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총 60,478건 중 59,501 - 59,520건 출력
  • 59501
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    A letter vnto them of the Romish Church, by Peter du Moulin, minister in the reformed Church at Paris. Together with a true iubile or generall pardon of indulgence by the same author
    Du Moulin
  • 59502
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    A letter vvritten by Gregory the XV. Pope of Rome, to the French King To our most dearely beloued son health in Iesus Christ, Louis the 13. the most Christian King of France. According to the French coppie printed at Paris. 1621.
  • 59503
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    A letter vvritten by those of the assembly in Rochell: to Monsieur le Duc de Les Diguieres Containing an admonition vnto him, to leaue the enemie, and to ayde them. As also an exhortation and a warning vnto those that forsake the trueth, and cleaue vnto the enemies thereof, to shun that vengeance which God will send downe vpon them for the same.
  • 59504
    Book Info
    A looking-glasse for papists to see their owne deformities in matters of faith, and religion: and for formall protestants; to make them more carefull of the true profession of Iesus Christ: lest at any time they fall away from the sinceritie of the Gospell of Christ. With a briefe history of the Popes liues, from the first three hundred yeeres afte
  • 59505
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    La size part des reports Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualer, chiefe Iustice del Common banke des diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemne arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements. Publies en le cinq' an de treshaut & tr
  • 59506
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    Le preau des fleurs mesle'es [sic] contenant plusieurs & differendz discours, ensemble maintes sentences, dits notables des anciens, & autres curieuses recerches. Le tout cueilly & extraict de bons autheurs, tant anciens que modernes, par M. Francois Voilleret, Sr. de Florizel, conseiller, nottaire, & secretaire du Roy, maison, & couronne de France
  • 59507
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    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certain cases addes per auters de puisne temps ...|Tenures
  • 59508
    Book Info
    Letters patents made by the French King, declaring his intent touching those of the reformed religion Published in Roane in the Court of Parliament the seuenth day of Iune, an. 1621. With two letters of the Assembly at Rochell vnto the Duke de Lesdiguieres.
  • 59509
    Book Info
    Lettres patents de declaration du roy concernant ceux[?] de la religion pretendue[?] reformee, publiées a Rouen en Parlement le 7 iour de Juin 1621
  • 59510
    Book Info
    Lexicon Graeco-Latinum In novum domini nostri Iesu Christi testamentum, vbi omnium vocabulorum Graecorum themata indicantur, & vtraque tam themata quàm deriuata grammaticè resolvuntur. Cum indice copiosissimo; in quo omnes N.T. voces Graecae ordine alphabetico percensentur, singularumq; loci indicantur. In gratiam sacr. litt. & linguae Graecae stud
  • 59511
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    Linsi-woolsie. Or Two centuries of epigrammes. Written by William Gamage Batchelour in the Artes
  • 59512
    Book Info
    Lithotheorikos, sive, Nihil, aliquid, omnia, antiquorum sapientum vivis coloribus depicta, philosophico-theologicè in gratiam eorum qui artem auriferam physico-chymicè & piè profitentur. Authore Iohanne Thornburgh, Episcopo VVigorniensi.
  • 59513
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    Littletons tenures in English lately perused and amended.
  • 59514
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gwenidogaeth y sacramentau, a chyn[neddfau a] ceremoniau eraill yn Eglwys Loegr.|Book of common prayer.
  • 59515
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau, wedi eu cyfieithu, a'i cyfansoddi ar fesur cerdd, yn gymraeg. / Drwy waith Edmund Prys Archdiacon Meirionnydd,.|Bible. O.T. Psalms. Welsh. Prys. 1630.
  • 59516
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    Logonomia Anglica Quâ gentis sermo faciliùs addiscitur. Conscripta ab Alexandro Gil, Paulinae Scholae magistro primario.
  • 59517
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    Londons looking-glasse. Or The copy of a letter, written by an English trauayler, to the apprentices of London
  • 59518
    Book Info
    The lamentatle [sic] death of the Earle of Bucquoy, Generall of the Emperours army Happened vnto him in an honorable exploit, before the towne of Newheufel.
  • 59519
    Book Info
    The last summons, or an oration sent to the inhabitants of the towne of Rochell, to mooue them to yeild the towne vnto his Maiestie, and to obay his commandements. Written by Monsieur le Marquis de Berguille
  • 59520
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    The lawes or standing orders of the East India Company