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총 60,478건 중 59,361 - 59,380건 출력
  • 59361
    Book Info
    The lamentable fall of Queene Elnor who for her pride and wickednesse by Gods iudgement, sunke into the ground at Charing crosse, and rose up at Queene hive. To the tune of Gentle and courteous.
  • 59362
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    The lamentation of a new married man briefely declaring the sorrow and grief that comes by warrying [sic] a young wanton wife to the tune of, Where is my true loue,
  • 59363
    Book Info
    The lamentation of a new married man briefely declaring the sorrow and grief that comes by warrying [sic] a young wanton wife to the tune of, Where is my true loue,
  • 59364
    Book Info
    The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight coferences ... : whereby are shown the diuerse skirmishes that are between the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation : carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke / by Mr. Zachary Boyd, preacher of Gods word at Glasgow.
  • 59365
    Book Info
    The lavvyers light: or, A due direction for the study of the law for methode. Choyce of bookes moderne. Selection of authours of more antiquitie. Application of either. Accommodation of diuers other vsefull requisits. All tending to the speedy and more easie attayning of the knowledge of the common law of this kingdome. With necessary cautions agai
  • 59366
    Book Info
    The life of Bernard Gilpin a man most holy and renowned among the northerne English. Faithfully written by the Right Reverend Father in God George Carleton Lord Bishop of Chichester, and published for the sake of his common auditors, by whom it was long since earnestly desired.
  • 59367
    Book Info
    The life of Mr. Bernard Gilpin, some times parson of Houghton in the Bishopricke of Durham. A man for his singular piety and integritie famous, and renowned over all the norrherne [sic] parts of this Kingdome of England / Faithfully collected and written in Latine by the right reverend father in God George Carleton late Lord Bishop of Chichester, a
  • 59368
    Book Info
    The logicians school-master: or, A comment vpon Ramus logicke. By Mr. Alexander Richardson sometime of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge
  • 59369
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    The louers complaint for the losse of his loue To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59370
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    The louers complaint for the losse of his loue To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59371
    Book Info
    The louers melancholy Acted at the Priuate House in the Blacke Friers, and publikely at the Globe by the Kings Maiesties Seruants.
  • 59372
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    The louers melancholy acted at the priuate house in the Blacke Friers, and publikely at the Globe by the Kings Maiesties seruants.
  • 59373
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    The lovers melancholy
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 59374
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    A louer forsaken, of his best beloued. To an excellent new court tune.
  • 59375
    Book Info
    A louers desire for his best beloued: or, Come away, come away, and doe not stay. To an excellent new court tune.
  • 59376
    Book Info
    Le primer report des cases et matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del roy en Ireland collect & digest per Sr. Iohn Davys chiualer, atturney generall del roy en cest realme ; liber librum aperit.
  • 59377
    Book Info
    Linguae Latinae exercitatio Ioanne Lodovico vive auctore ; disce puer linguae quae sunt abstrusa Latinae, hic liber, aut [n]ullus, quae dabit apta tibi.
  • 59378
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    Londons ordinarie, or Euery man in his humour. To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59379
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    Looke vp and see vvonders A miraculous apparition in the ayre, lately seene in Barke-shire at Bawlkin Greene neere Hatford. April. 9th. 1628.
  • 59380
    Book Info
    The Lamentable fall of Queene Elnor, who for her pride and wickednesse, by Gods iudgment, sunke into the ground at Charingcrosse, and rose up at Queene Hive. To the tune of, Gentle and courteous..|Gentle and courteous.