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총 60,478건 중 59,001 - 59,020건 출력
  • 59001
    Book Info
    The love-sick shepheard, or, The dying lovers reprieve the shepheard for a nimph doth pine away, who with unkindness doth his love repay, till hearing of his plaint, she doth at last, afford him comfort for his sorrows past, tune of Long days of absence, &c.
  • 59002
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    A lanthorne for landlords To the tune of the Duke of Norfolke.
  • 59003
    Book Info
    A lanthorne for landlords To the tune of the Duke of Norfolke.
  • 59004
    Book Info
    A lanthorne for landlords. To the tune of The Duke of Norfolke.
  • 59005
    Book Info
    A learned treatise in three parts, 1 The definition 2 The distribution of Divinity. 3 The happinesse of man; as it was scholastically handled by John Stoughton D.D. in Immanuell Colledge Chappell in Cambridge, while he was fellow there: and now published according to the copy left under his own hand.
  • 59006
    Book Info
    A letter of a French Protestant to a Scotishman of the Covenant VVherein one of their chiefe pretences is removed, which is their conformitie with the French churches in points of discipline and obedience.
    Du Moulin
  • 59007
    Book Info
    A light hearts a iewell. Or, The honest good blade who a free heart doth carry and cares for nothing but to haue's owne vagary. To the tune of Iacke Puddings vagary.
  • 59008
    Book Info
    A light hearts a iewell. Or, The honest good blade who a free heart doth carry, and cares for nothing but to haue's owne vagary. To the tune of Iacke Puddings vagary.
  • 59009
    Book Info
    A list of the colonels as also of the severall counties out of which they are to raise their men as also the names of ships, captaines, and lieutenants that are now set forth under the command of the Right Honourable Algernoun Percey Earle of Northumberland, &c. Generall and Admirall of his Maiesties Armie and Fleete for this expedition, 1640.
  • 59010
    Book Info
    A list of the colonels as also of the severall counties out of which they are to raise their men as also the names of ships, captaines, and lieutenants that are now set forth under the command of the Right Honourable Algernoun Percey Earle of Northumberland, &c. Generall and Admirall of his Maiesties Armie and Fleete for this expedition, 1640.
  • 59011
    Book Info
    LXXX sermons preached by that learned and reverend divine, Iohn Donne, Dr in Divinity, late Deane of the cathedrall church of S. Pauls London
  • 59012
    Book Info
    Ladensium autokatakrisis, the Canterburians self-conviction Or an evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, poperie, and tyrannie of that faction, by their owne confessions. With a post-script to the personate Iesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, a prime Canterburian.
  • 59013
    Book Info
    Ladensium autokatakrisis, the Canterburians self-conviction Or an evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, poperie, and tyrannie of that faction, by their owne confessions. With a post-script to the personate Iesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, a prime Canterburian.
  • 59014
    Book Info
    Ladensium autokatakrisis, the Canterburians self-conviction, or, An evident demonstration of the avowed Arminianisme, poperie and tyrannie of that faction / by their owne confessions ; with a postscript for the personat [sic] Jesuite Lysimachus Nicanor, a prime Canterburian..
  • 59015
    Book Info
    Langley, 1640 a new almanack and prognostication for this yeare of our Lord God, 1640, being bissextile or leape-yeare : conteining necessary instructions to be observed throughout the whole kingdome : rectified and referred to the meridian of the famous mayor towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all the North-west parts of Great Britain / by Tho
  • 59016
    Book Info
    Late newes from the north: being, A relation of the skirmish betwixt the English and Scots, neere the river of Tine. As also the manner of the Scots entrance into Newcastle.|Relation of the skirmish betwixt the English and Scots, neere the river of Tine
  • 59017
    Book Info
    Lawes and ordinances of warre established for the better conduct of the service in the northern parts / by His Excellence the Earle of Northumberland ...
  • 59018
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    Les ans ou reports del raigne du roye Eduuard le Quart|Year books (Edward IV : 1461-1483)
  • 59019
    Book Info
    Lithotomia vesicae: that is, An accurate description of the stone in the bladder shewing the causes and pathognomicall signes thereof, and chiefely of the method whereby it is to be artificially taken out both of men and women, by section. Wherein severall wayes of operation are described, and the chirurgicall instruments lively delineated. Written
  • 59020
    Book Info
    Logicae artis compendium. Autore Rob. Sanderson, Coll. Lincolniensis in Almâ Oxoniensi, quondam socio