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총 60,478건 중 59,241 - 59,260건 출력
  • 59241
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    Londini emporia, or Londons mercatura Exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants and showes, at the inauguration of the Right Honorable Ralph Freeman into the Maiorty of the famous and farre renowned citty London. All the charge and expence of the laborious proiects, both by water and land, being the sole vndertaking of the Right Worshipfull Company of t
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59242
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    Londons looking backe to Ierusalem, or, Gods iudgements vpon others, are to be obserued by vs
  • 59243
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    Loues sacrifice A tragedie receiued generally well. Acted by the Queenes Majesties Seruants at the Phoenix in Drury-lane.
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  • 59244
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    The lamentable and true tragedy of Master Arden of Feversham in Kent vvho was most wickedly murdered by the meanes of his disloyall and wanton wife, who, for the love she bare to one Mosby, hired two desperate ruffins, Blacke-Will, and Shakebag, to kill him. Wherein is shewed the great malice and dissimulation of a wicked woman, the unsatiable desi
  • 59245
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    The lamentation of Edward Bruton, and James Riley, who for the bloody murder committed on the bodies of Henry Howell, and his wife, vpon Queenes Downe, were executed and hanged in chaines, neere the same place on the 18. day of March. 1633. To the tune of, Fortune my foe
  • 59246
    Book Info
    The lamentation of Edward Bruton, and James Riley, who for the bloody murder committed on the bodies of Henry Howell, and his wife, vpon Queenes Downe, were executed and hanged in chaines, neere the same place on the 18. day of March. 1633. To the tune of, Fortune my foe.
  • 59247
    Book Info
    The lamentation of Edward Bruton, and James Riley, who for the bloody murder committed on the bodies of Henry Howell, and his wife, vpon Queenes Downe, were executed and hanged in chaines, neere the same place on the 18. day of March. 1633. To the tune of, Fortune my foe.
  • 59248
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    The lavv out lavved or, The charter of the Gospell shewing the priviledge and prerogative of the saints by vertue of the covenant Wherein these foure points of doctrine are properly observed, plainely proved, both by Scripture, and reason: and pithily applyed. Viz: doctrine 1 That he that is in the state of grace lyeth in no knowne sinne, no sinne
  • 59249
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    The legend of Sir Leonard Lack-wit sonne in law to Sir Gregory Nonesence, by the marriage of his wiues eldest daughter to Sir Simon Simple, translated out of all Christian languages into the Kentish tongue. By Martin Parker.
  • 59250
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    The lovers dreame who sleeping, thought he did imbrace his love, which when he wak'd, did no such matter prove; yet afterwards her love he did enjoy, by sending a letter by a trusty young boy. To the tune of, I laid me downe to sleepe.
  • 59251
    Book Info
    The lovers dreame who sleeping, thought he did imbrace his love, which when he wak'd, did no such matter prove; yet afterwards her love he did enjoy, by sending a letter by a trusty young boy. To the tune of, I laid me downe to sleepe.
  • 59252
    Book Info
    The lovers dreame: who sleeping, thought he did imbrace his love, which when he wak'd, did no such matter prove; yet afterwards her love he did enjoy, by sending a letter by a trusty young boy. To the tune of, I laid me downe to sleepe.
  • 59253
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    A learned treatise of traditions, lately set forth in French by Peter Du Moulin, and faithfully done into English by G.C.
  • 59254
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    A looking glasse for princes and people Delivered in a sermon of thankesgiving for the birth of the hopefull Prince Charles. And since augmented with allegations and historicall remarkes. Together with a vindication of princes from Popish tyranny. By M. William Struther preacher at Edinburgh.
  • 59255
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    La dance machabre or Death's duell. By W. C.
  • 59256
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    La dance machabre or Death's duell. By W.C.
  • 59257
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    Le prince, de Monsieur de Balzac
  • 59258
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    Learned: Tico Brahae his astronomicall coniectur of the new and much admired [star] which appered in the year 1572
  • 59259
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    Learned: Tico Brahæ his astronomicall coniectur of the new and much admired [star] which appered in the year 1572
  • 59260
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    Lectures vpon the eleventh chapter to the Romans. Preached by that learned and godly divine of famous memorie, Dr. Sutton, in St. Marie Overies in Southwarke. Published for the good of all Gods Church generally, and especially of those that were then his hearers