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총 60,478건 중 59,341 - 59,360건 출력
  • 59341
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    The life, and raigne of King Edward the Sixt Written by Sr. Iohn Hayward Kt. Dr. of Lawe.
  • 59342
    Book Info
    The light of faith: and, way of holinesse Shewing what to belieue, and for what to striue together, earnestly contend, and suffer for in this contending age. And how to liue in all estates, conditions, and degrees of relation, according to this faith. In both, deliuering (as neere as might be, in the life of Scripture phrase:) only things necessary
  • 59343
    Book Info
    The liues of saints· Written in Spanish by the learned and reuerend father, Alfonso Villegas, diuine, of the Order of Saint Dominick. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundry other saints of the vniuersall Church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeniera, Surius, and out of ot
    De Villegas
  • 59344
    Book Info
    The loue of the soule, made by that excellent learned man Mr. Gregorie Martin: and addressed by him to his owne sisters, brought vp in heresie. : Together with a letter of the same author to a schismatique gentleman of authority, touching his dissembling in religion, against his consciencs and knowledge. : Wherein is annexed, a sure and certaine rule for the vnlearned, how to discerne betwixt the
  • 59345
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    The lyfe and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie: mayntayner of the libertie of Scotland
  • 59346
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    A louer forsaken, of his best beloued To an excellent new court tune.
  • 59347
    Book Info
    A louers desire for his best beloued: or, Come away, come away, and doe not stay To an excellent new court tune.
  • 59348
    Book Info
    La dixme part des reports de S. Edw. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iudgements donez sur solennes arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques re
  • 59349
    Book Info
    La sept part des reports Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common Banke des diuers resolutions & iudgements done sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iud
  • 59350
    Book Info
    Lapis philosophicus, seu commentarius in octo lib. phys. Aristot. in quo arcana physiologiae examinantur. Auctore Io. Caso in Medicina Doctore Oxoniensi
  • 59351
    Book Info
    Le thresor des parterres de l'uniuers contenant les figures et pourtraits des plus beaux compartimens, carbanes, & labyrinthes des iardinages, tant à l'Allemande qu'à la Françoise : auec la maniere de les construire, compasser & former dextrement : descripts en Latin, François, Allemand & Anglois / et distingué en trois liures par D. Loris ...
  • 59352
    Book Info
    Leather a discourse, tendered to the High Court of Parliament. Of the generall vse of leather. The generall abuse thereof. The good which may arise to Great Brittaine from the Reformation. The seuerall statutes made in that behalfe, by our ancient kings. And lastly, a petition to the High Court of Parliament, that out of their pious care to their c
  • 59353
    Book Info
    Leather a discourse, tendered to the High Court of Parliament. Of the generall vse of leather. The generall abuse thereof. The good which may arise to Great Brittaine from the Reformation. The seuerall statutes made in that behalfe, by our ancient kings. And lastly, a petition to the High Court of Parliament, that out of their pious care to their c
  • 59354
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    Lectures vpon the fourth of Iohn preached at Ashby-Delazouch in Leicester-shire, by Arthur Hildersam.|Lectures upon the fourth of John
  • 59355
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    Les termes de la ley: or, Certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes of this realme expounded
  • 59356
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    Londons ordinarie, or euery man in his humour To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59357
    Book Info
    Londons ordinarie, or, Euery man in his humour. To a pleasant new tune.|Euery man in his humour|Every man in his humour
  • 59358
    Book Info
    Londons tempe, or, The feild of happines. In which feild are planted seuerall trees of magnificence, state and bewty, to celebrate the solemnity of the right honorable Iames Campebell, at his inauguration in to the honorable office of praetorship, or maioralty of London, on Thursday the the 29 of October, 1629. All the particular inuentions, for the pageants, showes of triumph, both by water and
  • 59359
    Book Info
    Lord Mayor's Pageants: Being Collections Towards a History Of These Annual Celebrations, With Specimens Of the Descriptive Pamphlets Published By the City Poets ...
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 59360
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    Loues vp to the elbovves To the tune of Codlings.