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총 60,478건 중 59,161 - 59,180건 출력
  • 59161
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    The Lords day, the Sabbath day. Or, A briefe answer to some materiall passages, in a late treatise of the Sabbath-day digressed dialogue-wise betweene two divines A. & B. Wherein the Lords day - Sabbath, is evidently prooved, to be of divine institution ...
  • 59162
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    The legend of Captaine Iones relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combate with a mighty beare. His furious battell with his sixe and thirty men against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of kemper cattle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with sixe huge gallies of Spain, and nine thou
  • 59163
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    The life and reigne of King Edward the Sixth with the beginning of the reigne of Queene Elizabeth. Written by Sir Iohn Hayward, Kt. Doctor of Law.
  • 59164
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    The life of Bernard Gilpin a man most holy and renowned among the northerne English. Faithfully written by the Right Reverend Father in God George Carleton Lord Bishop of Chichester, and published for the satisfaction of his countrymen, by whom it was long since earnestly desired. With his sermon preached before King Edward the Sixth anno. 1552.
  • 59165
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    The life, death, and actions of the most chaste, learned, and religious lady, the Lady Iane Gray daughter to the Duke of Suffolke. Containing foure principall discourses written with her owne hands. 1. An admonition to such as are weake in faith. 2. A catechisme. 3. An exhortation to her sister. 4. Her words at her death.
  • 59166
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    The liues of saints. Written in spanishe by the R.F. Alfonso Villegas Dominican & faithfully translated into Englishe wherunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints out of F. Ribadeneira. Surius and other approued authors: with the liues of S. Patrick S. Brigid and S. Columba patrons of Ireland
    De Villegas
  • 59167
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    The lives of all the Roman emperors being exactly collected, from Iulius Caesar, unto the now reigning Ferdinand the second. With their births, governments, remarkable actions, & deaths.
  • 59168
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    A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Devereux, late earle of Essex who was beheaded in the Tower of London, on Ashwenesday in the morning, 1600. To the tune of Welladay
  • 59169
    Book Info
    A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Devereux, late earle of Essex who was beheaded in the Tower of London, on Ashwenesday in the morning, 1600. To the tune of Welladay
  • 59170
    Book Info
    A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord Devereux, late earle of Essex, who was beheaded in the Tower of London, on Ashwenesday in the morning, 1600. To the tune of Welladay.
  • 59171
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    A lamentable new ballad vpon the Earle of Essex his death To the tune of, Essex last goodnight.
  • 59172
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    A lamentable new ballad vpon the Earle of Essex his death To the tune of, Essex last goodnight.
  • 59173
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    A lamentable new ballad vpon the Earle of Essex his death. To the tune of, Essex last goodnight.
  • 59174
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    A large concordance to the Bible of the last translation allovved by authoritie. The second edition, much enlarged· Whereunto is now added a concordance to all the bookes commonly called Apocrypha. By the care and paines of Clement Cotton ...
  • 59175
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    A learned and excellent treatise; containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by M. Mat. Virel; after translated into Latine, and then into English for the use of our country-men.
  • 59176
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    A learned and godly sermon preached on the XIX. day of December, anno Dom. MDCXXXI. at the funerall of Mr. Robert Bolton Batchelour in Divinity and minister of Broughton in Northampton-Shire. By Mr. Nicolas Estvvick, Batchelour in Divinity, and sometimes fellow of Christs Colledge in Cambridge, and now minister of Warkton in Northampton-Shire. Revi
  • 59177
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    A little treatise of baile and maineprize. Written by E.C. Knight, and now published for a generall good
  • 59178
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    A liveles life: or, Mans spirituall death in sinne Wherein is both learnedly and profitably handled these foure doctrines, the spirituall death in sinne. The doctrine of humiliation. Mercy to be found in Christ. Continuance in sinne, dangerous. Being the substance of severall sermons upon Ephes. 2. 1,2,3. And you hath he quickened, who were dead in
  • 59179
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    L.A. Seneca the philosopher, his booke of consolation to Marcia. Translated into an English poem
  • 59180
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    La novel natura brevium du Iudge tresreverend Monsieur Anthony Fitzherbert, dernierement revieu & corrigee per laucteur, auecques un table perfect, des choses notables contenus en ycel, novelment compose per Guilliaulme Rastal