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총 60,478건 중 59,541 - 59,560건 출력
  • 59541
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    The late nevves from France: being an important remonstrance or admonition to the King of France, concerning the disordered affaires of that estate at this present. Faithfully translated out of the French copy
  • 59542
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    The lavves of the market
  • 59543
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    The life and acts of the most famous & valiant champion, Syr William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie: maintainer of the liberty of Scotland
  • 59544
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    The life and death of the most blessed among women, the Virgin Mary mother of our Lord Iesus VVith the murder of the infants in Bethlehem, Iudas his treason, and the confession of the good theife and the bad.
  • 59545
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    The light of navigation vvherein are declared and lively pourtrayed all the coasts and hauens, of the vvest, north and east seas : collected partly out of the books of the principall authors which haue written of navigation (as Lucas Iohnson Waghenaer and divers others) partly also out of a manie other expert seafaring mens writings and verball declarations : corrected from manie faults, and inla
  • 59546
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    The litle memorial, treating of the good, & fruitfull vse, of the holy sacraments, of pennance and communion. Written in Spanish by the R. Father Francis Arias of the Society of Iesus, ; and translated into English.|Del buon uso de los sacramentos.|Little memorial, treating of the good, and fruitfull use, of the holy sacraments, of penance and communion
  • 59547
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    The lyturgie of the Masse wherein are treated three principal pointes of faith. 1. That in the Sacrament of the Eucharist are truly and really contained the body and bloud of Christ. 2. That the Masse is a true and proper sacrifice of the body and bloud of Christ, offered to God by preistes. 3. That Communion of the Eucharist to the laity vnder one
  • 59548
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    A looking-glasse for married folkes. Wherein they may plainly see their deformities; and also how to behaue themselues one to another, and both of them towards God. / Set forth dialogue-wise for the more tastable and plainnesse sake, by R.S.
  • 59549
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    A looking-glasse for petitioners Wherein euery Christian man and woman, may cleerely see, what they are to beg at Gods hands, the manner how they are to beg, and the assurance of those things which they do beg. In a sermon preached at Framlingham Castle in high Suffolke. By Iohn Nevvman Master of Artes.
  • 59550
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    A looking-glasse for the soule, and a definition thereof. Written by Edward Popham Gentleman
  • 59551
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    La caccia d'Alessandro Gatti, poema heroico nel qual si tratta pienamente della natura, e de gli affetti d'ogni sorte di fiere, co'l modo di cacciarle, & prenderle.
  • 59552
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    La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques re
  • 59553
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    Lacrymae Cantabrigienses: in obitum serenissimae Reginae Annae, coniugis dilectissimae Iacobi Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, Regis
  • 59554
    Book Info
    Le second part de Les reports del cases in ley que fuerunt argue in le temps de le tres haute & puissant prince, roy Eduuard le Tierce.|Year books (Edward III : 1327-1377)
  • 59555
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    Le tierce part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattourney general le Roigne de diuers resolutions & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerend iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley, queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou adiudges par deuant, & les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & iudgements, durant les tresheu
  • 59556
    Book Info
    Les reports de Eduuard Coke l'attorney generall le roigne de diuers resolutions, & iudgements donnes auec graund deliberation, per les tresreuerendes iudges, & sages de la ley, de cases & matters en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolue, ou aiuges par deuant, & les raisons, & causes des dits resolutions & iudgem[en]ts, durant les tresheureux regiment de tresillustre & re
  • 59557
    Book Info
    Lexicon Græcolatinum nouum in quo ex primitiuorum et simplicium fontibus derivata atque composita ordine non minùs naturali quàm alphabetico, breuiter & dilucidè deducuntur / Ioannis Scapulae opera et studio ; dialectorum omnium à Iacobo Zuingero ... in expeditas succin.tasque [sic] tabulas compendiosè redactarum.|Lexicon Græcolatinum novum
  • 59558
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    Liure d'armoiries en signe de fraternite contenant cent comparaisons de vertus et emblemes Chrestiens agences & ornes de belles figures grauees en cuiure premierement descripte en langue Francoisse / par docte eloquente & noble damoiselle Georgette de Montenay ; mais a present r'augmentes de vers Latins, Espagnols, Italien, Allemans, Anglois & Flamands.
  • 59559
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    Logonomia Anglica Qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur. Conscripta ab Alexandro Gil Paulinae Scholae magistro primario.
  • 59560
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    Londons vvarning, by Ierusalem A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse on Mid-Lent Sunday last. By Francis White, Mr. of Arts, and sometime of Magdalene Colledge in Oxford.