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총 60,478건 중 59,621 - 59,640건 출력
  • 59621
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    A learned and gracious sermon preached at Paules Crosse by that famous and iudicious diuine, Iohn Spenser ... ; published for the benefite of Christs vineyard, by H.M.
  • 59622
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    A letter, sent into England from the Summer Ilands. VVritten by Mr. Lewes Hughes, preacher of Gods Word there. 1615
  • 59623
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    La neufme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice del Banke des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation et conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adjudges par deuant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & iudg
  • 59624
    Book Info
    La vnzme part des reports de Sr. Edvv. Coke Chiualier, chiefe Iustice Dengleterre des plees deste tenus deuant le Roy mesme assignee, et del Counseil prive d'Estat des diuers resolutions & iugements donez sur solennes arguments & auec grand deliberation & conference des tresreuerend iuges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront vnques resolus ou adiudges par deuant: et les raisons & c
  • 59625
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    Lathams falconry or The faulcons lure, and cure in two bookes. The first, concerning the ordering and training vp of all hawkes in generall; especially the haggard faulcon gentle. The second, teaching approued medicines for the cure of all diseases in them. Gathered by long practice and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and
  • 59626
    Book Info
    Lathams falconry or The faulcons lure, and cure in two bookes. The first, concerning the ordering and training vp of all hawkes in generall; especially the haggard faulcon gentle. The second, teaching approued medicines for the cure of all diseases in them. Gathered by long practice and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and instruction of young faulconers in things pertai
  • 59627
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    Le primer report des cases & matters en ley resolues & adiudges en les courts del Roy en Ireland. Collect et digest per Sr. Iohn Dauys Chiualer Atturney Generall del Roy en cest realme
  • 59628
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    Liber precum publicarum in vsum ecclesiae Chathedralis [sic] Christi Oxon
  • 59629
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    Lifes farewell. Or A funerall sermon preached at Saint Iohns in the Deuises in Wilshiere, the 30. of August last 1614 At the funerall of Iohn Drew Gentleman. By George Ferebe Master of Arts, and preacher of the Word at Bishops Cannings in Wilshire.
  • 59630
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    Lingua: or, The combat of the tongue, and the fiue senses for superiority A pleasant comoedie.
  • 59631
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    Logicae artis compendium In quo vniversiae artis synopsis, methodo ac forma ad scholarum vsum, quàm fieri potuit, accommodatissimâ breviter proponitur.
  • 59632
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    London tryacle being the enemie to all infectious diseases; as may appeare by the discourse following.
  • 59633
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    The lamentable destruction of Mulheim, a Protestant towne in Germany Done by the inhabitants of Cologne the 30. of September last 1615. at three of the clock in the morning. Printed according to the Dutch originall.
  • 59634
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    The lieutenant of the Tower his speech and repentance, at the time of his death who was executed vpon Tower Hill, on the 20. day of Nouember, 1615 : together with a meditation and vow of his that hee made not long before he dyed.
  • 59635
    Book Info
    The lieutenant of the Tower his speech and repentance, at the time of his death, who was executed vpon Tower-hill, on the 20 day of Nouember 1615 Together with a meditation and vow of his that he made not long before he dyed.
  • 59636
    Book Info
    The lieutenant of the Tower his speech and repentance, at the time of his death, who was executed vpon Tower-hill, on the 20 day of Nouember 1615 Together with a meditation and vow of his that hee made not long before he dyed.
  • 59637
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    The life and death of Iesus Christ In part: summarily comprising his infirmities and sorrovves. &c. In a sermon preached before the Kings Maiesty at Royston in October last. By Samuel Walsall Bachalar in Diuinitie.
  • 59638
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    The life of religion: or Short and sure directions teaching how to 1 beleeue aright. 2 Liue aright, & 3 pray aright. In the forme of exposition on 1 the Creed. 2 The ten Commandements. 3 The Lords Praier. Put into this kind of method, that it might the better 1. Informe the vnderstanding. 2. Affect the soule, and 3. Helpe the memory. Hereunto is ad
  • 59639
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    The life, death and actions of the most chast, learned, and religious lady, the Lady Iane Gray, daughter to the Duke of Suffolke Containing foure principall discourses written with her owne hands. The first an admonition to such as are weake in faith: the second a catechisme: the third an exhortation to her sister: and the last her words at her dea
  • 59640
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    The louers guift, or a Fairing for maides being a dialogue betweene Edmund and Prisilly. To a pleasant new tune.