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총 60,478건 중 59,281 - 59,300건 출력
  • 59281
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    A looking-glasse for married folkes, wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. / Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake, by R.S.
  • 59282
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    L. Iulii Flori rerum à Romanis gestarum libri IV. A Iohanne Stadio emendati. Editio noua singulis neotericis purgatior & emendatior. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Ioan. Stadii, historiae & matheseos Louanij professoris primi: in quo obscura in lucem proferuntur, omissa supplentur, inuersa restituuntur, breviter denique, quicquid in Romana his
  • 59283
    Book Info
    La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la lev, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques re
  • 59284
    Book Info
    La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke Chivalier, chiefe Justice Dengliterre des plees deste tenus devant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des divers resolutions & judgements donez sur solennes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conference des tresreverend juges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques re
  • 59285
    Book Info
    Laniena Pasvvalcensis: that is, A tragicall relation of the plundring, butchering, ravishing of the vvemen and fyreing of the towne of Pasewalke in Pomerland, situated vpon the riuer called the Vcker, written by one which escaped out of that towne to his friend in Penkum, lying not farre from that place, dated the 12. of September 1630. VVherein is
  • 59286
    Book Info
    Laniena Pasvvalcensis: that is, A tragicall relation of the plundring, butchering, ravishing of the vvemen and fyreing of the towne of Pasewalke in Pomerland, situated vpon the riuer called the Vcker, written by one which escaped out of that towne to his friend in Penkum, lying not farre from that place, dated the 12. of September 1630. VVherein is layd open to the vvorld, the most in humaine, an
  • 59287
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    Lawes and ordinances touching military discipline Set downe and established the 13. of August. 1590. Translated into English by I. D.
  • 59288
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    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, Chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, Master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne.
  • 59289
    Book Info
    Life eternall or, A treatise of the knowledge of the divine essence and attributes Delivered in XVIII. sermons. By the late faithfull and worthy minister of Iesus Christ, Iohn Preston, D. in Divinity, chaplaine in ordinary to his Majestie, master of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and sometimes preacher of Lincolns Inne.
  • 59290
    Book Info
    Logarithmicall arithmetike. Or Tables of logarithmes for absolute numbers from an unite to 100000 as also for sines, tangentes and secantes for every minute of a quadrant: with a plaine description of their use in arithmetike, geometrie, geographie, astronomie, navigation, &c. These numbers were first invented by the most excellent Iohn Neper Baron
  • 59291
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    Logicae artis compendium à Rob. Sanderson ...
  • 59292
    Book Info
    London ius honorarium Exprest in sundry triumphs, pagiants, and shewes: at the initiation or entrance of the Right Honourable George Whitmore, into the Maioralty of the famous and farre renouned city of London. All the charge and expence of the laborious proiects, and obiects both by water and land, being the sole vndertaking of the Right Worshipfu
  • 59293
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    Londons Lus Honorarium
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59294
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    Loue without lucke, or, The maidens misfortune to the tune of The new celebrand.|Love without lucke|Maidens misfortune|New celebrand
  • 59295
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    Loues labours lost A vvittie and pleasant comedie, as it was acted by his Maiesties Seruants at the Blacke-Friers and the Globe. Written by William Shakespeare.
  • 59296
    Book Info
    Loues triumph through Callipolis Performed in a masque at court 1630. By his Maiestie with the lords, and gentlemen assisting. The inuentors. Ben. Ionson. Inigo Iones.
    Ben Jonson
  • 59297
    Book Info
    Loves revenge VVherein is briefly shewed from the historie of the holy scripture, the rising, grouth, and finall fall of the man of sinne; with the long and continuall strife betwixt the two seeds, how they have, from time to time, sought to disinherite each other: and how that Christ, by his righteous life, and long sufferings, in the end shall ge
  • 59298
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    Lucans Pharsalia: or The ciuill warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the great, and Iulius Caesar The whole tenne bookes, Englished by Thomas May, Esquire.
  • 59299
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    The Life Of the Dvtches Of Svffolke
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59300
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    The ladies delight, or: The English gentlewomans history of Calanthrop and Lucilla Conspicuously demonstrating the various mutabilities of fortune in their loues, with euery seuerall circumstance of ioyes and crosses, fortunate exploits, and hazardous aduentures, which either of them sustained before thay could attaine the prosperous euent of their