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총 60,478건 중 59,041 - 59,060건 출력
  • 59041
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    The lovers delight: or, A pleasant pastorall sonnet to a new court tune
  • 59042
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    The lovers delight: or, A pleasant pastorall sonnet to a new court tune.
  • 59043
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    A lamentable relation of a fearfull fight at sea, upon our English coast, between the Spaniard and the Hollander who after their first meeting and fight which was on Friday the sixt of September last past, and the finall fight on Friday being the eleventh of October following, the event whereof you may hear in this following ditty : to the tune of,
  • 59044
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    A large declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland, from their first originalls together with a particular deduction of the seditious practices of the prime leaders of the Covenanters: collected out of their owne foule acts and writings: by which it doth plainly appeare, that religion was onely pretended by those leaders, but nothing lesse
  • 59045
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    A large declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland, from their first originalls together with a particular deduction of the seditious practices of the prime leaders of the Covenanters: collected out of their owne foule acts and writings: by which it doth plainly appeare, that religion was onely pretended by those leaders, but nothing lesse intended by them. By the King.
  • 59046
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    A learned and godly sermon preached on the XIX. day of December, anno Dom. MDCXXXI. at the funerall of Mr. Robert Bolton Batchelour in Divinity and minister of Broughton in Northampton-Shire. By Mr. Nicolas Estvvick, Batchelour in Divinity, and sometimes fellow of Christs College in Cambridge, and now minister of Warkton in Northampton-Shire. Revis
  • 59047
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    A learned treatise of globes, both coelestiall and terrestriall with their severall uses. VVritten first in Latine, by Mr Robert Hues: and by him so published. Afterward illustrated with notes, by Io. Isa. Pontanus. And now lastly made English, for the benefit of the vnlearned. By Iohn Chilmead Mr A. of Christ-Church in Oxon.
  • 59048
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    A learned treatise of globes, both cœlestiall and terrestriall with their severall uses. VVritten first in Latine, by Mr Robert Hues: and by him so published. Afterward illustrated with notes, by Io. Isa. Pontanus. And now lastly made English, for the benefit of the vnlearned. By Iohn Chilmead Mr A. of Christ-Church in Oxon.
  • 59049
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    LXX. disputationes theologicae adversus pontificios: quibus omnes inter evangelicos & pontificios controversiae continentur, & excutiuntur: in gratiam SS. Theologiae studiosorum in Academiâ Leydensi privatim institutae, in Collegio Anti-Bellarminiano, praeside Festo Hommio, Eccl. Lugdun. Pastore.
  • 59050
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    Langley, 1639 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeer of our Lord God, 1639 : being the third after the leap-yeere : composed for the meridian of the famous maior towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for the north-west parts of Great Britain / by Thomas Langley ...|New almanack and prognostication, for the yeer of our Lord God, 1639.
  • 59051
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    Lawes and ordinances of vvarre, for the better government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present expedition for the northern parts, and safety of the kingdome Under the conduct of his Excellence, the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshall of England, &c. and Generall of His Majesties forces.
  • 59052
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    Laws and ordinances of warre for the better government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present expedition for the northern parts, and safety of the kingdome, vnder the conduct of his excellence the right honourable Thomas Earle of Arundel and Surrey, Earle Marshall of England, &c. and generall of His Maiesties forces.|Laws, etc.
  • 59053
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    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesq[ue]; cest signe [cross] al commencem[en]t, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Monsieur Littleton; pur quel enconuenience, ils fueront dernierm[en]t tolles de cest lieur; et
  • 59054
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    Liber psalmorum et precvm in usum ecclesiae Cath. Christi Oxon
  • 59055
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    Liberti Fromondi S. Th. L. Collegii Falconis in Academia Lovaniensi philosophiae professoris primarii Meteorologicorum libri sex
  • 59056
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    Linguarum cognatio: seu De linguis in genere, & de variarum linguarum harmoniâ dissertatio. Autore Thoma Hayne, olim Oxoniens. è Coll. Lincoln
  • 59057
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    Londini status pacatus: or, Londons peaceable estate Exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and shewes, at the innitiation of the right Honourable Henry Garvvay, into the Majoralty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence, of the laborious projects both by water and land, being the sole undertakings of the Right Worsh
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59058
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    Loyalty's speech to England perswading them to a constant unity of religion, for the defence of our dread soveraigne, and native country; most requisite for this time wherein we now live.
  • 59059
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    Loyalty's speech to Englands svbjects perswading them, not to suffer rebellion: then band your selves, honorable lords, wise prelates, brave captaines, worthy gentlemen, resolute souldiers, trusty citizens, and painfull comminalty; for the defence of our dread soveraigne, and native country: that rebellion may not take strength in our time.
  • 59060
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    The Ladies Triall. [A play in five acts and chiefly in verse.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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