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총 60,478건 중 59,401 - 59,420건 출력
  • 59401
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    Ludus literarius: or, The grammar schoole shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollers; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classical authours ...
  • 59402
    Book Info
    Ludus literarius: or, The grammar schoole shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollers; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classical authours ...
  • 59403
    Book Info
    Ludus literarius: or, the grammar schoole shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollers; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classicall authours: begun to be sought out at the desire of some wor
  • 59404
    Book Info
    Ludus literarius: or, the grammar schoole shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollers; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classicall authours: begun to be sought out at the desire of some wor
  • 59405
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    The life of B. Aloysius Gonzaga of the Society of Iesus eldest sonne of Ferdinand Prince of the S.R. Empire, and Marques of Castilion. Written in Latin by the R. Fa. Virgilius Ceparius of the same society. And translated into English by R.S.
  • 59406
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    The life of faith in death. Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. / By Samuel Ward preacher of Ipswich..
  • 59407
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    The life of faith. By Samuel Ward preacher of Ipswich..
  • 59408
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    The life of the most honourable and vertuous lady the Lady Magdalen Viscountesse Montague / written ... by Richard Smith. And now translated into English, by C. F[ursdon]..
  • 59409
    Book Info
    A learned and excellent treatise, containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar manner / written first in French by M. Mat. Virel ; after translated into Latine, and then into English ...
  • 59410
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    A letter which Monsieur Desdiguieres [sic] Constable of France, hath sent to the king his master, to perswade him by pregnant reasons to make peace with the Rochellers, and the other Protestants which liue in his dominions and to shew how necessary it is that the king of France enter in league with the Protestants and other potentates, princes and
  • 59411
    Book Info
    A letter which Monsieur Desdiguieres constable of France, hath sent to the king his master to perswade him by pregnant reasons to make peace with the Rochellers, and the other Protestants who liue in his dominions ... The lading of two Hollandish ships which are [-] from Porto Ricco, which towne the Hollanders haue taken in the West Indies. The censure and condemnation of a booke (lately written
  • 59412
    Book Info
    A looking-glasse, for murtherers and blasphemers wherein they [see] Gods iudgement showne vpon a keeper neere Enfield C[hase] desperately shot at a man that intended to haue stolne deere, ... was done on Monday night, the xii. day of Iune, being the same day [the] tempest was in London. The the tune of Iasper Cunningha[m.]
  • 59413
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  • 59414
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    Lachrymae Londinenses: or, Londons lamentations and teares for Gods heauie visitation of the plague of pestilence. With, a map of the cities miserie: wherein may be seene, a journall of the deplorable estate of the citie, from the beginning of the visitation vnto this present. A Christian expostulation and admonition to such as fled out of the citi
  • 59415
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    Lectiones decem De totidem religionis capitibus praecipuè hoc tempore controversis prout publicè habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperijs. Per Iohanmem Prideaux Exoniensis Collegij rectorem, & S. Th. Professorem regium.
  • 59416
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    Lectures upon the Lords prayer. By Alexander Huish, Master of Arts, and fellow of Wadham College in the Universitie of Oxford. Divided into three parts
  • 59417
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    Lessus in funere Raphaelis Thorii medici et poetae praestantissimi, qui Londini peste extinctus bonis et doctis omnibus triste sui desiderium reliquit, Anno 1625.
  • 59418
    Book Info
    Libellus puerillis, in quo continentur, quinque primaria capita doctrinae Christianae cum precationibus aliquot sacris, quinque linguis comprehensa Latina, Suetica, Gallica, Germanica, Anglica omnia ex sola sacra V. & N. Testamenti Scriptura desumpta ... : index post praefationem adjectus est.
  • 59419
    Book Info
    Logarithmotechnia, or, The construction, and use of the logarithmeticall tables; by the help of which, multiplication is performed by addition, division by subtraction, the extraction of the square root by bipartition, and of the cube root by tripartition, &c. : Finally, the golden rule, and the resolution of triangles, as well right lined, as sphe
  • 59420
    Book Info
    Londons remembrancer: for the staying of the contagious sicknes of the plague by Dauids memoriall. As it vvas follovved in a sermon preached in Christs-church in London, the 22. of Ianuarie. 1626. Vpon occasion of the publique thanksgiuing, enioyned by his maiesties proclamation. By Samson Price, Doctor of Diuinitie, one of his Majesties chapleins