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총 60,478건 중 59,421 - 59,440건 출력
  • 59421
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    Lord Willoughby. Or, A true relation of a famous and bloody battel fought in Flanders, by the noble and valiant Lord VVilloughby, with 1500 English, against 40000 Spaniards, where the English obtained a notable victory; for the glory and renown of our nation. To the tune of, Lord Willoughby.
  • 59422
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    Lucan's Pharsalia or the civill warres of Rome, betweene Pompey the Great and Iulius Caesar. The three first bookes. Translated into English by T.M.
  • 59423
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    A lamentable ditty composed vpon the death of Robert Lord [Deuereux] late Earle of Essex who was beheaded in the Tower of London, o[n Ashwednesday] in the morning, 1600. To the tune of Welladay.
  • 59424
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    A lamentable new ballad vpon the Earle of Essex his death To the tune of the Kings last good-night.
  • 59425
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    A liuing sadnes, in duty consecrated to the immortal memory of our late deceased albe-loued soueraigne Lord, the peereles paragon of princes, Iames, king of great Brittaine, France and Ireland Who departed this life at his mannour of Theobalds, on Sunday last, the 27. of March, 1625.
  • 59426
    Book Info
    A liuing sadnes, in duty consecrated to the immortall memory of our late deceased albe-loued soueraigne lord, the peeereles paragon of princes, Iames, King of great Brittaine, France and Ireland Who departed this life at his mannour of Theobalds, on Sunday last, the 27. of March, 1625. By Iohn Taylor.
  • 59427
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    A loue-sick maids song lately beguild, by a run-away louer that left her with childe. To the tune of, In Melton on a day.
  • 59428
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    A louers newest curranto, or, The lamentation of a young mans folly to a pleasant new tune.|Lamentation of a young mans folly.|Lovers newest curranto.
  • 59429
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    Lawes and orders of vvarre established for the good conduct of the seruice of Ireland.
  • 59430
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    Le Dictionnaire des six langages c'est à sçauoir Latin, Flamen, François, Espagnol, Italien, & Anglois : fort vtile & necessaire pour tous studieux & amateurs des lettres.
  • 59431
    Book Info
    Lectiones novem de totidem religionis capitibus praecipuè hoc tempore controversis prout publicè habebantur Oxoniae in Vesperijs. Per Iohannem Prideaux Exoniensis Collegii Rectorem, & S. Th. Professorem regium.
  • 59432
    Book Info
    Lexicon Graeco-Latinum. In Novum Domini Nostri Jesu Christi Testamentum. ubi omnium vocabulorum themata indicantur, & utraque tam themata quam derivata Grammaticè resolvuntur. Cum indice Graecarum vocum copiosissimo. In gratiam sacr. litt & lingua Graeca studiosorum: / A. Georg. Pasore..
  • 59433
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    Licet sacerdoti civilem potestatem exercere
  • 59434
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    Londons lamentation for her sinnes and complaint to the Lord her God. Out of which may bee pickt a prayer for priuate families, for the time of this fearefull infection. And may serue for a helpe to holinesse and humiliation for such as keepe the fast in priuate: together with a souereigne receipt against the plague. By W.C. pastor at White chappel
  • 59435
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    Londons miserie, the countryes crueltie with Gods mercie. Explained by remarkeable obseruations of each of them, during this last visitation. VVritten by Richard Milton.
  • 59436
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    Loue. 1625. A new almanacke, or Prognostication, with the Arabian or Turkish, with the Persian, as also Latine and Roman or forraigne accounts beyond seas. The time of sunne rise and setting, the length of the dayes and nights, the moones changes, with rules of husbandry, and phisicall directions for this present yeare of grace, 1625. Calculated properly and accurately for the latitude and merid
  • 59437
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    Loues schoole Publii Ovidii Nasonis de arte amandi, or, The art of love.|Ars amatoria.|De arte amandi|Art of love|Publii Ovidii Nasonis de arte amandi
  • 59438
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    Loues schoole. Publii Ouidii Nasonis De arte amandi. Or The art of loue.
  • 59439
    Book Info
    Loves schoole Publii Ovidii Nasonis de arte amandi, or, The art of loue.|Ars amatoria.|De arte amandi|Art of love
  • 59440
    Book Info
    The last sermon preached before his Maiesties funerals at Denmark house: on Tuesday the third of May. By Phinees Hodson Dr of Diuinitie, one of his Maiesties chaplaines.