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총 60,478건 중 59,061 - 59,080건 출력
  • 59061
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    The ladies cabinet opened vvherein is found hidden severall experiments in preserving and conserving, physicke, and surgery, cookery and huswifery.
  • 59062
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    The ladies triall Acted by both their Majesties Servants at the private house in Drury Lane.
  • 59063
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    The life and death of Queene Elizabeth from the wombe to the tombe, from her birth to her buriall. The many and mighty dangers, and miraculous deliverances of the all-beloved, admired, and renowned Queene Elizabeth, of England, &c. Written in heroicall verse.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59064
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    The life or the ecclesiasticall historie of S. Thomas Archbishope of Canterbury
  • 59065
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    The lost lady a tragy comedy.
  • 59066
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    A lamentable list of certaine hidious, frightfull, and prodigious signes, which have bin seene in the aire, earth, and waters, at severall times for these 18. yeares last past, to this present: that is to say, anno. 1618. untill this instant. anno. 1638. in Germany, and other kingdomes and provinces adjacent; which ought to be so many severall warn
  • 59067
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    A learned summarie upon the famous poeme of VVilliam of Salust, Lord of Bartas VVherein are discovered many excellent secrets in metaphysicall, physicall, morall, and historicall knowledge. Fit for the learned to refresh their memories, and for younger studenrs [sic] to abbreviate and further their studies: wherein nature is discovered, art disclos
  • 59068
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    A liberall maintenance is manifestly due to the ministers of the Gospell. By Ioshua Meene vicar of Wymondham in Norfolke
  • 59069
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    A light for the ignorant or A treatise shevving, that in the nevv Testament, is set forth three kingly states or governments, that is, the civill state, the true ecclesiasticall state, and the false ecclesiasticall state
  • 59070
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    L. Julii Flori rerum à Romanis gestarum libri IV, a Johanne Stadio emendati. Editio nova singulis neotericis purgatior & emendatior. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Johan: Stadii, historiae & matheseos Lovanii professoris primi, elaboratissimus: cui accesserunt chronologicae doctiss: Claud: Salmasii excerptiones. Unà cum variis lectionibus ex n
  • 59071
    Book Info
    L. Julii Flori rerum à Romanis gestarum libri IV. A Johanne Stadio emendati. Editio noua singulis neotericis purgatior & emendatior. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Joan. Stadii, historiae & matheseos Lovanii professoris primi: in quo obscura in lucem proferuntur, omissa supplentur, inversa restituuntur; breviter denique, quicquid in Romana his
  • 59072
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    Lacrymae Germaniae, or, The teares of Germany vnfolding her woefull distresse by Jerusalems calamity : in a sermon preached at a generall assembly in the maiden-towne of Norenberg in Germany, before the Lords the States, and many others of quality there met together, to humble themselves before the Lord / translated out of the High Dutch coppy.
  • 59073
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    Langley, 1638 a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1638 : being the second after the leape-yeare : composed for the meridian of the famous towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for the north-west parts of Great Britaine / by Thomas Langley.|New almanacke and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God, 1638.
  • 59074
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    Lavves and orders of vvarre; established for the good conduct of the seruice of Ireland. VVhereunto are added instructions for the better discipline of the Army.|Lawes and orders of warre; established for the good conduct of the service of Ireland|Laws and orders of war; established for the good conduct of the service of Ireland|Lawes and order of warre for the service of Ireland
  • 59075
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    Lawes and orders of warre established for the good conduct of the service of Ireland. VVhereunto are added Instructions for the better discipline of the Army.
  • 59076
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    Le hore de recreatione: or, The pleasant historie of Albino and Bellama Discovering the severall changes of fortune, in Cupids journey to Hymens joyes. To which is annexed, Il insonio insonadado, or a sleeping-waking dreame, vindicating the divine breath of poesie from the tongue-lashes of some cynical poet-quippers, and stoicall philo-profers. By
  • 59077
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    Leitourgia Brettanike egoun Biblos demosion euchon kai diakoneseos mysterion kai ton allon thesmon kai teleton en te Ekklesia hemon Anglikane eis t[on] ton philellenon neon charin hellenisti ekdotheisa. = Liber precum publicarum ac celebrationis sacramentorum reliquorumq[ue] rituum & caeremoniarum in Ecclesiâ nostrâ Anglicanâ, in studiosae juventut
  • 59078
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    Leshon limudim = Lingua eruditorum Hoc est, noua et methodica institutio linguae sanctae, usui eorum, quibus fontes Israëlis plenè intelligere, & ex illis limpidissimas aquas haurire, curae cordique est, accommodata: studio & operâ Victorini Bythner.
  • 59079
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    Light from heaven discovering the fountaine opened. Angels acclamations. Churches riches. Rich povertie. In foure treatises. By the late learned and reverend divine, Rich. Sibs, Doctor in Divinitie, Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher at Grayes Inne. Published according to the authors owne appointment subscribed with his h
  • 59080
    Book Info
    Light from heaven discovering the fountaine opened. Angels acclamations. Churches riches. Rich povertie. In foure treatises. By the late learned and reverend divine, Rich. Sibs, Doctor in Divinitie, Master of Katherine Hall in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher at Grayes-Inne. Published according to the authors owne appointment, subscribed with his