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총 60,478건 중 59,581 - 59,600건 출력
  • 59581
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    A letter first written and sent by Iohn Forbes, pastour of the English Church at Middelburgh vnto certaine of the companie of merchants aduenturers at Stoad, at their earnest desire, for resoluing this question: how a christian man may discerne the testimonie of Gods spirit from the testimonie of his owne spirit, in witnessing his adoption. And now
  • 59582
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    A letter of the authors expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
  • 59583
    Book Info
    A letter of the authors expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her Maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll.
  • 59584
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    A letter written by Mr. Paul Bayne, minister of Gods word, lately deceased. Effectually instructing, and earnestly prouoking to true repentance, loue, and new obedience. Very profitable for euery one that would proceede on in the constant course of a godly life, shewing the way vnto it, and seriously exciting vnto more perfection therein
  • 59585
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    A looking glasse for London and England. By Thomas Lodge Gentleman, and Robert Greene. In Artibus Magister
  • 59586
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    Lachrymae in Augustissimi monarchae, Jacobi. I. Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, regis recessu de patriae suae scotiae in Anglorum fines. Auctore Ioanne Leochaeo Scoto.
  • 59587
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Monsieur Littleton; pur quel enconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieur; et cy vn foits p
  • 59588
    Book Info
    Les tenures de Monsieur Littleton: ouesque certaine cases addes per auters de puisne temps, queux cases vous troueres signes ouesque cest signe * al commencement, & al fine de chescun de eux: au fine que ne poies eux misprender pur les cases de Monsieur Littleton; pur quel enconuenience, ils fueront dernierment tolles de cest lieur; et cy vn foits
  • 59589
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    Lettre dy [sic] roy d'Angleterre, a madame la princesse de Condé
  • 59590
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    Levi his complaint: or, The moane of the poore ministerie. by William Guild, Minister at King-Edward..
  • 59591
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    Lingua: or, The combat of the tongue, and the fiue senses for superiority A pleasant comoedie.
  • 59592
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    Loffice et auctoritie de iustices de peace, in part collect per Sir Anthonie Fitzherbert Chiualer, iades vn de les iustices del common Banke. Et ore le cinque foits inlarge per Richard Crompton vn apprentice de la common ley: et imprimee lan du grace 1606. A que est annex loffice de viconts, bailifes, escheators, constables, coroners, &c. collect p
  • 59593
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    Logarithmorum chilias prima
  • 59594
    Book Info
    Louers made men A masque presented in the house of the Right Honorable the Lord Haye. By diuers of noble qualitie, his friends. For the entertaynment of Monsieur Le Baron de Tour, extraordinarie ambassador for the French King. On Saterday the 22. of February. 1617.
    Ben Jonson
  • 59595
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    Low-Countrie trayning: or, Certaine demonstrations, wherein is represented the order how a company should march, and also how the same should be exercised, trayned or drilled According to the methode now perfected, and practised by the great and expert generall of these times, Prince Maurice of Nassau. By Iohn Waymouth, Gent.
  • 59596
    Book Info
    The last vvill and testament of the Marquis d'Ancre Together with his araignment. His obsequies. His wifes teares on his death. The re-union of the King with his men of warre. The rousing of the soldat françois. All declaring the diuine iudgement of God on the death of the said Marshall d'Ancre. Out of the French copies printed at Paris and Roan.
  • 59597
    Book Info
    The last vvill and testament of the Marquis d'Ancre Together with his araignment. His obsequies. His wifes teares on his death. The re-union of the King with his men of warre. The rousing of the soldat françois. All declaring the diuine iudgement of God on the death of the said Marshall d'Ancre. Out of the French copies printed at Paris and Roan.
  • 59598
    Book Info
    The last vvill and testament of the Marquis d'Ancre Together with his araignment. His obsequies. His wifes teares on his death. The re-union of the King with his men of warre. The rousing of the soldat françois. All declaring the diuine iudgement of God on the death of the said Marshall d'Ancre. Out of the French copies printed at Paris and Roan.
  • 59599
    Book Info
    The last vvill and testament of the Marquis d'Ancre Together with his araignment. His obsequies. His wifes teares on his death. The re-union of the King with his men of warre. The rousing of the soldat françois. All declaring the diuine iudgement of God on the death of the said Marshall d'Ancre. Out of the French copies printed at Paris and Roan.
  • 59600
    Book Info
    The letter of the French King, to the Parliament of Roan, concerning the death of the Marshall D'Ancre Together with an act of the saide Parliament thereupon.