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총 60,478건 중 59,441 - 59,460건 출력
  • 59441
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    The last will and testament of Mr. Iohn Kendricke late citizen and draper of London vvho departed this life the 30. day of December, anno, 1624. Full of notable workes of charity, worthy of lasting memory and imitation.
  • 59442
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    The last will and testament of Mr. Iohn Kendricke late citizen and draper of London vvho departed this life the 30. day of December, anno, 1624. Full of notable workes of charity, worthy of lasting memory and imitation.
  • 59443
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    The life of faith· By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich
  • 59444
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    The life of the glorious bishop S. Patricke apostle and primate of Ireland Togeather with the lives of the holy virgin S. Bridgit and of the glorious abbot Saint Columbe patrons of Ireland.
  • 59445
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    The liuing librarie, or Meditations and obseruations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarius. And done into English by Iohn Molle Esquire
  • 59446
    Book Info
    The liuing librarie, or Meditations and obseruations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical. Written in Latin by P. Camerarius: and done into English by I. Molle, Esquire: with some additions by H. Molle, his sonne
  • 59447
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    A learned and fruitfull exposition vpon the Lords prayer. By Arthur Dent, sometime minister of the word of God at South-Suberry, in Essex..
  • 59448
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    L. & M. Annaei Senecae tragoediae: post omnes omnium editiones recensionesque editae denuò & notis Tho. Farnabii illustratae.
  • 59449
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    L. & Mannaei Senecae tragoediae post omnes omnium editiones recensionesque editae denuò & notis Tho. Farnabii illustratae.
  • 59450
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    Les termes de la ley: or, Certaine difficult and obscure vvords and termes of the common lawes of this realme expounded
  • 59451
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    Les termes de la ley: or, Certaine difficult and obscure vvords and termes of the common lawes of this realme expounded.
  • 59452
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    Linguae Latinae exercitatio Ioanne Lodovico vive auctore ; disce puer linguae quae sunt abstrusa Latinae, hic liber, aut nullus, quae dabit apta tibi.
  • 59453
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
  • 59454
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    Looke from Adam, and behold the Protestants faith and religion evidently proued out of the holy Scriptures against all atheists, papists, loose libertines, and carnall gospellers: and that the faith which they professe, hath continued from the beginning of the world, and so is the true and ancient faith. Herein hast thou also a short summe of the w
  • 59455
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    Loues garlan[d] or, Posies for rings, hand-ke[r]chers, and cloues and such pretty tokens that louers sent their loues. Reade, skanne, the iudge.
  • 59456
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    Luthers fore-runners, or, A cloud of witnesses deposing for the Protestant faith gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses, whereunto is prefixed a treatise of the perpetuall visibilitie and succession of the true church in all ages.
    Paul Perrin
  • 59457
    Book Info
    Luthers fore-runners: or, A cloud of witnesses, deposing for the Protestant faith Gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses: who for diuers hundred yeares before Luther successiuely opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud ... Diuided into three parts. The first concernes their originall beginning
    Paul Perrin
  • 59458
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    Luthers life collected from the writinges of him selfe, and other learned Protestants, together with a further shorte discourse, touchinge Andreas Melanchton, Bucer, Ochine, Carolostadius, Suinglius, Caluine and Beza, the late pretended reformers of religion. Taken from the onely reporte of learned Protestants themselues. By Iohn Brerely priest and
  • 59459
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    Luthers predecessours: or an ansvvere to the question of the Papists: Where was your church before Luther?
  • 59460
    Book Info
    The labour of love expressing the true art of giuing, and right vse of charity. Approuing the liuely power [of] the Gospel. Admonishing to a wise redeeming of the season: and aduising, to reforme the speciall euils of the time. To preuent the desperate dange[r] from the aduersaries of the ...