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총 60,478건 중 59,121 - 59,140건 출력
  • 59121
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    Lex moralis, per gratiam, quæ est viatoris, non est implebilis
  • 59122
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    Lexicon Graeco-Latinum novum in quo ex primitivorum & simplicium fontibus derivata atque composita (ordine non minùs naturali, quàm alphabetico,) breviter & dilucidè deducuntur. Cui appendix est exactissimus Graeci idiomatis index operâ & studio Ioannis Scapulae. Ad haec, auctarium extat dialectorum omnium à Iacobo Zvingero Phil. & Med. Basil. in e
  • 59123
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    Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Talmudico-Rabbinicum, [et] Arabicum. Authore Guilielmo Alabastro Anglo. Vnà cum abbreviaturis Hebraeis.
  • 59124
    Book Info
    Lexicon pentaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum. Talmudico-Rabbinicum, et Arabicum. Authore Guilielmo Alabastro Anglo. Vnà cum abbreviaturis Hebrais
  • 59125
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    Lifes preservative against self-killing. Or, An useful treatise concerning life and self-murder shewing the kindes, and meanes of them both: the excellency and preservation of the former: the evill, and prevention of the latter. Containing the resolution of manifold cases, and questions concerning that subject; with plentifull variety of necessary
  • 59126
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    List of his Maiesties ships, with others of the merchants that are now set forth under the command of the right honourable Algernon Percy, Earle of Northumberland, Lord Poynings, Fitz-paine, Brian and Latimer, Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, one of his Majesties most honourable privie councell, generall and admirall of his Majesties fleet for this expedition with the names of the ca
    Van Dalen
  • 59127
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    Londini speculum: or, Londons mirror exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the right Honorable Richard Fenn, into the Mairolty [sic] of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence of these laborious projects both by water and land, being the sole undertaking of the Right Worshipful Company
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59128
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    Londons Lord have mercy vpon vs A true relation of five modern plagues or visitations in London, with the number of all the diseased that were buried: viz: the first in the yeare of Queen Elizabeth, Anno 1592, the second in the yeare 1603, the third in that (never to be forgotten yeare) 1625. The fourth in Anno 1630. The fift this now present visit
  • 59129
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    Londons returne, after the decrease of the sicknes in a sermon (appointed for the Crosse) but preached in St. Pauls Church. Ianuary 8. 1637. By O.W. p.
  • 59130
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    Londons vacation, and the countries tearme. Or, A lamentable relation of severall remarkable passages which it hath pleased the Lord to shew on severall persons both in London, and the country in this present visitation, 1636. with the number of those thay dyed at London and Newcastle, this present yeare. With new additions. By H.C.
  • 59131
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    Love and obedience or, Christs precept and promise. Being a sermon preached on Whitsunday last, 28 of May, 1637. in Guild-hall chappell, before the right honorable the Lord Major of this city of London.|Christs precept and promise
  • 59132
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    Loves court of conscience written upon two severall occasions, with new lessons for lovers. Wherunto is annexed a kinde husband's advice to his wife. By Humfrey Crowch.
  • 59133
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    Lvminalia, Or the Festivall Of Light
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59134
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    The lady of pleasure A comedie, as it vvas acted by her Majesties Servants, at the private House in Drury Lane. Written by James Shirly.
  • 59135
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    The lady of pleasvre
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59136
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    The letany of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke being now full of devotion, as well in respect of the common calamities of plague and pestilence; as also of his owne patticular [sic] miserie: lying at this instant in Limbo Patrum. Set downe in two letters to Mr. Aquila Wykes, keeper of the Gatehouse, his good angell. In which there is an universal
  • 59137
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    The letany of John Bastvvick, Doctor of Phisicke, being now full of devotion, as well in respect of the common calamities of plague and pestilence; as also of his owne patticular [sic] miserie : lying at this instant in Limbo Patrum. Set downe in two letters to Mr. Aquila Wykes, keeper of the Gatehouse, his good angell. In which there is an univers
  • 59138
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    The life and death of Mahomet the conquest of Spaine together with the rysing and ruine of the Sarazen Empire. Written by Sr. Walter Raleigh Kt.
  • 59139
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    The loves of the Lord with his troth-plight spouse. Contained in the Song of Songs. Paraphrased, with severall soliloquies, and particular petitions, upon every division of the said song. Divided into fourteen double parts, for the only use of the sincere lovers of the Lord Jesus.|Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon. English. 1637.
  • 59140
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    A looking-glasse for all lordly prelates Wherein they may cleerely behold the true divine originall and laudable pedigree, whence they are descended; together with their holy lives and actions laid open in a double parallel, the first, betweene the Divell; the second, betweene the Iewish high-priests, and lordly prelates; and by their double dissim