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총 60,478건 중 59,141 - 59,160건 출력
  • 59141
    Book Info
    La size part des reports Sir Edw. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common banke des diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iud
  • 59142
    Book Info
    Labour in vaine, or An imperfect description of love Imperfect I well call it may, for who can all loves parts display? To a dainty new tune, called Ienkinson.
  • 59143
    Book Info
    Labour in vaine, or An imperfect description of love. Imperfect I well call it may, for who can all loves parts display? To a dainty new tune, called Ienkinson.
  • 59144
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    Labyrinthus comoedia habita coram sereniss. Rege Iacobo in Academia Cantabrigiensi.
  • 59145
    Book Info
    Langley 1636 a new almanack and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1636 and from the creation 5598, being bissextill or leap yeere : composed for the meridian of the ancient and famous towne of Shrewsbury, & generally for al Great Brittain / by Thomas Langley.
  • 59146
    Book Info
    Lavv: or, a discourse thereof in foure books: written in French by Sir Henry Finch Knight, his Maiesties Serieant at Lavv. And done into English by the same author.
  • 59147
    Book Info
    Le Dictionnaire des six langages c'est à sçauoir, Latin, Flamen, François, Espagnol, Italien & Anglois : fort vtile & necessaire pour tous studieux & amateurs des lettres.
  • 59148
    Book Info
    Lentons leisures described, in divers moderne characters. By Francis Lenton, Her Maiesties poet
  • 59149
    Book Info
    Les reports de Eduuard Coke l'attorney generall le roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgments donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en le [sic] queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & r
  • 59150
    Book Info
    Les termes de la ley: or Certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes and statutes of this realme now in vse expounded and explained
  • 59151
    Book Info
    Lifes brevitie and deaths debility Evidently declared in a sermon preached at the funerall of that hopeful and uertuous yong gentleman Edvvard Levvkenor esquire, &c. In whose death is ended the name of that renowned family of the Lewkenors in Suffolke. By Tymothy Oldmayne minister of the Word of God at Denham in Suffolke. Our dayes on earth are as
  • 59152
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    Lord haue mercy vpon vs A speciall remedy for the plague.
  • 59153
    Book Info
    Lord haue mercy vpon vs. A speciall remedy for the plague.
  • 59154
    Book Info
    Lord have mercy upon us This is the humble petition of England unto Alm[ig]hty God, meekely imploring his divine bounty for the cessation of this mortality of pestilence now raigning amongst us: vvith a lamentable list of deaths triumphs in the weekly burials of the city of London, and the parishes adjacent to the same. M.P.
  • 59155
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    Lord have mercy upon us preservatives and medicines as well before infection as afterwards, according to the judgement of the best physitians.
  • 59156
    Book Info
    Lord have mercy upon vs the vvorld, a sea, a pest-house, the one full of stormes, and dangers, the other full of soares and diseases : the observance from these, (though especially accomodated to the times of this heavy contagion,) fitted for all times : for all men, and all times are sicke, of the cause of this sicknesse : Lord haue mercy vpon vs.
  • 59157
    Book Info
    Loves maistresse: or, The Queens masque As it was three times presented before their two Excellent Maiesties, within the space of eight dayes; in the presence of sundry forraigne ambassadors. Publikely acted by the Queens Comoedians, at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane. Written by Thomas Heywood.
  • 59158
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    Luciani Samosatensis dialogorum selectorum Libri Duo, Graeco-Latiné. In usum studiosae juventutis.
  • 59159
    Book Info
    Luciani Samosatensis dialogorum selectorum. Graecolatinus.. Liber primus [secundus]|Dialogi.|Dialogorum selectorum liber secundus.
  • 59160
    Book Info
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca, the philosopher, his booke of the shortnesse of life translated into an English poem.|De brevitate vitae.|Of the shortness of life