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총 60,478건 중 59,521 - 59,540건 출력
  • 59521
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    The life of faith by Samuel Ward ...
  • 59522
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    The life of faith. By Samuel VVard preacher of Ipswich
  • 59523
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    The life, confession, and heartie repentance of Francis Cartwright, Gentleman for his bloudie sinne in killing of one Master Storr, Master of Arts, and minister of Market Rason in Lincolnshire. Written with his owne hand.
  • 59524
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    The liues of saints. Written in Spanish by the learned and reuerend father, Alfonso Villegas, diuine, of the order of Saint Dominick. Translated out of Italian into English, and diligentlie compared with the Spanish. Whereunto are added the liues of sundrie other saints of the vniuersall church. Extracted out of F. Ribadeniera [sic], Surius, and ou
    De Villegas
  • 59525
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    The living librarie, or, Meditations and observations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical written in Latin by P. Camerarius ... ; and done into English by Iohn Molle ...
  • 59526
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    The living librarie, or, Meditations and observations historical, natural, moral, political, and poetical written in Latin by P. Camerarius ... ; and done into English by Iohn Molle ...
  • 59527
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    A Lamentable new ballad vpon the Earle of Essex death to the tune of the Kings last good-night.
  • 59528
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    A learned and excellent treatise, containing all the principall grounds of Christian religion set downe by way of conference, in a most plaine and familiar manner / written first in French by M. Mat. Virel ; after translated into Latine, and then into English for the vse of our country-men.
  • 59529
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    A letter written by a French Gent: of the King of Bohemia his army: concerning the Emperour Ferdinand his embassage into France. Translated out of the French coppie
  • 59530
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    A line of life Pointing at the immortalitie of a vertuous name.
  • 59531
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    A little treatise concerning trial of spirits: taken for the most part our of the works of the R.F. Robert Parsons, of the Societie of Iesus. Whereunto is added a comparison of a true Roman Catholike with a Protestant, wherby may bee discouered the difference of their spirits. With an appendix taken out of a later writer
  • 59532
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    A little treatise concerning triall of spirits. Written first by E.F. Robert Parsons, P. of the Societie of Iesus, against Master Charke. ; Newly set forth, with an Appendix taken out of a later writer.|Second argument against Protestants spirit
  • 59533
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    A looking-glasse for Christians; or, The comfortable doctrine of adoption Wherein euery true beleeuer may behold his blessed estate in the kingdome of grace. By Thomas Granger, preacher of Gods Word at Butterwike in Holland in Lincolnshire.
  • 59534
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    Lectures vpon the Lamentations of Ieremiah. First preached and now published by I. Hull B. of D. for the benefit of Gods Church
  • 59535
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    Londons cry ascended to God, and entred into the hearts, and eares of men for reuenge of bloodshedders, burglaiers, and vagabounds. Manifested the last sessions, holden at Iustice Hall in the old Baily the 9. 10. 11. 12. of December, Anno Dom. 1619. Likewise heerein is related, the courts legall proceedings, against the malefactors that were execut
  • 59536
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    The la[wfulnes] of knee[ling] in th[e act] of receiuing th[e sacrament] of the Lordes [supper]. Written by M. John M[ichelsone] preacher of Gods [word] at Burnt-Yland
  • 59537
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    The last newes from Bohemia with all the adioyning prouinces that be now vp in armes. Wherein is related all the passages that haue happened since the high and mighty prince elector Palatine of the Rhine was elected and crowned King of Bohemia. With other accidents very delightfull to the reader.
  • 59538
    Book Info
    The last newes from Bohemia, with all the adioyning prouinces that be now vp in armes. Wherein is related all the passages that haue happened since the high and mighty prince elector Palatine of the Rhine was elected and crowned King of Bohemia. With other accidents very delightfull to the reader..
  • 59539
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    The late good successe and victory, which it pleased God to giue to some of the King of Bohemia's forces, vnder the conduct of the prince of Anhalt, generall for the said King, against the two great generals of the Emperour, Bucquoy and Dampiere, atchieued neare Horne in Austria VVith many other considerable things concerning the affaires of that c
  • 59540
    Book Info
    The late good successe and victory, which it pleased God to giue to some of the King of Bohemia's forces, vnder the conduct of the prince of Anhalt, generall for the said King, against the two great generals of the Emperour, Bucquoy and Dampiere, atchieued neare Horne in Austria VVith many other considerable things concerning the affaires of that countrey. Vnto which is added the articles of agre