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총 60,478건 중 59,261 - 59,280건 출력
  • 59261
    Book Info
    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne.
  • 59262
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    Lingua: or, The combate of the tongue, and the fiue sences for superioritie A pleasant comoedie.
  • 59263
    Book Info
    Little Timothe his lesson: or, A summarie relation of the historicall part of holy scripture plainely and familiarly comprized in meeter, for the helpe of memory, and instruction of the ignorant. By E.G. Master of Arts, and physitian of the hospitall of St. Bartholomew, of the foundation of Queene Elizabeth in the citie of Glocester.
  • 59264
    Book Info
    Llyfr y resolusion yr hvvn sydd yn dysguini bawb wneuthur ein goreu, a rhoi cwbl o'n bryd a'n meddwl ar fod yn wir Gristianogion, hynny ydyw ar ymadael a'n drwg uchedd, a throi ar ddaioni a duwioldeb; Wedi ei gyfieithu yn Gymraeg y gan I.D. er lles i'w blwyfolion;
  • 59265
    Book Info
    Londini artium & scientiarum scaturigo. Or, Londons fountaine of arts and sciences Exprest in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honorable Nicholas Raynton into the Maiorty of the famous and farre renowned city London. All the charge and expence of the laborious proiects both by water and land, being the sole vnde
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59266
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    London and the countrey carbonadoed and quartred into seuerall characters. By D. Lupton
  • 59267
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    Loues solace; or The true lovers part, & in his conclusion he shews his constant heart He still doth praise her for her beauty rare, and sayes there's none with her that can compare. To a new court tune called the Damaske rose.
  • 59268
    Book Info
    Loues solace; or The true lovers part, & in his conclusion he shews his constant heart He still doth praise her for her beauty rare, and sayes there's none with her that can compare. To a new court tune called the Damaske rose.
  • 59269
    Book Info
    Loues solace; or The true lovers part, & in his conclusion he shews his constant heart. He still doth praise her for her beauty rare, and sayes there's none with her that can compare. To a new court tune called the Damaske rose.
  • 59270
    Book Info
    The lavves resolutions of womens rights: or, The lavves prouision for woemen A methodicall collection of such statutes and customes, with the cases, opinions, arguments and points of learning in the lavv, as doe properly concerne women. Together with a compendious table, whereby the chiefe matters in this booke contained, may be the more readily fo
  • 59271
    Book Info
    The letters patents of the presbyterie vvith the plea and fruits of the prelacie. Manifested out of the scriptures, fathers, ecclesiasticall histories, Papists, and sundrie other authors. By Iames Peregrin.
  • 59272
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    The little barly-corne Whose properties and vertews here, shall plainly to the world appeare: to make you merry all the yeere. To the tune of Stingo.
  • 59273
    Book Info
    The little barly-corne. Whose properties and vertues here, shall plainly to the world appeare: to make you merry all the yeere. To the tune of Stingo.
  • 59274
    Book Info
    The lovely northerne lasse VVho in this ditty here complaining, shewes vvhat harme she got milking he[r] dadyes ewes. To a pleasant Scotch tune, called, The broome of Cowdon knowes.
  • 59275
    Book Info
    The lovely northerne lasse VVho in this ditty here complaining, shewes vvhat harme she got milking he[r] dadyes ewes. To a pleasant Scotch tune, called, The broome of Cowdon knowes.
  • 59276
    Book Info
    The lovely northerne lasse. VVho in this ditty here complaining, shewes vvhat harme she got milking he[r] dadyes ewes. To a pleasant Scotch tune, called, The broome of Cowdon knowes.
  • 59277
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    A learned treatise of the Sabbath, written by Mr Edward Brerewood professor in Gresham Colledge, London. To Mr Nicholas Byfield preacher in Chester. With Mr Byfields answere and Mr Brerewoods reply
  • 59278
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    A learned treatise of traditions, lately set forth in French by Peter Du Moulin, and faithfully done into English by G.C.
    Du Moulin
  • 59279
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    A letter from Sarient Maior Forbes from the King of Swethens army to his reverend father Mr. Iohn Forbes, minister to the Worshipful Company of Marchant Adventurers residing in Delft touching the great battle fought by Lypsick betweene the King of Swethen, the Duke of Saxons army, and the Emperours army, and that commanded by Generall Tilly, of the Catholique League the 7. of September, 1631.
  • 59280
    Book Info
    A looking-glasse for married folkes wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake, by R.S.