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총 60,478건 중 59,481 - 59,500건 출력
  • 59481
    Book Info
    La table al lieur des reports del tresreuerend iudge Sir Iames Dier Chiualer iades chiefe Iustice del common banke: per quel facilement cy troueront toutes choses conteinus in icel, compose per T.A.
  • 59482
    Book Info
    La table al lieur des reports del tresreuerend iudge Sir Iames Dier Chiualer iades chiefe Iustice del common banke: per quel facilement cy troueront toutes choses conteinus in icel, compose per T.A.
  • 59483
    Book Info
    La table al lieur des reports del tresreuerend iudge Sir Iames Dier Chiualer, iades chiefe Iustice del common banke: per quel facilement cy troueront toutes choses conteinus in icel, / compose per T.A.
  • 59484
    Book Info
    Life after death Containing many religious instructions and godly exhortations, for all those that meane to liue holy, and dye blessedly. With the manner of disposing ones selfe to God, before, and at the time of his departure out of this world. With many prayers for the same purpose By Francis Rodes.
  • 59485
    Book Info
    Lingua: or, The combat of the tongue, and the fiue sences. for superiority A pleasant comoedy.
  • 59486
    Book Info
    Linguae Latinae exercitatio Ioanne Lodovico Vive, Valentino auctore. Disce puer, linguae quae sunt abstrusa Latinae, hic liber, aut nullus, quae dabit apta tibi.
  • 59487
    Book Info
    Logicae libri quinque de praedicabilibus. De praedicamentis. De syllogismo. De syllogismo demonstratiuo. De syllogismo probabili. Authore Ri: Crakanthorp.
  • 59488
    Book Info
    The late proceedings in all troubled parts of Christendome this 25 of Iune 1622 VVith the besidgeing and taking in of the citty of Mayneuelte by the protestants in Switzerland, which was vnder the Arch Duke Leopoldus custodie. The weekely newes from Italy, Germanie, Hungaria, Bohemia, the Palatinate, and the Low Countries. Printed this 25. of Iune.
  • 59489
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    The lavvyers philosophy: or, Lavv brought to light Poetized in a diuine rhapsodie or contemplatiue poem. By Roger Tisdale, gent.
  • 59490
    Book Info
    The life and death of Iesus Christ In part: summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrowes. In a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston. By Samuel Walsall Bachelor in Diuinitie.
  • 59491
    Book Info
    The life and death of the most blessed among women, the Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Iesus With the murder of the infants in Bethlehem, Iudas his treason, and the confession of the good theife and the bad.
  • 59492
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    The life of faith in death Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. By Samuel Ward, preacher of Ipswich.
  • 59493
    Book Info
    The life of faith in death· Exemplified in the liuing speeches of dying Christians. By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich.
  • 59494
    Book Info
    The life of faith· By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich
  • 59495
    Book Info
    The life of our blessed Lord and Sauiour Iesus Gathered, out of the venerable and famous doctor, Saint Bonauenture, and out of diuers other rare, renowned and Catholique doctors. Augmented, with twentie fiue whole chapters: each one enriched with manie most excellent and diuine documents. The second edition. [Newly coposed [sic]] by Iohn Heigham. .
  • 59496
    Book Info
    The life of the glorious virgin S. Clare Togeather with the conuersion, and life of S. Agnes her sister. And of another S. Agnes, daughter to the King of Bohemia. Also the rule of S. Clare. And the life of S. Catharine of Bologna. Translated into English.
  • 59497
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    The life of the holy patriarch S. Ignatius of Loyola, authour, and founder of the Society of Iesus. Translated out of the Spanish into English
  • 59498
    Book Info
    The light of nauigation Wherein are declared and liuely pourtrayed all the coasts and hauens of the West, North and East seas. Collected partly out of the books of the principall authors which haue written of navigation (as of Lucas Iohnson Waghenaer, and divers others) partly also out of many other expert seafaring mens writings & verbal declarati
  • 59499
    Book Info
    A learned summary upon the famous poeme of William of Saluste Lord of Bartas Wherin are discovered all the excellent secretts in metaphysicall physicall, morall, and historicall knowledge. Fitt for the learned to refresh theire memories, and for younger students to abreviat and further theire studies: wherin nature is discovered, art disclosed, and
  • 59500
    Book Info
    A letetr [sic] vvritten by Captaine Edvvard Winne, to the right honourable, Sir George Caluert, Knight, his Maiesties principall secretary: from Feryland in Newfoundland, the 26. of August. 1621