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총 60,478건 중 59,301 - 59,320건 출력
  • 59301
    Book Info
    The lavv out lavved· Or, The charter of the Gospell shewing the priviledge and prerogative of the saints by vertue of the covenant Wherein these foure points of doctrine are properly observed, plainely proved, both by Scripture, and reason: and pithily applyed. Viz: doctrine 1 That he that is in the state of grace lyeth in no knowne sinne, no sinne
  • 59302
    Book Info
    The lavvfulnes of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper VVherein (by the way) also, somewhat of the crosse in baptisme. First written for satisfaction of a friend, and now published for common benefit. By Dr. Iohn Burges, pastor of Sutton Coldfield.
  • 59303
    Book Info
    The lavvfulnes of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper VVherein (by the way) also, somewhat of the crosse in baptisme. First written for satisfaction of a friend, and now published for common benefit. By Dr. Iohn Burges, pastor of Sutton Coldfield.
  • 59304
    Book Info
    The law and the Gospell reconciled. Or the euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace A treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the Gospell to beleeuers; in answere to a letter written by an antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th Commandement is continued i
  • 59305
    Book Info
    The law and the Gospell reconciled., or, The euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace. A treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the Gospell to beleeuers; in answere to a letter written by an antinomian to a faithfull Christian. Also how the morality of the 4th commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian sabbath
  • 59306
    Book Info
    The law and the gospell reconciled, or, The euangelicall fayth, and the morall law how they stand together in the state of grace a treatise shewing the perpetuall vse of the morall law vnder the gospell to beleeuers, in answere to a letter written by an Antinomian to a faithfull Christian : also how the morality of the 4th commandement is continued in the Lords day, proued the Christian Sabbath b
  • 59307
    Book Info
    The legend of Captaine Iones relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combate with a mightie beare. His furious battell with his sixe and thirtie men against the armie of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper Castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with sixe huge gallies of Spain, and nine t
  • 59308
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    The life and death of the merry deuill of Edmonton With the pleasant prancks of Smug the smith, Sir Iohn, and mine host of the George, about the stealing of venison. By T.B.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59309
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    The life of the dutches of Suffolke As it hath beene divers and sundry times acted, with good applause.
  • 59310
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    The litle garden of our B. Lady. Or, diuers practicall exercises in her honour. Written in Latin, by the R. Father Francis de la Croix, of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English
  • 59311
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    The liues of the noble Grecians and Romains, compared together by that graue learned philosopher and historiographer Plutarch of Chaeronea: translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot abbot of Bellozane, Bishop of Auxerre, one of the Kings priuie Counsel, and great Almner of France: with the liues of Hannibal and Scipio African: translated
  • 59312
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    A Lanthorne for Landlords to the tune of The Duke of Norfolke.|Duke of Norfolke
  • 59313
    Book Info
    A Looking-glasse for city and countrey vvherein is to be seene many fearfull examples in the time of this grieuous visitation, with an admonition to our Londoners flying from the city, and a perswasion [to the?] country to be more pitifull to such as come for succor amongst them.
  • 59314
    Book Info
    A lamentable new ditty, made vpon the death of a worthy gentleman, named George Stoole dwelling sometime on Gate-side Moore, and sometime at New-caslte in Northumberland: with his penitent end. To a delicate Scottish tune.
  • 59315
    Book Info
    A lamentable new ditty, made vpon the death of a worthy gentleman, named George Stoole, dwelling sometime on Gate-side Moore, and sometime at New-castle in Northumberland: with his penitent end. To a delicate Scottish tune.
  • 59316
    Book Info
    A lasting ievvell, for religious woemen In the summe of a sermon, preached at the funerall of mistris Mary Crosse, late wife of Mr. Henry Crosse of Barnestaple in the countie of Deuon merchant, Nouemb. 11. 1628. and now published with some additions. With a briefe description of her life and death. By William Crompton, preacher of the Word of God a
  • 59317
    Book Info
    A learned treatise of the Sabaoth, written by Mr Edward Brerewood, professor in Gresham Colledge, London. To Mr Nicolas Byfield, preacher in Chester. With Mr Byfields answere and Mr Brerewoods reply
  • 59318
    Book Info
    A looking glasse for nevv reformers Ansvvering Paul Rainalds, Scotishmans letter persvading his brother to forsake the true ancient Catholike and Roman religion Made by I.B.C. Irish Priest.
  • 59319
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    A louer forsaken of his loue. To a new court tune..|Lover forsaken of his love
  • 59320
    Book Info
    LXX. disputationes theologicae adversus pontificios: quibus omnes inter evangelicos & pontificios controversiae continentur, & excutiuntur: in gratiam SS. Theologiae studiosorum in Academiâ Leydensi privatim institutae in Collegio Anti-Bellarminiano, praeside Festo Hommio, Eccl. Lugdun. Pastore.