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총 60,478건 중 59,461 - 59,480건 출력
  • 59461
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    A letter unto them of the romish church. By Peter du Moulin minister in the reformed church at Paris. ; Together with a true iubile or generall pardon of indulgence, by the same author.
    Du Moulin
  • 59462
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    A looking glasse for the Pope Wherein he may see his owne face, the expresse image of Antichrist. Together with the Popes new Creed, containing 12. articles of superstition and treason, set out by Pius the 4. and Paul the 5. masked with the name of Catholike faith: refuted in two dialogues. Set forth by Leonel Sharpe, Doctor of Diuinitie.
  • 59463
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    Lachrymae Academiae Marischallanae, sub obitum moecenatis, & fundatoris sui munificentissimi nobilissimi, & illustrissimi Georgii, Comitis Marischalli, Domini de Keith et altre, &c. obiit v. April. Anno Domini MDCXXIII. AEtatis vero LXX.
  • 59464
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    Le court leete et court baron collect per Iohn Kitchin de Graies Inne vn apprentice in ley. Et les cases & matters necessaries pur seneschals de ceux courts ascier, & pur les students de les measons del Chauncerie
  • 59465
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    Liturgia inglesa. O Libro del rezado publico, de la administracion de los sacramentos, y otros ritos y ceremonias de la Yglesia de Ingalaterra
  • 59466
    Book Info
    Lo here her type who was of latt [sic], the propp of Belgia [by] Io. Davies ; [--] sumpter Elizabetha Regina, Nic. Hilliard delin. et excud. cum priuilegio Maiestatis.
  • 59467
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther, or, An ansuuere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs, where this our religion was before Luthers time? whereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith / by Richard Bernard ...
  • 59468
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
  • 59469
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
  • 59470
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther: or An ansvvere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
  • 59471
    Book Info
    Looke beyond Luther: or An answere to that question, so often and so insultingly proposed by our aduersaries, asking vs; where this our religion was before Luthers time? VVhereto are added sound props to beare vp honest-hearted Protestants, that they fall not from their sauing-faith. By Richard Bernard, of Batcombe in Sommersetshire.
  • 59472
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    The legend of the Iesuites. Or a summarie collection of the reasons, for which the citizens of Troyes in France, being Roman Catholiks, refuse to receiue the Societie of the Iesuites. Extracted out of the decrees of the Sorbone, out of the remonstrances made vnto the King by his Parliament of Paris, out of edicts and arrests, out of the histories o
  • 59473
    Book Info
    The life and death of Griffin Flood informer Whose cunning courses, churlish manners, and troublesome informations, molested a number of plaine dealing people in this city of London. Wherein is also declared the murther of Iohn Chipperford Vinter, for twich fact the said Griffin Flood was pressed to death the 18. day of Ianuary last past.
  • 59474
    Book Info
    The life and death of Griffin Flood informer Whose cunning courses, churlish manners, and troublesome informations, molested a number of plaine dealing people in this city of London. Wherein is also declared the murther of Iohn Chipperford Vinter, for twich fact the said Griffin Flood was pressed to death the 18. day of Ianuary last past.
  • 59475
    Book Info
    The life of the Reuerend Fa. Angel of Ioyeuse Capucin preacher Sometimes duke, peere, and marshall of France, and gouernour for the Kinge in Languedoc. Together with the liues of the Reuerend Fathers, Father Bennet Englishman, and Father Archangell Scotchman, of the same ordere. Written first in the Frenche tongue, and now translated into English b
  • 59476
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    The lives of saints gathered out of the reuerend father Peter Ribadeneyra, of the Society of Iesus, D. Alfonsus Villegas, & other authenticall authors : the first six monethes : with an appendix prefixed of the saintes lately canonized, & beatified by Paulus V & Gregory XV / by Edward Kinesman gent.|Flos sanctorum.
  • 59477
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    A letter sent from Maynhem concerning the late defeate giuen the Duke of Brunswicke by Monsieur Tilley Whereunto is added a couranto of other newes from Vienna, Prague, the Palatinate and other places this 20. of Iune. 1622.
  • 59478
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    A letter vvritt[en to] the L. Viscunt Anan decl[aring the] nature and reason of the late [clemency] extended to the lay-recus[ants in] England.
  • 59479
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    A light vnto the vnlearned: or, The principles of the doctrine of Christ Set downe most briefely, for the use of yong and ignorant persons. To be learned and remembred, at all times: but specially, when they would come to the holy communion. Divided into eight sections.
  • 59480
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    A looking-glasse for Christians. Or, The comfortable doctrine of adoption Wherein euery true beleeuer may behold his blessed estate in the kingdome of grace. By Thomas Granger, preacher of Gods word at Butterwike in Holland in Lincolnshire.