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총 60,478건 중 59,561 - 59,580건 출력
  • 59561
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    The lands mourning for vaine swearing, or, The downe-fall of oathes. Declaring how this land groaneth vnder the burden of this sinne, and of Gods fearefull iudgements that attend it. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the 11 of Iuly, 1613. / By Abraham Gibson.|Downe-fall of oathes
  • 59562
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    The life and death of Iesus Christ. In part: summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrowes, &c. In a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston, in October last. / By Samuel Walsall, bachelor in diuinity.|Life and death of Jesus Christ
  • 59563
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    The life and death of the Reuerend Father, and faithfull seruant of God, Mr. William Cowper, Bishop of Galloway who departed this life at Edenburgh, the 15. of February. 1619. Whereunto is added a resolution penned by himselfe, some few dayes before his death, touching the Articles concluded in the late generall Assembly holden at Perth. 1618.
  • 59564
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    The life of the holy and venerable mother Suor Maria Maddalena De Patsi a Florentine lady, & religious of the Order of the Carmelites. Written in Italian by the Reuerend Priest Sigr. Vincentio Puccini, who was sometymes her ghostly father. And now translated into English.
  • 59565
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    The love of the soule. Made by G.M. Whereunto are annexed certain: Catholike questions to the Protestants. With a new addition of a catalogue of the names of Popes and other professors of the ancient Catholike faith: and a challenge to Protestants to shew (if they can) a like catalogue of the names of the professors of the Protestant faith
  • 59566
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    A little treatise vpon the first verse of the 122. Psalme Stirring up unto carefull desiring and dutifull labouring for the true Church governement. By R. Harrison.
  • 59567
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    La dixme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, & del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iudgements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques r
  • 59568
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    Lathams new and second booke of falconrie concerning the training vp of all hawkes that were vnmentioned in his first booke of the haggart faulcon and gerfaulcon, formerly printed; teaching approued medicines for all their diseases. / By Symon Latham, Gent.
  • 59569
    Book Info
    Lathams new and second booke of falconrie concerning the training vp of all hawkes that were vnmentioned in his first booke of the haggart faulcon and gerfaulcon, formerly printed; teaching approued medicines for all their diseases. / By Symon Latham, Gent.
  • 59570
    Book Info
    Lathams new and second booke of falconry, concerning the training vp of all hawkes that were vnmentioned in his first booke of the haggard falcon and gerfalcon, namely, the goshawke and tassell, with the sparhawke, the lanner and lanneret, as they are diuided in their generation: the hobby and marlyn in their kindes: teaching approued medicines for
  • 59571
    Book Info
    Le quart part des reportes del Edward Coke chiualier, l'attorney generall le roy de diuers resolutions & iudgements dones sur solemnes arguments, & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iudges & sages de la ley de cases difficult, en queux sont grand diuersities des opinions, & queux ne fueront vnques resolues, ou adiudges, & report par deuant : et les rea
  • 59572
    Book Info
    Le second part des reportes del Edvvard Coke Lattorney Generall de Roigne de diuers matters en ley, auec grand & mature consideration resolue, & adiudge, queux ne fueront vnques resolue ou adiudge par deuant, & les raisons & causes de yceux, durant le raigne de tresillustre & renomes Roigne Elizabeth, le fountaine de tout iustices, & la vie de la l
  • 59573
    Book Info
    Lectures upon the vvhole Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians, deliuered in St. Peters Church in Oxford: by the reuerend and faithfull seruant of Christ Henry Airay ... and now published for the vse of Gods Church by C.P. ...
  • 59574
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    Lectures vpon Ionas deliuered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lord 1594. By Iohn Kinge: now L. Bishop of London.
  • 59575
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    Lectures vpon Ionas deliuered at Yorke in the yeare of our Lord 1594. By Iohn Kinge: now L. Bishop of London.
  • 59576
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    Letters to restraine carrying packets by shippers, &c.
  • 59577
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    Logicae artis compendium. Secunda hac editione recognitum, duplici appendice auctum, & publici iurìs factum à Rob. Sanderson Collegij Lincolniensis in almâ Oxoniensi socio
  • 59578
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    The ladder of hell, or, The Protestants libertine doctrine being the broad way which leadeth the followers of it to their eternall ruine and destruction in hell / set foorth in prose and verse.
  • 59579
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    The life and acts of the most famous & valiant champion Syr William Wallace, knight of Ellerslie: maintainer of the libertie of Scotland
  • 59580
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    A la louange du serenissime roy, de la Grande Bretaigne Ode par le sieur de Mailliet gentilhomme François.