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총 60,478건 중 59,201 - 59,220건 출력
  • 59201
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    The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre With the true relation of the whole history, adventures, and fortunes of the said prince. Written by W. Shakespeare.
  • 59202
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    The legend of Brita-mart: otherwise Britaines Mars; or, A paraphrase upon our provisionall martiall discipline Presented dialogue wise, betweene Publicola, Epimetheus, and Infortunio, the scene Grayes-Inne Walkes: the author, G.T.
  • 59203
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    The life of Long Meg of VVestminster containing the mad merry prankes shee played in her life time, not onely in performing sundry quarrels with diuers ruffians about London: but also how valiantly she behaued her selfe in the warres of Bolloingne.
  • 59204
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    The life of the most holy father S. Francis Wrtiten [sic], and in one booke compiled, by that famous and learned man S. Bonauenture a freer minor, Cardinall of the holy Roman Church Bishop of Alba, and the Seraphicall Doctor of the Church. Now lately translated into our English tongue
  • 59205
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    The looking-glasse of schisme wherein by a briefe and true narration of the execrable murders, done by Enoch ap Evan, a downe-right non-conformist, on the bodies of his mother and brother, with the cause moving him thereunto, the disobedience of that sect, against Royall Majesty, and lawes of our church is plainly set forth / by Peter Studley ...|Refutation of such calumnies as the virulent malic
  • 59206
    Book Info
    The lovely northern lasse, who in the ditty here complaining, shewes what harme she got milking her daddies ewes. To a pleasant Scotch tune, called, The broom of Cowden knowes.|Broom of Cowden knowes.
  • 59207
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    The lovers ioy and griefe: or A young mans relation in a pitifull fashion being from his loue hindred by locks, bolts, and kindred. To the tune of, Yongmen and maids.
  • 59208
    Book Info
    The lovers ioy and griefe: or A young mans relation in a pitifull fashion, being from his loue hindred by locks, bolts, and kindred. To the tune of, Yongmen and maids.
  • 59209
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    A letter of Sr. Humfrey Linde, to a lady of great worth, much afflicted for Syr Humfreys sake, hearing him ill spoke of, for not answering the Whetstone, and the Spectacles, that were written against his Via tuta And also for that he is greatly taxed for lying and corrupting of many authours. In which letter he doth cleare himselfe.
  • 59210
    Book Info
    A lovers teares: or, The constancy of a yong mans mind although his choyce be too unkind, all you yong men who heare this ditty, a lovers teares bemoane with pitty. To the tune of sigh, sob, and weepe.
  • 59211
    Book Info
    A lovers teares: or, The constancy of a yong mans mind, although his choyce be too unkind. All you yong men who heare this ditty, a lovers teares bemoane with pitty. To the tune of Sigh, sob, and weepe.
  • 59212
    Book Info
    L. & M. Annæi Senecæ tragoediæ post omnes omnium editiones recensionesque editio terria auctior & emendatior operâ & studio Thomæ Farnabii.|Tragedies.
  • 59213
    Book Info
    La muse chrestienne du sieur Adrian de Rocquigny. Reveuë, embellie & augmentee d'une seconde partie par l'autheur
    De Rocquigny
  • 59214
    Book Info
    Laus pediculi: or An apologeticall speech, directed to the vvorshipfull masters and vvardens of Beggars Hall. Written in Latine by the learned Daniel Heinsius. And from thence translated into English by Iames Guitard, Gentleman
  • 59215
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    Letters pattents of declaration of the King of France, for the reformation of excesse in Apparell, and for regulating of the same Published in the Parliament at Roüen the 30. day of May.
  • 59216
    Book Info
    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes. Delivered in XVIII. sermons by the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majesty, master of Emanuel College in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne
  • 59217
    Book Info
    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes. Delivered in XVIII. sermons by the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, Doctor in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majesty, master of Emanuel College in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne
  • 59218
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin a gwenidogaeth y scarmenatau [sic] : a chynneddfau a ceremoniau eraill yn Eglwys loegr.
  • 59219
    Book Info
    Logica Martini Smiglecii Societatis Iesu, S. Theologiae Doctoris selectis disputationibus & quaestionibus illustrata, et in duos tomos distributa: in qua quicquid in Aristotelico organo vel cognitu necessarium, vel obscuritate perplexum, tam clarè & perspicuè, quam solidè ac nervosè pertractur. Cum indice rerum copioso. Ad perillustrem ac magnificu
  • 59220
    Book Info
    The late Lancashire vvitches A well received comedy, lately acted at the Globe on the Banke-side, by the Kings Majesties Actors. Written, by Thom. Heyvvood, and Richard Broome.
    ProQuest One Literature
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