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총 60,478건 중 59,381 - 59,400건 출력
  • 59381
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    The Leuites reuenge containing poeticall meditations vpon the 19. and 20. chapters of Iudges. By R. Gomersall.
  • 59382
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    The Leuites reuenge. By Robert Gomersall.
  • 59383
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    The lamentable fall of Queene Elnor, who for her pride and wickednesse by Gods iudgement, sunke into the ground at Charing crosse, and rose up at Queene hive. To the tune of Gentle and courteous.
  • 59384
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    The lamentation of a new married man, briefely declaring the sorrow and grief that comes by warrying [sic] a young wanton wife to the tune of, Where is my true loue,.
  • 59385
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    The last battell of the soule in death diuided into eight co[n]ferences. VVhereby are showne the diuerse skirmishes that are betweene the soule of man on his death-bedde, and the enemies of our saluation. Carefullie digested for the comfort of the sicke: by Mr. Zacharie Boyd, preacher of Gods Word at Glasgow.
  • 59386
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    The lion in the lambe. Or Strength in weakenes Delivered in a sermon at Shelford in Nottinghamshire, the seate of the right Honourable the Lord of Stanhope. By Iohn Wall Doctour in Divinity of Christ Church in Oxford.
  • 59387
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    The liues of saints. Written in the Spanish by the R.F. Alfonso Villegas Dominickan. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints of the vniuersall church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeneira, Surius, and other approued authors
    De Villegas
  • 59388
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    The louers complaint for the losse of his loue. To a pleasant new tune.
  • 59389
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    The love of God a diuine treatise containing fiue [brace] degrees, marks, aids [brace] of Gods loue / by Peter du Moulin ... ; translated by Richard Goring.
    Du Moulin
  • 59390
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    A Louers lamentation to his faire Phillida|Lovers lamentation to his faire Phillida
  • 59391
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    A looking glasse for drunkards: or, The hunting of drunkennesse Wherein drunkards are vnmasked to the view of the world. Very conuenient and vsefull for all people to ruminate on in this drunken age.
  • 59392
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    L'adieu au monde de David Echlin, medecin de la Royne, aage enuiron de soixante ans, prost a estre taillé de la pierre, au hazard de sa vie. Auec vne priere pour leur sacrées maiestés. Dedié à la Royne
  • 59393
    Book Info
    La neufme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice del Banke des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec gra[n]d deliberation et conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adjudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iu
  • 59394
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    Lakes. 1627. The Countrey-mans kalender: with a plain prognostication for the yeare of our Lord MDCXXVII beeing the third after bissextile or leape yeare. In plaine English tearmes written for the plainest understanding: yet serviceable for the finest wits and best capacities. Gathered especially for the auncient citie of Lincolne. By Thomas Lakes.
  • 59395
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    Lavv, or, a discourse thereof in foure bookes. Written in French by Sir Henrie Finch Knight, his Maiesties Serieant at Law. And done into English by the same author.
  • 59396
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    Lessons and exercises out of Cicero ad Atticum, for such as desire to habituate themselues (either by their owne industry, or by the helpe of masters) in Cicero's epistolarie Latine, after the method of Dr Webbe, lately priuiledged by patent from his Maiestie for 31. yeeres. And are to be sold by euery master licensed to teach by that way. As by Mr
  • 59397
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    Littletons tenures in English lately perused and amended.
  • 59398
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    Locustae, vel Pietas Iesuitica. Per Phineam Fletcher Collegii Regalis Cantabrigiae.
  • 59399
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    Lucan's Pharsalia: or The civill warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the great, and Iulius Caesar The whole ten bookes. Englished, by Thomas May. Esquire.
  • 59400
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    Ludus literarius: or, The grammar schoole shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollers; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classical authours ...