to be imitated in succeeding times. Written by Sir Charles Cornvvallis knight, treasurer of his Highnesse houshold.
  • 58996
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    The life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius his prophesies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annalls : being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome, from Brute to the reigne of our royall soveraigne King Charles ...
  • 58997
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    The lineage of locusts or the Popes pedegre. Beginning with his prime ancestor the Divell, plainely set forth to be noted of all good Christians and true Catholicks, for the avoiding of those subtill snares continually layd for them by his insinuating agents.
  • 58998
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    The love of truth and peace a sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, Novemb. 29, 1640 / by Iohn Gauden ...
  • 58999
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    The love of truth and peace. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. Novemb. 29. 1640. / By Iohn Gauden, Bachelor in Divinity. Published by their command.
  • 59000
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    The love of trvth and peace a sermon preached before the honovrable Hovse of Commons assembled in Parliament, Novemb. 29, 1640 / by Iohn Gaudin ...