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총 60,478건 중 59,101 - 59,120건 출력
  • 59101
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    The life of Gregorie Lopes that great servant of God, natiue of Madrid, written in Spanish by Father Losa curate of the Cathedrall of Mexico. And set out by Father Alonso Remon of the Order of our Lady de la Merced, with some additions of his owne.
  • 59102
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    The lives and singular vertues of Saint Elzear, Count of Sabran, and of his wife the blessed Countesse Delphina, both virgins and married written in French by R.F. Stephen Binet, S.I. ; and translated into English by Sr. T.H.
  • 59103
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    The lives of saints. Gathered out of the R. Father Alfonsus Villegas of the Order of S. Dominicke, Fa. Peter Ribadineyra, and other most authenticall authors. Whereunto are annexed the liues of many other particular, & famous saints of diuers nations
    De Villegas
  • 59104
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    The lost lady a tragy comedy.
  • 59105
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    The lost lady. a tragy-comedy.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59106
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    The lover or A discourse of nuptiall love Written by Robert Crofts to please himselfe.
  • 59107
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    The lover: or, Nuptiall love. VVritten, by Robert Crofts, to please himselfe
  • 59108
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    The loves of Clitophon and Leucippe A most elegant history, written in Greeke by Achilles Tatius: and now Englished.
  • 59109
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    A learned summarie vpon the famous poeme of William of Salust, Lord of Bartas wherein are discovered all the excellent secrets in metaphysicall, physicall, morall, and historicall knowledge : fit for the learned to refresh their memories, and for younger students to abreviat further their studies : wherein nature is discovered, art disclosed, and history laid open / translated out of French by T.
  • 59110
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    A learned summary vpon the famous poeme of VVilliam of Salust Lord of Bartas VVherein are discovered all the excellent secrets in metaphysicall, physicall, morall, and historicall knowledge. Fit for the learned to refresh their memories, and for younger students to abreviat and further their studies: wherein nature is discovered, art disclosed, and
  • 59111
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    A light to Lilie Being an easie method for the better teaching and learning of the grounds of the Latine tongue. By Iohn Danes of Maldon.
  • 59112
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    A light to Lilie. Being an easie method for the better teaching and learning of the grounds of the Latine tongue. / By Iohn Danes of Maldon.
  • 59113
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    A little treatise of baile and maineprize. Written by E.C. Knight, and now published for a generall good
  • 59114
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    L'authoritie et iurisdiction des courts de la Maiestie de la Roygne: nouelment collect & compose, per R. Crompton del milieu Temple Esquire. Apprentice del ley
  • 59115
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    La Vega del Parnaso. Por el Fenix de España Frey Lope Felix de Vega Carpio ... Dirigida al excelentissimo señor don Lvis Fernandez de Cordoua, Cardona, y Aragon [etc.]
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59116
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    Lacrymae reipublicae Londinensis, sive Epicedia praecipuorum quinq[ue]; virorum vnius syndici, & quatuor equitum senatorum ex-praetorum, apostrophicè adornata: anno undecimo & duodecimo serenissimi & potentissimi Magnae Britanniae Regis Caroli. Ad senatum ex insignibus vrbis. Crux tibi lux fidei superest, venerande senatus, hanc astraea piis monstr
  • 59117
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    Langley 1637 a new almanack and prognostication for this yeere of our Lord God 1637, being the first from the leape yeere : composed for the meridian of the famous towne of Shrewsbury, and generally for all Brittaine / by Thomas Langley.
  • 59118
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    Le hore di recreatione: or, The pleasant historie of Albino and Bellama Discovering the severall changes of fortune, in Cupids journey to Hymens joyes. To which is annexed, il insonio insonadado, or a sleeping-waking dreame, vindicating the divine breath of poesie from the tongue-lashes of some cynical poet-quippers, and stoicall philo-prosers. By
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59119
    Book Info
    Le hore di recreatione: or, The pleasant historie of Albino and Bellama Discovering the severall changes of fortune, in Cupids journey to Hymens joyes. To which is annexed, il insonio insonadado, or a sleeping-waking dreame, vindicating the divine breath of poesie from the tongue-lashes of some cynical poet-quippers, and stoicall philo-prosers. By N.W. Master in Arts, of Queenes Colledge in Cambr
  • 59120
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    Lex moralis, per gratiam, quae est viatoris, non est implebilis