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총 60,478건 중 59,321 - 59,340건 출력
  • 59321
    Book Info
    Lame Giles his haultings. Or, A briefe survey of Giles Widdovves his confutation of an appendix, concerning bowing at the name of Iesus Together with a short relation of the popish originall and progresse of this groundlesse novell ceremony: wherein Mr. Widdovves his manifold forgeries, oversights, and absurdities are in part detected; and the poin
  • 59322
    Book Info
    Limbo's batterie, or, an answere, to a popish pamphlet, of Christs descense [sic] to hell: where-in what can be alleadged, for the locall descending of his soule thither, after his suffering, to liberate the patriarches, out of anie limbus, is clearlie refuted: extorted at last, to a more publicke view, / by William Guild..
  • 59323
    Book Info
    Llwybr hyfford[d yn cyfarwyddo] yr anghyfarw[ydd i'r] nefoedd yn yr hvvn y dichon dyn ... / vvedi ei osod allan ar ddull ... Dent ...
  • 59324
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gwenidogaeth sacramentav a chynneddfau a ceremoniau eraill yn Eglwys loegr.
  • 59325
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau vvedi eu cyfieithu, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn Gymraeg. Drvvy vvaith Edmwnd Prys Archdiacon Meirionnydd.
  • 59326
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau vvedi eu cyfieithu, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn Gymraeg. Drvvy vvaith Edmwnd Prys Archdiacon Meirionnydd.
  • 59327
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau vvedi eu cyfieithu, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn Gymraeg. Drvvy vvaith Edmwnd Prys Archdiacon Meirionnydd.
  • 59328
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau vvedi ev cyfieithv, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn Gymraeg. / Drvvy vvaith Edmwnd [sic] Prys ...
  • 59329
    Book Info
    London looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625 and looke forvvard, vpon this yeare 1630 / written not to terrifie, but to comfort.
  • 59330
    Book Info
    London soundes a trumpet, that the countrey may [heare it]. When death driues, the graue thriues, coach-man runne thou away, neuer so fast: One stride of mine, cuts off the nimblest haste..
  • 59331
    Book Info
    Londons ordinarie, or euery man in his humour To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59332
    Book Info
    Looke about you nam stultissimum credo, ad imitandum non optima quaequae proponere. plin. sec. ad vocon : learne from a deuill.
  • 59333
    Book Info
    Ludolffi Lithocomi Prosodia Latina, annotationibus illustrata..
  • 59334
    Book Info
    The Lamentable ditty of Little Mousgrove, and the Lady Barnet to an excellent tune.
  • 59335
    Book Info
    The Lamentation of a new married man briefly declaring the sorrow and griefe that comes by marrying a young wanton wife ; to the tune of Where is my true loue.|Where is my true love
  • 59336
    Book Info
    The last will and testament of Iesvs Christ, touching the blessed Sacrament of His body, and bloud, signed, sealed and delivered to the vse of all faithfull Christians, in the presence of many witnesses, and proved in the prerogatiue of the church of Christ, by reverend bishops, learned doctors and ancient fathers of the same church. / Exemplified, copied out, and explaned by the Reverend Father
  • 59337
    Book Info
    The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre With the true relation of the whole history, aduentures, and fortunes of the sayd prince: written by Will. Shakespeare:
  • 59338
    Book Info
    The late, and much admired play, called Pericles, Prince of Tyre with the true relation of the whole history, aduentures, and fortunes of the sayd Prince / written by Will. Shakespeare.
  • 59339
    Book Info
    The lawlesse kneelesse schismaticall Puritan. Or A confutation of the author of an appendix, concerning bowing at the name of Iesus. Written by Giles Widdowes rector of St Martins Church in Oxford, and late fellow of Oriell Colledge
  • 59340
    Book Info
    The life, and raigne of King Edward the Sixt Written by Sr. Iohn Hayward Kt. Dr. of Lawe.