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총 60,478건 중 59,221 - 59,240건 출력
  • 59221
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    The letters of Mounsieur de Balzac. Translated into English, according to the last edition. By W.T. Esq
  • 59222
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    The life and death of King Richard the second With new additions of the Parliament scene, and the deposing of King Richard. As it hath beene acted by the Kings Majesties servants, at the Globe. By William Shakespeare.
  • 59223
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    The life of Alfred, or, Alvred: the first institutor of subordinate government in this kingdome, and refounder of the Vniversity of Oxford Together with a parallell of our soveraigne lord, K. Charles untill this yeare, 1634. By Robert Povvell of Wels, one of the Society of New-Inne.
  • 59224
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    The life of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus-Christ Gathered out of the famous doctor S. Bonauenture, & other deuout Catholike writers. Augmented, and enriched, with many most excellent, and goodly documents. By I.H.
  • 59225
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    The lives of saints. Gathered out of the R. Father Alfonsus Villegas of the Order of S. Dominicke, Fa. Peter Ribadineyra, and other most authenticall authors. Whereunto are annexed the liues of many other particular & famous saints of diuers nations
  • 59226
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    The looking-glasse of schisme wherein by a briefe and true narration of the execrable murders, done by Enoch ap Evan, a downe-right separatist, on the bodies of his mother and brother, with the cause mooving him thereunto, the disobedience of that sect, against royall majesty, and the lawes of our Church is plainly set forth. By Peter Studley, Mast
  • 59227
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    A learned and excellent treatise; containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion Set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar manner. Written first in French by M. Mat. Virel: after translated into Latine, and then into English for the use of our countreymen.
  • 59228
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    A learned and familiar expostion vpon the Ten Commandements Wherein the text is opened, questions and doubts are resolved, errours confuted, and sundry instructions effectually applyed. First delivered in severall sermons, and now published to the glory of God, and for the further benefit of his church. By Peter Barker, preacher of Gods word at Sto
  • 59229
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    A learned and godly sermon preached on the XIX. day of December, anno Dom. MDCXXXI. at the funerall of Mr. Robert Bolton ... By Mr. Nicholas Estvvick ... Revised and somewhat enlarged by the author, and now at the importunity of some friends published
  • 59230
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    A letter, relating the martyrdome of Ketaban, mother of Teimurases prince of the Georgians & withall a notable imposture of the Iesuites vpon that occasion: sent from Gregorius monke and priest, agent for the patriarke of Antioch vnto the most holy and learned abbot Sophronius. Written first in Greeke, and now done in English.
  • 59231
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    A liveles life: or, Mans spirituall death in sinne Wherein is both learnedly and profitably handled these foure doctrines the spirituall death in sinne. The doctrine of humiliation. Mercy to be found in Christ. Continuance in sinne, dangerous. Being the substance of severall sermons upon Ephes. 2. 1,2,3. And you hath he quickned, who were dead in t
  • 59232
    Book Info
    A liveles life: or, Mans spirituall death in sinne Wherein is both learnedly and profitably handled these foure doctrines the spirituall death in sinne. The doctrine of humiliation. Mercy to be found in Christ. Continuance in sinne, dangerous. Being the substance of severall sermons upon Ephes. 2. 1,2,3. And you hath he quickned, who were dead in t
  • 59233
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    Latham's falconry, or, The faulcons lure, and cure in two books : the first concerning the ordering and training vp of all hawkes in generall, especially the haggard faulcon gentle, the second, teaching approued medicines for the cure of all diseases in them : gathered by long practice and experience, and published for the delights of noble mindes, and instruction of young faulconers in things p
  • 59234
    Book Info
    Lathams new and second booke of faulconry concerning the ordering and training vp of all such hawkes as was omitted or left vnmentioned in his printed booke of the haggard faulcon and gerfaulcon, namely, the goshawke and tassell, with the sparhawke, and lanner and lanneret, as they are diuided in their generation, the hobby and marlyn in their kindes : teaching approued medicines for all s
  • 59235
    Book Info
    Lathams new and second booke of faulconry: concerning the ordering and training vp of all such havvkes as was omitted or left vnmentioned in his printed booke of the haggard faulcon and gerfaulcon, namely, the goshawke and tassell, with the sparhawke, the lanner and lanneret, as they are diuided in their generation: the hobby and marlyn in their ki
  • 59236
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    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolnes Inne.
  • 59237
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    Lillies rules construed wherunto are added Tho. Robertsons Heteroclites, the Latine Syntaxis, and Qui mihi.
  • 59238
    Book Info
    Lillies rules construed wherunto are added Tho. Robertsons Heteroclites, the Latine Syntaxis, and Qui mihi.
  • 59239
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    Linguae Latinae exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive autore
  • 59240
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    Llyfer plyagin [sic] ar catechisme ...